Consuming Earths, Devouring Skies Chapter 248


"Soul Faith Path…" Yan Zaizen stood in the emptiness that was the Border Expanse as the vortex faded behind him. In the myriad realms and numerous heavens, there was countless paths. Not only that, a person could even create a new path!

However, this path left him in fright. What was the definition of faith? Belief! Could it be that this man grew stronger the more souls believed in his own soul? Or the more souls he earnestly believed in?

Could it be similar to the Soul Source Path that is defined by interpersonal comprehension? As you comprehend more about yourself, the more power you can exhibit and the further your soul developed. It could even become immortal.

This path he understood. It was like the dao or the heavenly law, it was like comprehending instincts and memories and developing your own personality based law. This was probably why it was a common path in the 27th Heaven - its ease of cultivation.

He had a distinct feeling that Eloah was truly immortal, at least in soul. When he spoke earlier, he mentioned Xiha and his family leaving through the inter-heavenly spatial formation, but that had to be forty million years ago! Yet, he still guarded that location?

A flash of amber-gold flickered through his gaze as the reverence he felt for Eloah was destroyed! It was replaced with calm respect. He had an instinctive feeling that developing fostering reverence towards Eloah would subject him to untold consequences. With a deep breath, he looked at the realm from afar.

His eyes widened and he took a step back. At the moment, there were hundreds of modified realmships within the realm. These realmships were divided by color and to the farthest end of the realm from him, a spatial vortex was surrounded by dozens of incredibly large realmships.

From this vortex, Yan Zaizen could see ships of varying sizes enter and exit repeatedly.

The realmships had different marks, but the realm was divided cleanly by what seemed to be two factions. On one side, a single insignia was etched on all the realmships clearly and brazenly. It was a black flame with a holistic bird within. The bird looked like a Phoenix but it had four wings instead of two.


The other side had various insignias but they were closely packed and obviously united.

"A war? A realm war?" This was the first time he witnessed the calm before the storm of a realm war. He had read about it and even knew that the Elysian Realm was on the brink of it before his slumber, but seeing the modified realmships equipped with cannons and sharp objects left him feeling intrigued!

"Is this what Eloah meant? If so, it makes sense…" When he recalled Eloah's words warning him that it may not be as easy as he assumed, he couldn't help but smile.

He was right.

Didn't this make things easier?

He stepped forward, easily reducing the distance between him and the realm.


"What?" Yan Zaizen felt a solid force impede his movements just as he was at the border that divided the realm and the Border Expanse. A soft ripple radiated outwards from his point of impact.

"Is this?" Inspecting the solid construct thoroughly, he discovered that it was a very thin, nearly transparent film of energy. A barrier!

This energy was suffused with a stable aura, but it didn't seem to exude a heavenly aura. Despite this, it felt as if it related to the myriad laws beneath it. "The barrier covers the entire realm?" Inquiring, Yan Zaizen flashed ten thousand li away.

Stopping, his palm touched the thin film. His brows furrowed slightly, "It's covering the entire realm like a bubble." After deducing this, he felt intrigued. This barrier covered the entirety of the Major Canis Realm. Was it for protection against the invaders or to keep away opportunist of other realms from interfering?

His body flashed backward, as he did, spatial-attributed true-essence surged around him. With a smile, he stepped forward and merged into the spatial void.


A horrifying sound of flesh smashing against a solid rock resounded. An explosive ripple shot outwards near the barrier, whereupon Yan Zaizen was pushed out of the spatial void and sent back thousands of li. His forehead was covered in blood and his right arm was twisted in an odd direction.


Despite this, his expression was the epitome of calm.


With a sudden jerking motion, Yan Zaizen realigned his arm bone and the blood was wiped away. In less than the time it takes for a mortal to blink, Yan Zaizen had already recovered.

"A barrier that is hindering spatial shifting? Is this a cage?" Yan Zaizen speculated. With another glance, he paid closer attention towards the spatial vortex within the realm. If the Lycans were canine-based hybrids, then those who guarded this vortex was the invaders.

"They established a spatial vortex and closed off spatial shifting? Is this a realm war or a slaughter in the making? To cut off your opponent's route of escape..." Yan Zaizen felt the situation was a lot more dangerous than he originally assumed. If his thoughts were correct, this was a campaign to kill all the Lycans. Essentially, it may be total genocide. This had to have taken many years to plan.

"Hmph!" Coldly snorting, Yan Zaizen eyes flashed with amber-gold and his body stood upright. His eyes were suffused with a regal charm of absolute superiority. "This barrier, do you think you qualify to stop me?" A smirk formed on his lips as he pressed forward with his palms.

Just as he was about to galvanize the surrounding spatial and temporal laws that constitutes spacetime to rip open an entryway, he felt a spatial fluctuation behind him.

A realmship penetrated the spatial void nearby. This realmship was silver and its flag contained the image of a wolf's teeth. Two drops of crimson blood seemed to be dripping from its fangs. It gave off a very predatory feeling that made Yan Zaizen narrow his eyes in curiosity.

His False Grand Dao deactivated, and he observed the ship momentarily. The reason for that was the spatial fluctuations emitting from behind it.

"More's coming."

Just as he said, several ships totaling seven emerged. However, these ships didn't have flags marking them. The people onboard also had various types of uniforms and attires signifying they were a part of different forces.

Yan Zaizen grew silent as he pondered the circumstances and events. His eyes released a brilliance as he calculated some things. With a smile, he merged into chaotic space.

On the silver ship with fangs as its flag, a young, beautiful woman dressed in luxuriously beautiful furs were at the helm. She was scantily dressed, with her privates covered by a small cloth, her breasts were hidden by a thin strip of cloth, and her arms, legs, and back was covered by an external source of fur.

She had clear hazel eyes with pupils, unlike pure divine beasts. With sharp nails that seemed like it can claw gods and pierce buddhas, she gripped the helm.

If Yan Zaizen saw her, no, if any man with a straight orientation were to see her as she was, it would be difficult for their inner fire to not be ignited. However, her eyes contained a deep viciousness that gave off a dangerous feeling. If it wasn't for the fact she was a top-tier beauty with incredible assests, Yan Zaizen wouldn't be sure whether to classify her as a woman or a beast.

"Princess Itai," a man three meters tall with thick and abundant muscles referred to the young woman. He was like a literal mountain as he stood tall, his eyes staring ahead at the barrier and the realmships within.

Princess Itai growled, "Those bastards!" Baring her fangs, she looked particularly beastly. "We've arrived with reinforcements, I just hope it'll be sufficient enough." As she said this, her gaze was turned towards the seven ships carrying various forces. To her, they were the lifeline of their race.

She could only hope it would be enough.

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