Consuming Earths, Devouring Skies Chapter 252


"Haaa…" Yan Zaizen deeply sighed. To others, this was a helpless situation that was impossible to survive, but to him, this was actually child's play. These members of various guilds decided to place their lives on the line to support the Lycans, regardless of their reasons why, they did! Yet, the Lycans incompetence has led them to a path straight to hell.

He had a faint trace of pity for all these people. Their hopes, dreams, and future were closed off before they could even fight. "I guess this is what it means to die for someone else's cause?" As he muttered this, he wondered about the possibility of this happening in the 27th Heaven.

He recalled Bai Lufeng, Guan Yin, Gu Yu, and the other cultivators he came across. They were decisive and often decided to put their lives as priority. People like them would decisively retreat or not act unless it was a certainty. However, when has war ever been a certainty?

Shaking his head, he made some calculations. After, he sent out a mass soul transmission to all seven ships, excluding Princess Itai's!

"There will be a moment, a fraction of a second, when the cannon's energy will disintegrate the laws restricting spatial shifting! If you can capitalize on this moment, on this less than a thousandth of a second moment to escape, then you may have a chance!"

As his words echoed in everyone's ears, many had their eyes brighten immediately! In that light was hope!

If the cannon's energy had to destroy the barrier to enter, then there was a slight chance, a slight moment where there'll be no restriction! If they could escape in a quick enough manner, they could easily depart!

However, as for who could grasp this chance? Destiny will decide.

When Princess Itai heard this, her fierce eyes radiated a spark of hope! Her goal was to bring reinforcements to her people, and now they had a chance to live! If they did, they could still do so.

It made sense that many didn't comprehend the path of survival initially. Even Yan Zaizen only came to this conclusion after realizing that the barrier was an array! If the barrier collapsed, so did the imposed restrictions! If it wasn't integrated together, they would all be dead!

You can say this was a flaw in arrays!


A slight one, but a flaw nonetheless.

After delivering this piece of hope, Yan Zaizen looked towards Amos. "Stay near me," with a calm voice, he said. Amos's eyes lit up with a renewed brilliance as he stepped beside Yan Zaizen. He was so close that Yan Zaizen could smell his elderly odor. The smell of deathly aura emanating from his body was particularly strong. Others may not be able to notice, but Yan Zaizen did.

"About a hundred or so years left? If that," he silently thought.

Ayala and the girl's heard Yan Zaizen's words. Some were shocked and others were skeptical. They even had questioning glances. However, Yan Zaizen didn't answer. Instead, he faced the cannon that was ready to fire.

"It'll reach here in the blink of an eye." As he silently pondered, he made further calculations.

"Stay by you? Why?" Ayala inquired, her eyes showing deep conflict. It was obvious from her body language that she leaned towards escaping the group and relying on others. However, Yan Zaizen's words and Amos's quick decision made her indecisive.

Yan Zaizen didn't respond. He wasn't a good guy nor did he have the time to consider such matters or explain. He looked at the readied cannon with a narrowed gaze.

Amos was the one who sent out soul transmissions to the girls, pleading for them to get near Yan Zaizen. Those who trusted Amos wholeheartedly and also had nowhere else to go rushed to his side. They closed in on Yan Zaizen, about a few inches away from his body. Normally, men would notice their fragrant smell, but Yan Zaizen only smelled a stench of death on each and every one of them.

They were all so old that their lifeforce energy was dim and their deathly aura was feeding off it. It made him oddly comfortable. This likely had to do with his lungs essentially being made of death. He had the faint suspicions that death laws could elongate lifespans…

"Come!" A middle-aged man with a somewhat handsome appearance shouted from afar. It seemed it was towards Ayala to rush to his side in hopes of survival. However, she was still hesitant. As she wanted to truly decide, all the other girls beside one were beside Amos and Yan Zaizen. The one who departed was the youngest one out of them all. She arrived near the middle-aged man and stayed with a hopeful expression.


As she glanced at Ayala, she even had a pleading expression of urgency in her eyes, obviously beckoning for Ayala to come.

But it was too late for Ayala to decide.


A booming noise that quaked the entire realm erupted! This thunderous boom was followed by a condensed beam of destructive energy that seemed intent on eradicating all in its path!

Amos used his heavenly might, grabbing Ayala's body and pulling her close. She fell into his embrace and rested there. She knew her indecision left her without a choice; therefore, she didn't dare to resist this force.

Yan Zaizen's calculations were correct!

In the literal blink of an eye, the beam had already collided with the thin film of barrier that caged them in! In a very, very small fraction of a second, the restrictive laws collapsed. This fraction of a second was so minute that even Yan Zaizen found it difficult to grasp! Yet…

His eyes erupted with an amber-gold brilliance! With his right index finger and thumb, he snapped!


This sound resounded clearly. As if they were entering a picture, Yan Zaizen, Amos, and the girls vanished!

This small fraction of a second of freedom was immediately superseded by a destructive aura that demolished all spatial fluctuations! The girl who left the group and the middle-aged man attempted to grasp that timing of freedom, if only by luck, but undoubtedly failed! In body and soul, they were destroyed along with many others.

Princess Itai could sense the soul signatures of those surrounding her vanish like a flame in the chilly wind. Her teeth were clenched to the point where lines of blood appeared at the sides of her mouth! She was seething with rage!

While she was feeling anger for those who died, and those who she could've saved, she was protected by a life-saving spatial formation that resisted the destructive force. There were others who resorted to the same method. Only a few succeeded!

The cannon released a single beam of energy and only lasted for less than a second. After that, they were exposed. Princess Itai released an subconscious sigh of relief, but the guilt in her heart was non-existent. She just had anger and righteous indignation.

"You think you're safe? Haha!" A tyrannical voice exploded in the surroundings. The expressions of all the survivors experienced a drastic change, and they looked towards the air.

Above them, a middle-aged man with a black robe with silver borders was chuckling maniacally. His long hair was pale white with streaks of cyan within. He didn't have any insignias determining his affiliation, but they all knew he was with the invaders!

"Hmph!" A cold snort erupted! This cold snort originated from the Lycans side! Accompanying this snort was an immensely powerful heavenly might that seemed viciously tyrannical! As it approached, it transformed into a hand that attempted to grip the survivors.

"Hahaha! False bravado and nothing more!" The middle-aged man only continued to chuckle, his eyes suffused with disdain and contempt at this heavenly manifestation! Pushing his palm forward, an exceptional heavenly might exploded forth, but this heavenly might contained profound spatial laws!

While he did so, twelve silver lights of varying shades dazzled slightly around him. However, no one could see where these lights originated from or why they existed. It was like they erupted from space itself!

In the time it took the heavenly hand to move an inch, the spatial-attributed heavenly might had already crossed the vastness of space and encapsulated all the survivors! "For you to take action, must be someone pretty important amongst these people! Haha, I can't wait to have some fun with whoever it is!!" The man's voice was malicious and he obviously didn't put the other in his eyes.

With a blink, the survivors were directly sent into the depths of the enemy territory.

"NO!" The voice that released the cold snort shouted, his heavenly might erupted with golden brilliance suffused with dense savagery! However, the middle-aged man only continued his mad chuckle and faded into space as if he was never there. The only thing that lingered was his disdainful chuckle!

In chaotic space, Yan Zaizen and the others lingered. The others were confused as to where they were, but Yan Zaizen didn't have time to deal with their curiosity or questions! His eyes emanated silver light as he looked through the vastness of chaotic space and in the direction of the middle-aged man.

"So it was him!"

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