Perfect Husband : The CEO's Sweet Wife Chapter 238


Jonathan takes the warmest bath in the bathroom, thinking about today's events. according to him he was too hasty and did not think long when deciding so that it made him experience difficulties on his own. "Oh, it's so troublesome. Why can my fate be like this, I'm like a maid who has to cook for a woman. Heh! Jonathan Lee, a managing director of the JT group company went down to the kitchen to cook for the woman he loved, Hah! Crazy! ... maybe I'm crazy! Ha ... Ha ... it must be really funny if all this is known by the mass media, it will become a trending topic on the main page. Why did I have to offer a special dinner that I cooked myself at home whether Tara? Shouldn't I be able to offer something more special, like can the light dinner at a special restaurant that I ordered just for the two of us, spending a romantic evening in a hotel by the beach, on vacation to a foreign country like Singapore, France, America, or maybe to a tropical country like (Bali) Indonesia? like this? You punk Jonathan ... Oh, Jonathan ... You're a man who is hard to think rationally when you're in a pinch. You don't make yourself out of trouble, it just makes it even more complicated. "Jonathan's mind. This handsome man immediately patted himself on the forehead because he felt dizzy. After all, he felt silly and stupid.

Jonathan started to get up and got out of the bath then took a towel to dry himself. "Alright. Everything has already happened. I better now change clothes and head to the kitchen to cook. if not when the beautiful queen comes it could be that the food is not ready and she will be angry not clearly as usual. "Congestion while wearing a towel on her body.


This handsome man walked out of the bathroom to the wardrobe. He changed clothes. relaxed and more relaxed and comfortable when cooking later.after

after changing clothes this handsome man immediately came out of his room and into the living room where he left the ingredients that were still on the table to take them to the kitchen and process them into delicious food for tonight.

Jonathan took out one by one the foodstuffs from his shopping bag and arranged them on the table. "What food should I cook first? tonight I'm going to cook something easy. Hmm ... Director Lee if you want to eat delicious food, you should just run to the restaurant to buy it but if you want to make mediocre food of course your hands will have no trouble. Didn't you also get used to cooking by yourself when you were in college? Now is the time for you to prove your skills. "He muttered to himself.

Today Jonathan will cook kimbap, Tteokbokki, and hot pot (shabu-shabu). A simple dish that can be cooked, but what makes it special is that it is his own hands to process the food.

The handsome man started cooking, he deftly began to cut the existing ingredients and become vegetables until clean then stored the fresh vegetables in the refrigerator to be used as hotspot ingredients tonight so that they stay fresh. processing other food ingredients and cooking them until they are cooked.

Jonathan is very busy in the kitchen until the time just passes and without realizing his heart has turned dark, a sign of night has come. Do not feel the clock has shown 6.30 pm. This handsome man began to organize all the food that he has cooked on the dining table which is decorated with a beautiful candle and flowers on it tonight's menu may not fit the concept he has for the dining table. but the most important thing was to keep the atmosphere romantic between the two of them because Tara liked romantic situations.


"Puh ..." Finally he finished decorating the dining table. He said yes, arranged food on a serving plate and also in an appropriate place. All the food has been presented on the table neatly and beautifully except for the hotspot which he will put on the pan with boiling sauce when Tara comes, then he will put vegetables and meat in it.

After finishing from the dining table this additional man then returned to the kitchen and took off the apron attached to his body and put it back in place. Jonathan drank a few sips of water to quench his thirst because he had just been heating in front of the stove to cook, the sweat that dripped from his face had not been wiped away from being born and other bodies that made him look even more masculine.

"Ah ... It's so hot, is it also smells of sweat that is pouring down? Because after cooking in front of the stove for a few hours. I better take a shower before coming." Jonatan muttered softly. He waved his handsome face with his wide and strong palms.

So much for the sacrifice of the president director of JT Group for the sake of. Get investors for his own company. Yes, you have to bother cooking like a waiter for other people, usually in everyday life he is the one served by many servants. Maybe now the world is turning around for her but it won't take long for everything to return to normal. So, he just endured and sacrificed a little more.

Jonathan walked out of the kitchen to his bedroom. Arriving in the bedroom, he immediately went to the bathroom in his room to clean his sweaty body. Before Tara Jiang came, he had to be well-dressed with the usual handsome and charming appearance. If necessary, he had to look better than usual, so that this beautiful woman would fall in love with and be infatuated with the managing director of the JT Group company.


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