Perfect Husband : The CEO's Sweet Wife Chapter 188


Doctor Glen first put his suitcase into the trunk and then he got into the car. He sat in the front close to the steering seat, while Yohan of course he would sit behind the steering wheel if it wasn't the company's president director Lianxi Group who drove, who else?

Then continued to ask on their way to the airport of city S to pick up his best friend who flew to America from the city airport S.

Their trip to S city airport took about one and half hour. Yohan was driving at a moderate speed but was concerned about his safety.

"Yohan, why did you suddenly come to pick me up and take me to the airport?" Doctor Glen asked. He was just curious, what could this be Yohan doing just to make amends for breaking his promise this morning.

"Hmm .... Weren't you who asked me to come? Why now you ask." Yohan replied, who still didn't want to admit that he wanted to apologize, but also deliberately wanted to take Doctor Glen to the airport as a sign of an apology from this handsome man.

"Just because of that ?? You evil!" Doctor Glen said, looking away. His face was sullen like a girl who was sulking.

"Ha ... ha ... Get rid of that disgusting expression! Don't show it to me. Yes ... Yes ... I'm sorry, because I got into a lot of trouble. Actually this morning I was ready to go. But Tiara fell asleep again while waiting for me to finish showering. " Yohan said telling the best thing.

"Hmm ... It turns out like that. All right, this time I forgive you. Watch out if you repeat again, I'll really kick your ass later" Doctor Glen replied with a satisfied smile. "Butt kicking was his mainstay when he was a kid."


Hearing doctor Glen's threats, it reminded Yohan of their childhood. As a child, Yohan was often bullied by Doctor Glen. When they were older, Yohan was the one who often bullied on Doctor Glen. "Seriously! You still have your bad habits." the President grumbled, who remembered that he used to be kicked in the butt by Glen.

"Ha ... ha ... You really deserve that fat pig !! You are very lazy and only eat what you want. You even often fall asleep in class because you are too full" this handsome doctor quipped to the president.

"Never mind all that is just the past, the point is clear now I have changed from that." Yohan replied casually he did not want to prolong their conversation which would only make them fight again.

Finally, the car entered the airport area of ​​the city of S. Yohan and Doctor Glen got off after parking their car. The president director took his friend to the airport to carry out a series of administrative processes before the plane departed.

The man patted Yohan on the shoulder. "Thank you for taking me to the airport. You can leave me now. Isn't your wife still sleeping earlier? She will definitely be looking for you when she opens her eyes." Doctor Glen said, not wanting to bother his friend any longer.

"Oh, alright. Don't forget to call me when you get there." Yohan said.

Yohan then left Doctor Glen alone to wait for his plane, while he decided to return to the Kim family residence.

Yohan walked out of the airport location and headed for the parking lot then drove his car home.


After opening his eyes Jonathan saw that the beautiful woman who had been with him last night had gone from needing to be rich even though he had not conveyed what his goal was last night to meet Tara Jiang.


"Hmm .... too shine." the sun began to penetrate the glass window in Jonathan's room which Tara Jiang had opened earlier so that this handsome man would know when he opened his eyes that it was already afternoon and the sun was already hot. The thin white curtains bobbed in the wind which broke through the gaps in the glass window that the beautiful woman opened slightly before leaving the apartment so that fresh air could enter the room. Jonathan's eyes slowly began to open. His eyes was fixed on the clock on the table which showed it was 10 in the morning. His hands began to grope towards the side of his bed to find the most beautiful woman beside him.

Puk ... puk ... The sound of his hands hitting the bed to find and grab the beautiful woman who slept with him last night, but it turned out that it was an empty bed that he found and also he seemed to wake up from his sleep alone without anyone in beside him.

"Hmm ... Where's Tara? Is it possible she was in the bathroom?" Jonatan muttered to himself.

"Honey ... Are you in the bathroom?" this handsome man shouted as he sat leaning on the bed. But a few moments after he called his lover, apparently there was not the slightest answer from his bathroom.

Jonathan started to get out of bed, he took his pants and clothes which started scattered on the floor last night and used a blanket to wrap his burly body then walked to the bathroom.

"Honey, are you in there?" Jonathan asked once again as he knocked on the bathroom door which was still tightly closed several times.

Once again he did that but there's no answer or response from a beautiful woman who he thought was in the bathroom. This handsome boy finally decided to open the bathroom door and check whether Tara was in the bathroom or had she really left his apartment at this time.

Jonathan walked into the bathroom he did not find Tara in there. "Where is she? Has she come home, but why didn't she wake me up first. Couldn't I be able to take her back to the Jiang family residence." Jonathan thought.


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