The Child is Loved By The Holy Constellations Chapter 2


Translator: Nabi


Chapter 2

[ ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ sponsored the ‘Guidebook’ for you. ]

With those words, a book appeared in front of me. I thought it would be thick because it was a guidebook, though it was surprisingly small and thin. This isn’t a book, it’s just a notebook, isn’t it?

I opened the guidebook, thinking that it would be easy to hide because it is rather small.


It is just an empty book?

‘If that’s the case, why did you give it to me?’

No, why are there constellations that I did not set up in the novel in the first place… What?

[ The ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ says she mimicked it because she thought you would like it. ]

I was stunned by that statement.

What? You thought I’d like this?

I don’t like it! Don’t reverse the settings in the first place!

[ ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ crouches in the corner. ]

Don’t even bother changing the subject!

[ I am crying because I am getting scolded. ]

I realized how to properly use the expression, ‘this is making me go crazy’ looking at this reaction. If this isn’t driving you crazy then I don’t know what is…

‘No, no. Let’s calm down first.’

All right, calm down. Let’s be calm.

I took a few deep breaths, calmed my pounding chest, and thought. If I look at the nickname of the God mimicking the constellation— ‘Queen of flowers and Nymphs’, it would be ‘Silenia,’ the Goddess of flowers and plants.

Then, why is this God doing this? No, come to think of it, didn’t the note also come from God…?

…More than that, can a God just convey their will to an individual like this?

[ That is why I chose this approach. ]

‘I don’t hate it if you can’t speak.’ Thinking so, I gazed at the message window, the window flickered before disappearing.

‘Did Silenia send the cat?’

[ The constellation, ‘Guardian of the Golden Field,’ is watching you. ]

Is it you? The one who sent the cat…?

I peered at the message window with cold eyes. The golden field refers to grain, which means ‘Sakpata,’ the God of agriculture.

Whoo. I sighed.

What do you mean by constellations in romance fantasy? It felt as though I ordered pasta at an Italian restaurant, but Jajangmyeon came out instead.

‘Please tell me why am I even here!’

Yes, that is the part I’m most curious about. To imitate constellations, yes, it might be a game. But, why am I here? This is a novel that I didn’t even finish writing!


[ The constellation, ‘The Librarian of Nipur’ is watching you. ]

[ ‘The Librarian of Nipur’ advises you to read the guidebook. ]

If it is Nipur’s librarian, then it is probably referring to ‘Torren,’ the God of knowledge.

…Well, it seems like my head isn’t dead yet as I can still remember these things.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the notebook, no—the guidebook again. Still, there is still nothing but blank pages…


In the notebook, which had until now only had blank pages, letters began to appear.

— I’m sorry, Creator. It wasn’t intentional.

‘It was full of intentions, so how is it not deliberate?’

[ ‘The Librarian of Nipur’ is depressed. ]

‘Don’t just drop your tail right away like that!’

‘Is that really God…?’ I gazed at the message window with different emotions flooding in. Then, the new sentence appeared in the guidebook.

— I can’t tell you much. But, if I happen to say something wrong, the world will collapse.

…Yeah, I knew it. Usually, the Gods in novels have a lot of restrictions. Still, knowing that I wrote the novel, I thought I would know what is actually going on right now.

— We’ll protect you, instead!

‘If the kidnappers who kidnapped me couldn’t even do that much, wouldn’t they just be considered assholes?

[ ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ is shocked. ]

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ is shocked ]

[ ‘The Librarian of Nipur’ is shocked. ]

What are you shocked about, guys? Seriously, isn’t this kidnapping?

[‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ protests that this is not the case.]

[ I’m saying it is all for your sake. ]

“You didn’t even say anything.”

As I spoke out loud with a cramped heart, the message window disappeared. But momentarily, another message window popped up.

[ ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ grabs her chest. ]

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ swings his fists wildly. ]

[ ‘Librarian of Nipur’ takes a deep breath. ]

Guys, say something properly before diving into your own world!

I squatted down with irritation. Looking around, I then stroked the eye-catching cat’s fur. The cat’s fur was soft, and its body was warm.

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ asks if you like cats. ]

‘The cat saved me, so of course, I can’t help but like it.’

Besides, it’s pretty cool, too. With that thought in mind, I petted the cat and the message window popped up again.

