The Copy Mage Chapter 45


"First things first, I need to make a weapon to be able to protect myself and maybe hunt for food, and also need to scout the area to find a river or some sort of fresh water source. I also need a cave of some sort to reside in until I am prepared to climb the mountain" stated Damian.

Looking around where he was he saw a palm tree with coconuts on it and was the obvious target for him to get some food instead of attempting to hunt.

Damian could weirdly feel everything he would feel in a physical body, including hunger and thirst, and despite knowing it was merely in his head, Damian didn't want to take any risks that may damage his real body.

Trudging through the sand, he headed towards where the ground began to turn into soil and more fertile and looked for rocks.

He was careful not to come across any poisonous insects, like scorpions, by lifting up the rocks, and after gathering a good amount of rocks, he carried them back to the coconut tree he had seen.

Placing the pile of rocks on the ground, Damian began to throw them one by one aiming at the coconuts in the hopes of knocking them down.

But after throwing a few rocks, he soon came to realise how weak his body really was and would be if he lived in a world void of energy.

"Is this really how weak my body would be without energy" mumbled Damian to himself feeling how weak his body felt.

From all the memories he had gained from the body he had taken over, Damian never remembered being that weak even when he was younger, but he was still unconsciously breathing in energy from the atmosphere around him, that strengthened and enhanced his body slightly.


After throwing all the rocks, he had only hit the coconuts a few times, but the power wasn't enough to knock any down.

But he noticed that his aim had increased and his proficiency in the use of his body and his precious by may increased by using his body in a form that was void of energy.

Regathering the rocks he had thrown, Damian attempted to knock down a coconut for the second time with the pile of rocks but still wasn't able to.

The palm tree was 8 metres tall and he was barely managing to hit the coconuts, let alone with enough power to knock it down.

After throwing and regathering the pile of rocks 5 times, he had only knocked down two coconuts.

But he couldn't help but realise how much his aim had improved in the half an hour he had been aiming for the coconuts.

In another half an hour, of throwing and regathering the pile of rocks, he had knocked down the other 7 coconuts left on the tree.

It was only a small coconut tree and Damian could see many others much taller in the distance, but didn't want to waste time and energy gathering too many coconuts that he may not need.

Damian's after gathering 9 coconuts, had enough food from the coconut and enough water from the coconut water, for another three days if he ate and drank one for each meal.

He wasn't planning to stay on the island for much longer and didn't know how much different time was.

Damian had a lesson in 3 days and didn't want to miss his first Internal Cultivation lesson that he knew would be a massive eye opener for him, and he also had many things he wanted to do in the academy such as joining specialisation courses and completing missions, so, therefore, didn't have much time to waste within the mysterious scroll.


"Now I should make some sort of spear with a long and thick stick that I will sharpen with a sharp rock that I also need to find" mumbled Damian.

The sun was very hot and the sand he stood on scorched his feet as he scrambled towards where the soil began.

Damian had stood in the shade of the palm tree and was too concentrated on getting the coconuts to realise the increase in temperature.

He had also only just noticed that he was barefoot and he was wearing merely rags that weren't his clothes.

"You didn't make it hard enough by disallowing me from using my energy and my Soul Spirit, so you also took my shoes and my clothes" he stated sarcastically, cursing at the weird spirit within his mind.

"It must be midday now, I should have around 8 hours to find somewhere to stay before it gets dark" observed Damian after calming down, not wanting to waste his time.

Damian never trained in survivability, but using his own intelligence for once and not relying on Utsusu for anything that required thinking, he realised he was quite capable without Utsusu.

But he didn't have time to waste congratulating himself for becoming more independent and began to search for a suitable stick and rock to sharpen the stick.

After 20 minutes he had found a suitable stick and sharpening rock and returned to the palm tree to make the weapon.

He didn't want to sit in the forest and preferred to sit on the sand that he felt safer on as there wouldn't be any animals.

Sitting in the shade he began to shave the end of the stick with the sharp rock he had found and continuously rotated the stick to make a sharp point.

Damian had no idea what kind of wood it was, but he had struck gold as he held the dense spear, he had formed, within his hand that was quite heavy, but still manageable and had a sharp point that he had sharpened with the sharp rock.

Finding a vine on the ground on the edge of the forest, Damian tied the spear to his back.

"I am now armed and will scout the forest and look for a cave to stay in, then will return to get my coconuts and take them to the place I am staying in" stated Damian to himself, planning to rely on his great memory to remember his way around the island.

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