Perfect Husband : The CEO's Sweet Wife Chapter 178


Hearing Tiara's words, Yohan turned around. "Yes ... I know that. You may not do things that hurt me and vice versa. I will also try to take care of you and not hurt you." Yohan said while kissing his wife's forehead warmly.

"Thank you dear" Tiara said. This beautiful woman then hugged her husband tightly. Her husband's attention and affection were able to heal little by little the wounds in her heart that had been betrayed by men named Jonathan and made Tiara believe in love again. although it takes a long time, little by little the love has grown over time. nosy husband, as if to be addictive for him at this time. Tiara will feel lonely and lost, if Yohan is far away from her. maybe this is what is called "hatred becomes love".

"Yes, you're welcome. It's better now that we should take a rest." Yohan replied then hugged Tiara's body until both of them fell asleep.


Jonathan was busy checking the reports of the company he led.

"Hmm ... Everything went smoothly according to my wishes." he said when leafing through the company report documents about the construction of a hotel in the city of J.

Jonathan smiled to himself. It didn't feel like the construction of this hotel had been running almost 50% and everything was running smoothly without a hitch.

Knock Knock Knock ....

The door to Jonathan's office was knocked on by someone from outside.

"Come in," he said, without turning away from the documents that were in his hands.

Secretary Anne came into the office of the handsome and playboy director.

"Director" Secretary Anne said who was still standing upright looking at the handsome director and her affair.

Jonatan looked up and looked at his personal secretary.

"What's wrong? Why does your face look sluggish? Is there a problem?"

Jonathan asked his favorite Secretary. Of course if there wasn't Tara Jiang, her main lover, apart from Tara, for now the other women were just distractions for Jonathan. Who was the woman who gave him a lot of advantage, then she was the closest to him.

"Director Lee, this is our financial report for this month. It looks like we are experiencing a shortage of sufficient funds. For next month we have to make some savings," Secretary Anne explained.


Secretary Anne handed over a document containing a report for the construction of a hotel in the city in the next month.

Jonathan's face immediately darkened and his forehead frowned. This was quite a big problem in the JT Group company. however the hotel project of this Lianxi Group company must continue to run until the end, or the JT Group company will no longer be trusted by other big companies in the future.

Jonathan began to think. How could he continued this hotel construction project with that little capital. It was clear that this project was still underway 50%, while 50% was still in the process of being worked on.

"Jonatan, let's think. You can't stop halfway like this. I have sacrificed a lot of things to get this big project. So I won't just give up." Jonathan thought.

Secretary Anne noticed the change in the expression on her superior's face. She walked closer and hugged him from behind.

"My dear boss, are you dizzy thinking about this ?" She whispered softly in Jonathan's ear.

Jonathan supported his chin with both hands. "Of course. How can I not be dizzy, this has to do with the future of the JT Group company. Do you have any ideas, dear?"

Jonathan asked Secretary Anne, who was known for her business tactics. Hmm ... Jonathan is very lucky, he is surrounded by beautiful and cunning women who love him to death.

"Calm down, every problem has a solution. It's just how we handle it. Do you believe in me?" Secretary Anne said, who was sitting opposite Director Lee.

Jonatan reached out his hand to grab the hand of his personal secretary.

"Honey, what's your plan? Hurry up and tell me, I can't wait to find out."

Jonatan looked seriously at Secretary Anne, hoping this beautiful woman can provide solutions to the company's problems this time.

"Come closer! Sweety ..."

Secretary Anne whispered a plan or a petty trick to trick the Lianxi Group company.

"Are you sure this is safe??? You know we shouldn't be reckless. Lianxi Group is not a small company and President Kim is a smart person and has a lot of experience in business and I heard that he also never forgives, let alone let go of a person who betray him." Jonathan asked, a little dubious about Secretary Anne's idea. He didn't want to take such a big risk.


"Of course, but it's all up to you director Lee, the fate of this company is now in your hands. If you want to bring it up and down it's up to you. One more thing, dear, there is still another way you can take, if you can get an injection of funds. from the other side as soon as possible, of course we don't need to commit this cheating." Secretary Anne explained. Providing alternative options for solving the company's financial crisis to the handsome director in front of him.

This was the last path that Jonathan can take for a while, unless he immediately got an injection of funds from other parties who wanted to become investors for the current JT Group company.

"All right, I agree. You prepare everything, so I'll do it next." He replied while giving a sweet kiss as Secretary Anne's gift of intelligence.

Jonathan agreed with Secretary Anne's suggestion and asked her to take care of everything.

Secretary Anne moved out of Director Lee's office. She would draft an early stage plan which she discussed with Jonathan.

Secretary Anne was working very seriously at the computer, several times she frowned. As if looked very dizzy when processing existing data.

"Damn! I thought everything would be easy. It turns out to be harder than I thought." Secretary Anne muttered.

Check it ....

Jonathan opened the door to Anne's office. He then entered into the room. As a director he rarely entered his subordinates' room, unless there was something he wanted urgently. Most of the employees will go to him office, if they needed a signature or just give a report.

"How? Have you finished making it?" Jonatan asked.

Secretary Anne shook her head.

"No, it's more complicated than I imagined. Give me a little more time to work it out." Secretary Anne said.

"All right, I trust you." Jonathan said.

Jonathan sat at Secretary Anne's desk and waited. Perhaps the Secretary needed help.

He had been waiting for more than an hour, it seemed that Secretary Anne had not finished processing the data yet.

"How? Can I check it?" Jonatan asked, who was still curious about what kind of plan the beautiful woman in front of him would make.

"Oh, sorry director. Looks like this won't be finished today. Maybe tomorrow or the day after, I'll hand over this document to you." Secretary Anne explained who was still staring seriously at the computer monitor screen.

"Okay, I'll wait for good news from you." Jonathan walked over to Secretary Anne and as usual, he always kissed the Secretary and his lover after Tara Jiang.

After that Jonathan left Secretary Anne's room, to return to his office.

Check it ..

Jonathan entered his office, then sat in his oversized chair. from the look on his face it was obvious that the problem this time had a big impact on his personal and company.

He closed his eyes and began to think, how can he get investors who were willing to disburse funds for his company.

"Whom should I go to?" Jonathan thought.

He changed his position to support his chin with his palms which were piled up.

In his mind suddenly thought about 2 women who might be able to help him, namely the two daughters of the Jiang family. Maybe Jonathan will ask for help between Tara and Tiara. These two women were Jonathan's money and luck trees for now.

"Yes, Tara. She can give me a favor by asking hwr papa to become an investor in the JT Group company. But will Jerry Jiang agree?" Jonathan thought again.

"If Tiara? Even though she can't provide financial assistance. But she is the person in charge of this project, I can ask for an extension of time for this project while I am looking for other investors." Jonatan murmured.

Jonathan took his cellphone. He started looking for Tara's name on his contact list and called her.

Tut ... Tut..Tut ...

"What's she doing? Why isn't she answering my phone calls?"

Jonatan tried to call her again, but the result was the same.

"Well, I better go home first and send her a text message." Jonathan muttered as he typed a text message to Tara Jiang asking her to dinner.


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