[ The ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ is offering you an oracle. ]

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Fields’ protests for playing dirty. ]

[ ‘Librarian of Nipur’ says he will do it himself. ]


At the same time, letters were appearing in the guidebook.

— Hurry up and take the oracle before the other Gods know!

— Silenia, isn’t that cheap! The first in line goes first!

— This is coming from a God?!

Why is the guidebook broadcasting live of the Gods arguing…? At the scene in front of me, I let out a long sigh.

“The God who saved me will give me an oracle.”

[ ‘Guardian of the Golden Field’ rises from his seat and glows with joy. ]

[ ‘Queen of Flowers and Nymphs’ is discouraged. ]

[ ‘The Librarian of Nippur’ regretted that he didn’t speak sooner. ]

Now, I don’t know either. Surely, you guys definitely don’t have that kind of personality, don’t you?

Obviously, these are the Gods I created, but I never dreamed that they would have such a personality. No, I didn’t create them in the first place—So, did they create their own personalities?

Idly, I continued to pet the cat while thinking nonsense matters.


All of the sudden, my vision brightened. No, the light shone brightly from above my head.

“Wha, what?!”

I was flustered by the sudden change. The cat meowed and rubbed itself against my feet, as if telling me to calm down. Still, with the light that appeared out of nowhere like this, who wouldn’t be surprised!

It seemed to be the same for the orphanage. There was a commotion in the distance, and the children ran out.

‘It must be a big deal.’

Although I tried not to be found out by the director of the orphanage, it seemed like I had to go back. There seems to be big trouble.

I stared up at the sky with regret. The light flickered slightly, then slowly began to fade.

“Everyone, don’t go in! Get in there, everyone!”

Shouting sharply, the director of the orphanage pushed the children into the building nearby. She then approached this way.

“What the hell—”

The director and I met eyes.

“Beatrice!! Did you do this?!”

I shrank at her words… Oh, no—this is not my fault, is it? But, why is she talking like I caused the accident…?

“Besides, what the hell is that cat? Oh, yeah. I guess there must be a lot of food to eat that we can just give it out to the strays wandering in the streets like this?!”

Haak. The hair on the cat’s back went upright, and the director’s eyes raised up.

“What, this bastard?!”

The director swung the broom she was holding in her hand. Thankfully, the cat quickly evaded the broom, exposing its claws while bearing his mandibles. Meanwhile, the director seemed a little embarrassed at the sight of the cat, who was vigilant without running away.

“Hey, this?!”

However, soon, anger rose, and the director swung the broom again. There was the sound of something bluntly hitting with a swish. A sharp cry followed.

The cat, which got directly hit by the broomstick, was seen flying away.


“Come here!”


Moments after, the director grabbed my arm roughly. I didn’t know how strong it was, but I was in so much pain that no sound did not even leak out.

“I heard that you hurt Han’s face! There’s nowhere to touch it, that you have to touch his face? Will you be responsible if he can’t get adopted?!”

After squeezing my arm, she began to shake it violently.

My vision became dizzy and my arm felt like it was going to fall off, I clenched my lips tightly.

“You didn’t even make a sound? You think you are tough, huh? Come on. You have to be in solitary confinement for a week to realize your mistake!”

Saying so, the director started dragging me as if she was handling an inanimate object. I gave strength to my legs as much as I could and tried to hold on, but I could not overcome the strength of an adult.

“I—I don’t want to!”

“How dare you say no? You don’t even know that this is all your fault?!”

Her eyes widened as she said that, and her hand raised.



At that moment, the cat that had fallen out earlier jumped onto the manager. She let go and screamed at the sudden attack of the cat biting her hand that was holding my arm intensely.



When the director tried to hit it again, the cat quickly fled. Turning towards me, she hit me on the arm.

If I get caught by the director, I would be in a tough situation. As I was about to quickly turn around and run, but without even being able to take a few steps, my hair was caught.


“Come here, Beatrice! You can’t get away with it!”

Tears welled up in the corners of my eyes as the voice of the director exhaled with excitement like a wild boar on fire, and her hair that grabbed my hair straightened.

“Let go of that hand.”

An unfamiliar voice was heard. And, I could feel the strength slipping away from the director’s hand.

“Oh, my God! Aren’t you a priest?!”

I wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes with my sleeve, before glancing up to where the voice was heard.

There, a woman in white, who looked to be a priest, was looking this way.


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