Perfect Husband : The CEO's Sweet Wife Chapter 180


"Thank you mom. I believe you will definitely take care of her, when I'm away from her." Yohan said with a smile. Yes, Yohan knew very well that his family loved his wife and their future baby very much. That was what made this handsome man felt a little calm when he left Tiara at the residence of the Kim extended family. She was sure that his papa and mama won't let Tiara get hurt.

Mrs Kim was pleased to see her son's attitude change. Yohan, who used to be cold and rarely smiled, has now turned into a warm and affectionate boy. It seemed that Tiara, her daughter-in-law had changed her husband's attitude a lot with her tenderness.

"Okay. Hurry and go to your room! But, don't be noisy. Your wife is resting." Mrs. Kim ordered. This woman Yohan's Mama patted her son's shoulder with a warm smile. However the cold son was part of their fault for putting too much pressure and demands on him. Now that we realize, his happiness waa the most important thing compared to any treasure in the world.

"Yes ma ..." he replied while returning his mother's warm smile.

Yohan turned around and walked quickly to his bedroom. He couldn't wait to see his cute and adorable little rabbit in the room. of course the most important and most enjoyable thing was to tease the little bunny into sulking and irritation with him.

In his heart now, Yohan was very happy. What else did he need besides Kim's extended family who can accept Tiara's status as his wife and a bonus plus, his parents' love for his wife and also potential new members who complement their household life.

Tak tak tak ...

The sound of his footsteps now stepping faster down the corridor of his house on the 2nd floor, until he reached the door of his room.

Check it ...

Yohan opened the door to his room. He then entered the room, followed by the waiter who brought his briefcase and put the bag on the table.

"Sir ..." The voice of the servant stopped because Yohan gestured his index finger which was placed in front of his lips to the servant to be quiet because Tiara was sleeping.

The maid then came out of the room after asking permission from young master Yohan and closed the door again.


Yohan walked over to the bed and kissed his wife's forehead gently.

Tiara seemed awake and stretched. Her eyes gradually began to open.

"Honey, are you home?" She asked her husband who was sitting on the edge of the bed smiling at his face.

"Yes, just arrived and immediately looked for my beautiful wife," Yohan answered.

"Ah, you're getting flirty." Tiara said.

Yohan just smiled at his wife who started to blush because of the slight seduction.

"I'm not lying, you are the most beautiful, in my eyes and in my heart." the President replied once again, boasting to his wife.

Phew ... it felt like Tiara's heart was pierced by an arrow of love simultaneously. Ouch! Yohan's brag this time really made her fly. A handsome man, rich, affectionate, loyal and a large family who love him. truly a great fortune that Tiara had never imagined before.

Tiara immediately got up and leaned on the back of the bed.

"Thank you, for loving me with your heart." Tiara said softly.

Suddenly Yohan was surprised to hear what his wife said. he smiled and hugged his wife tightly.

"Why thank you? I sincerely do it and I am happy" Yohan replied, who then kissed Tiara's lips softly and with feeling, so did Tiara.

Tiara blushed at the praise from her husband. "Hiist ... just woke up and got a bonus. How happy this heart he ... he ..." naughty mind of this beautiful woman.

"Honey .... stop for now. Let me take a shower. Smells sour, just wake up." this beautiful woman said after they finished kissing gently and lovingly. her husband must be controlled, otherwise she will be the one who will be in trouble later.

"Shower?" Yohan asked with a flirtatious look as if he was preparing something in his mind.

"Yes ... take a shower. So what? Do you want me to prepare warm water for bathing too?" this beautiful woman asked innocently. She did not think anything, except only wanted to provide services to her husband as best she can now.

"Of course I want to take a shower. But ....." a grinning smile had adorned the handsome face, a sign that there will be a flirtatious plan to be carried out by her husband.

Tiara turned away her face which had started to turn red. "You do not think strange huh! I will not invite you to take a bath together." this beautiful woman said who was embarrassed because she was guessing what her husband was thinking.


Yohan looked down languidly. His face that was giving off a sparkling smile just now suddenly dimmed. "Ah ... honey you are bad! I was just about to do it, you refused first." the president lamented who felt his plan would fail.

"He..he ... I'm your wife. So I already understand what you are thinking" Tiara replied with a smile.

"Oh yes! Then ...." Yohan approached with a sharp gaze and fixed his wife's round black eyes. the flirtatious grin never left his lips. "Then ...? You must already know what I'm going to do now!" this handsome man said, whispering slowly in his wife's ear.

Tiara's eyes widened and rounded, her heart was beating faster and felt like she just wanted to take it off. "Ah, shit! Did I speak wrong? No! No ... don't tell me that I didn't even lower his lust, but instead turned around to provoke his desire?" Tiara's mind was getting confused looking for her own mistakes.

"Honey ... you're kidding, aren't you? He..he ... I'll take a shower first." Tiara said as she got out of bed to escape from Yohan.

Yohan started to smile at the embarrassment and behavior of his wife who wanted to run away from him at this time. Yohan pulled Tiara's hand until this beautiful woman fell back into his arms. "Hemm, honey ... Where are you going to run? Here I shower!" he said as he looked at his flirtatious wife who could only stare at him.

"N ... no ... no need! I ... I can do it myself." Tiara replied, stammering. Her heartbeat seemed to be getting out of control. Yohan was her husband and things like this have happened a lot. but somehow Tiara seemed like a girl who just fell in love, Tiara's heart beat faster when he was near Yohan.

"He ... he ... but I need to." Yohan lifted this beautiful woman's body from the bed, but before that he had kissed Tiara's forehead and lips.

The surprised because Tiara started to rebel like usual. This time she didn't want to be bullied by her husband again no matter what. "Hey ... put me down. Let me shower myself. Please! Come on ..." she began to beg.

"Oh, sorry. You can't! This time you have to follow my rules." Yohan replied as he continued walking towards the bathroom.

"Oh, no! He will definitely treat me like a child again" Tiara muttered with a sigh. "Puh ... surrender. Never mind, fighting is also useless."

Seeing the expression on his wife's face, Yohan just smiled, "Hmm .. this time I won, dear." Yohan's mind was satisfied.

Yohan carried his lovely spoiled wife into the bathroom. "Hi, dear. Let me walk alone. I can take a bath alone without your help. You are selfish, at most later asking for a reward from me." he said with a smile on the edge of his lips. More or less Tiara already knew very well the habits of her husband. Romantic, nosy, but selfish to his wife, when it came to rewards, of course only this beautiful woman knew what her husband Yohan wanted.

"Well, what can I do? My beautiful wife is very stingy. To make love to her, I have to rack my brains and find many cunning ways, to have the title of a perverted husband too." yohan complained while breathing a little heavy. he then put her down and sat her on the edge of the bath.

This handsome boy began to prepare hot mixed with cold water and made sure the temperature was right for Tiara to bathe.

"Puff ... Sorry, I love you dear" this beautiful woman said who then kissed her husband who was bending in front of her. Yohan just smiled accepting it. In his heart, "Dear ... My pay is not enough just with that kind of kiss of yours."

Yohan raised his face to look at Tiara. "Honey, the water is ready. You can take a shower now. Eh'em ... should I help you to open it?" Yohan teased a little teasing to his wife who had only been paying attention to what he was doing.


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