Lady Boss, Please Spoil Your Husband! Chapter 407


"There's been a slight change of plans," Lillie called the captain assigned to lead tonight's raid. "Tell the detachment to be on standby for a while and wait for my signal."

She doesn't need to tell him the reason why. The captain knew better than to question his boss.


[Got it!]

"But keep in mind that nothing is stopping this attack. It 'will' happen tonight." Lillie stressed. "We can't let She Gu think he'll get away with this disrespect."

[Leave it us, boss. To think that old fool hasn't learned his lesson, tsk tsk. Is he secretly a masochist?] The captain muttered the last sentence mostly to himself.

"I trust that you'll give him another grand reminder."

[We'll make sure that old fool's face turns red in anger until his blood vessels pop.]

"Hm, see that you do." Lillie's eyes glinted.

After that phone call, Lillie turned to her younger brother and sister-in-law.

"Head back to the villa. Ethan and I still have some business to attend to." Before the two could open their mouths, Lillie immediately added, "And no, you're not coming with us."

"But the raid won't happen while you two are in there, right?" Gabriel asked. "So it should be fine if we tag along."

"I'm not certain." Lillie honestly answered. "It depends on the situation, whether we succeed and get out of there in time or not. Our presence won't interrupt the plan, however."

"Stop being stubborn, Gabriel." Ethan gently chided. "You know as much as I do that it'll take immense effort to sway your sister once she made up her mind."

"Fine..." Gabriel finally relented with a grunt, mildly indignant.

"Come on, Gab, let's go back. They're right, it's too dangerous for us to be there." Li Yifei hooked her arm around her boyfriend's, being awfully obedient. "Then brother, sister-in-law, we'll head back first. Have a safe trip."

Lillie nodded. "You two as well."

When their younger siblings drove off with the taxi, Ethan had a thoughtful look as his eyes followed the yellow vehicle.


"Something wrong?" Lillie asked, snapping him out of his trance.

Ethan shook his head. But the uncertainty proceeds to bother his mind. "I feel like I'm missing something."

"Well, I'm sure it'll come to you soon. For now, let's go. Time is running."

Nodding, Ethan held her hand and allowed himself to be dragged by Lillie.


Ethan's eyes narrowed when he recognized the two rebellious brats standing by the underground arena's entrance, smiling innocently like kids waiting for their parents to pick them up.

"I should've seen this coming."

He should've known. His younger sister was so much like him in his youth. Determined to a fault, reckless, and has the penchant for chasing after danger for the thrill of it.

And if he's right about his brother-in-law, he'd say that he just went along with Yifei's act of defiance against their elder siblings.

Gabriel loves and respects his elder sister, and rarely disobeys her. So Ethan's certain this was all Yifei's idea.

Ethan understands Gabriel. They both can't help but obediently follow their woman.

Lillie shot them a disapproving look. To which they responded with sheepish smiles, acting all cute and innocent. Hoping it would quell their elder siblings' exasperation.

It would've. If only they put more effort into it.

"Woah! You look amazing, si—uh, brother-in-law?" Li Yifei's jaw dropped, gawking in absolute astonishment when she realized that the handsome man beside her brother was actually her sister-in-law.

Both of their disguises were impeccable. How did that happen in such a short time? And where the heck did they got the materials?

If her elder brother and sister-in-law didn't stop in front of them and glare knowingly, they wouldn't have known it was them.

"It's our fault. We spoiled them too much." Lillie sighed. "And thank you. You two don't look bad yourselves."

Li Yifei was flustered at the compliment and swooned upon hearing Lillie's male voice.


Her voice was deep, husky, and altogether incredibly sexy—wherein Li Yifei had no qualms in listening to it every day and every night.

No! Bad Yifei! You have a boyfriend! To make matters worse, you're fantasizing over your boyfriend's elder sister who's also your elder brother's future wife!


"Pros are a whole league of their own, aren't they?" Gabriel idly comments, slightly dazed.

"Where did this devious streak of yours come from, brat?" Ethan grumbled.

"Here and there. You can pick a lot of things from Demons, you know. Besides, you and brother-in-law are great role models." Yifei proudly beamed.

"Cheeky brat."

Yifei yelped when Ethan roughly, yet fondly, ruffled her head.

Lillie sighed in resignation. "Fine, you two win. Don't stray away from us, understand?"

She ignored the two letting out a muted triumphant whoop and punching the air.

The four of them joined the line of the ticket booth and waited for their turn.

Fortunately, the tickets weren't sold out yet. Must be because of its ridiculously high price. And they needed to pay in cash so that people won't be able to trace where it came from.

"How many?" The masked cashier grumbled, not even bothering to act polite.

"Four," Ethan said and took out the needed amount.

"Do you guys want popcorn and drinks?" Lillie glanced behind and asked their younger siblings as if this was a family trip to the cinema with the children.


Thankfully, their unruly siblings went to the villa first and put on a more solid disguise before heading towards the arena.

Lillie and Ethan made a quick detour earlier at a backstreet shop to buy a simple change of clothes and make-up to reconstruct their faces.

They contemplated whether they should wear a mask, but decided against it in the end. This disguise they have should be enough.

More importantly, the masks they have at the store were uncomfortable. It doesn't fit them like their official ones.

Several Demons, like the Underworld Leaders and a few of the Uncrowned, use masks as their trademarks to let others know who they are and why they shouldn't be trifled with.

As they walked down the aisle, Lillie recognized a few Demons thanks to their masks.

The place was packed and the fight was already in the fourth elimination round, the last before the final round.

They had a difficult time looking for empty seats as they were a bit late. The seating arrangement wasn't organized, so the seats were free for all. Those who can't find available seats just stood by the entrance gate or sat on the steps.

But that wouldn't be a problem for Lillie. Her men were already stationed among the hundreds of seats pretending to be spectators.

Asking them to give up their seats for their boss and her company would be their pleasure.

Once they've settled, Lillie looked up at the large monitor and read the names of the competitors currently fighting below.

Haruka messaged her that Mochi used his real name in the fight and has won the last matches with an overwhelming victory.

He was merciless. He maimed his opponents to the brink of death and three already died—Haruka informed her.

Even though it wasn't prohibited, killing your opponent wasn't necessary. The constituent for competitors to win the match is either when your opponent was out of bounds, knocked out, or yielded.

Death in a fighting tournament was usually by accident. But some kill their opponents on purpose for whatever messed up reasons.

After this fight, it would be the final round. This match would determine which of these two competitors would fight Mochi in the final round. So they waited and tried to enjoy the show.

Gabriel and Yifei didn't have to try. They were already invested, cheering and screaming with the crowd. The brats even had the audacity to join the betting pool.

"Yeah!" They both cheered when the competitor they placed their bets on made his opponent stumble.

"Get him, quickly! Don't let him compose himself!" Yifei roared through her plastic megaphone that came with their snacks.

"Stop being a saint! Kick him out of the bounds!" Gabriel added after her.

The man must've heard them as he hoisted his weakened opponent from the ground and—almost gently—tossed him off the bounds.

"And with that folks, Faithless Monk wins the fourth round! He'll be Mochi's opponent for the final round. Sit tight, everyone, the match will begin in 10 minutes!"

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