Perfect Husband : The CEO's Sweet Wife Chapter 148


Mrs. Kim immediately received a call from her residence.

"Hello ... Madame. This is Auntie Sue, I want to ask? Is Big Madame with the young madam right now?" Aunt Sue called, glancing at Yohan who was looking at him seriously and sharply. That look really made her uncomfortable and sometimes mispronounced.

"What's the matter? Why do you sound so nervous. Has that brat come home?" Mrs. Kim asked to the woman who was talking on the phone with her.

"Erm ... Madame ... I am Sorry, can you come home soon? Young master is angry, looking for a young mistress. We do not know what to do? I beg Madame ... the house is like a broken ship now." She said in a slightly trembling voice.

Hearing Aunt Sue's answer, Madame Kim laughed. "Ha ... ha ... You brat! Always messing around. He must make a house chaotic. Now aunty take it easy. We will arrive soon, in about 30-60 minutes" Mrs. Kim who tried to calm her servant replied. After finishing the phone, Aunt Sue hung up the phone.

Mr. Kim, who sat in front close to the driver, was so curious about what his wife was doing. Why was she laughing to herself after receiving the phone. There must be something wrong or going on.

"Honey ... Who just called? You seem very happy." Mr. Kim who was curious asked.

This beautiful woman smiled at her husband's question. She knew that her husband must be curious at this time, why could she laugh out loud like that.

"Oh, that was Aunt Sue, dear. She said that the naughty boy had come home and was making the whole house chaotic. The servants were so scared because of it, not even one dared to raise his head in front of Yohan. With that flat face, he asked Aunt Sue to call us. do you know what it is for? guess what honey ?? just to ask where is his wife ha ... ha .... you ridiculous! He asked us to immediately return this golden wife " Mrs. Kim said, laughing non-stop. In her imagination, it must have been like the ship had broken up at home. She wanted to hurry home and see how ridiculous he was, what this time he would fight for his wife and take her out of our hands.


Hearing his wife's words, Mr. Kim just shook his head. Until when this wife and son can make peace and share affection for Tiara.

"Honey ... never mind, our child has grown up. You should not keep teasing him by bringing his wife away. They are still newlyweds! Ah ... you are so cruel" Actually Mr. Kim also wanted to laugh, but he held it because don't feel good with Tiara. This new daughter-in-law really looks innocent. "Forgive us dear, because of the naughty of your mother and child, you have to be victims. But believe me, we will love you like our own children." Mr. Kim muttered to himself. This man smiled looking at Tiara.

Tiara just listened to her father-in-law's conversation. Especially Joni, he could only smile to himself, this young man knew that what his master and mistress was talking about was young master Yohan. Tiara did not understand what exactly happened, and who was meant by her husband's father and mother.

"Pa ... Ma ... What happened? Whose child is a kid? Did a relative visit and bring a small child?" Tiara asked innocently. She ventured to ask her husband's parents.

Mrs. Kim looked at Tiara and saw that innocent and innocent face. "Ha ... ha ..." she laughed again. Every time she saw Tiara, she remembered Yohan. She could not imagine the expression on her son's face when she got home. This beautiful woman was like a trophy that was being fought over between Yohan and his mother.

"Eh ... Is there something funny?" Tiara was confused, when she saw Yohan's parents burst out laughing.

Mr. Kim knew Tiara was confused by the behavior of the two of them who had been just laughing.

"No! Nothing dear. There is absolutely nothing funny here, but the funny ones are at home. Never mind, you will find out later." Mr. Kim replied, still holding back laughter.

"I see. Funny? At home?" Tiara tried to digest the meaning of her mother-in-law's words, but still didn't understand. Maybe when he arrived at the Kim family residence later.

"Never mind. Maybe I'll just wait until the house, okay?" this beautiful woman muttered to herself.


Meanwhile, Kim Yohan is at the Kim family home, still waiting for reports from the servants to see if they managed to contact their mistress and master. Impatiently waiting in the living room, Auntie Sue came over to him. Prepared to report the results of the conversation she had with the Mistress on the phone.


"Young master, mrs and mr are on their way home with young mistress. I hope young master can calm down and be a little patient." Aunt Sue, leaving her young master in the living room alone.

"Mama and papa, what else do you want. Take my wife secretly. Not yet married! Asked to get married and they are confused about finding a mate for me. Married! They kept took my wife away. Haist ... annoying. Do they want to play hide and seek with me? " Yohan lied down on the sofa, so at least he was calm because he knew that his wife and her parents were fine. He waited patiently for their arrival.

About 30 minutes later, a car had just arrived and stopped at the door.

Bruaakk .... The driver opened the car door for his masters. Mr and Mrs Kim and Tiara got out of the car. They began to walk into the house casually and without guilt. Especially Tiara, who seemed to know nothing about the plans of Yohan's parents and also the arrival of her husband at Kim's extended family residence this afternoon. All she knew was that Yohan was still meeting company employees and when he left, he had not had time to ask permission, let alone say goodbye to her husband.

The servants who had been terrified by the behavior of their beloved son, had lined up neatly to welcome the three of them. How relieved were the servants to breathe when they saw the car Mr. and his mistress arrived, at least someone would be able to tame young master Yohan.

"Great sir, madame, young lady welcome"

"Great sir, madame, young lady welcome "

"Great sir, madame, young lady welcome"

Tiara just smiled sweetly, at the servants. She was a little awkward, in her life as the Jiang family's big miss. He has never been greeted in this way.

They entered the house remaining calm, even though Mr. and Mrs. Kim knew. Yohan must have been ready with his scolding when he met them, especially now that Tiara was with them. It was clear that the two of them had been caught in the act of taking their son's wife away.

The three of them continued to walk into the house until Madame and Mr. Kim felt a sharp and piercing look towards them both. Mr and Mrs Kim glanced at each other. They were ready to accept their son's anger. Tiara wanted to walk up to her husband to explain, so that he would not misunderstand. But stopped by her mother-in-law, immediately her footsteps stopped. This beautiful woman's hand was gripped tightly by her mother-in-law so that she could not move at all and could only sigh patiently.

Yohan was waiting for three people who had just entered the house with a cold, flat face typical of the President who rarely smiled. He was annoyed with the behavior of his parents who often took his wife without his permission and also with Tiara who always obeyed when the two of them asked him to go out. Supposedly this wife could ask permission from him first or just send a short message to tell him, if he was going anywhere. So, Yohan as a husband does not panic when he finds his wife not in his place.

Yohan piled his legs together and leaned his tired back against the sofa shoulder with his arms stretched out on his right and left. Yohan looked straight ahead and was ready to welcome the crowd who had just arrived.

No ... no ... no, the sound of the footsteps of the three people who had been waiting for him for a long time. Yohan straightened up in his seat. "Honey ... Are you home?" A soft voice was heard greeting her, but Yohan remained with a cold face. As if he wanted to express his strong protest to his mother. "Mom, I'm angry!" If possible, the word can be spoken, unfortunately this male Tiara husband preferred to remain silent and wait for an explanation from his mother and see what his parents will do and want.


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