Dungeon Reset Chapter 2


Dungeon Reset Chapter 2

Translator: Sudowoodo

A line of message pierced through the dungeon and a mysterious power began to take effect the moment its voice rang out.


An imperceptible earthquake shook the ground, but the result it brought was not destruction but regeneration — every wound that had been inflicted on the dungeon by the 101… no, 100 participants in order to survive, to clear the stage was being returned to their initial states.


The trees and rocks of the destroyed forest were restored.

Kieek! Kiyaak! Ookakaka!

The dead monsters became newly reborn.


The collapsed walls and passageways of the Dungeon were repaired whole.

“Can’t believe it.”

Daun Jung doubted his own eyes at the unbelievable phenomenon that was occurring. The trap that he was stuck in was returning to how it was before.


The sight of the red blood that had been wetting the bottom of the trap rising and dispersing in midair, one strand at a time, was beautiful and at the same time bizarre.

Everything became clean in no time.

“What on earth…”

And that was not all; even the blood-stained iron skewer he had pulled out moments ago was being returned to its original state. And finally…


Darkness fell as even the opening of the trap he had fallen through was blocked as it was before.



Daun Jung stood there blankly for a long while in the blinding darkness.

‘Reset? What does reset mean? Reset the Dungeon? Why?’

His thoughts were jumbled, but after thinking about it he felt like he knew the reason.

‘This mad world is taking the format of a game. That being the case, could it be… this is the preparation phase for the game since this round is over?’

It was no more than speculation, but it was plausible enough. He had, after all, heard the Helper Rabbit previously mention that Dungeon Game participants had continued to be summoned even before they came.

‘… I have to get out of here for starters. There’s nothing I can do in this pit.’

He first thought of doing something about the pitch darkness, so he picked up a sizeable rock and tossed it towards the ceiling.


The trap activated again and a hole was made in the ceiling. Dust showered down and light descended like a curtain through the hole to illuminate the space below.

Daun Jung could see the iron skewers that had become clean as brand new, and the hard rock walls surrounding him. But when he looked up at the top of the walls where the hole was, so far high up, he felt his breath choke.

‘Can I make it up there?’

But at that moment, he suddenly heard a welcome voice from somewhere.



A huge zipper appeared in the center of the ruins from where the final seven disappeared. It opened with a zip and from it popped out a rabbit with snow-white fur and wearing a tuxedo.

[Ta-da! I have come!]

It was none other than the Dungeon Game’s Helper.

[Hiyah! Close, sesame! Close, sesame!]

The rabbit used its thick, pink paw to grab the huge zipper tab at the end of the grab and shot up into the air, and the purple hole vanished with another zip. All that remained was the zipper tab, which the rabbit made disappear with a pop like magic, then it dusted off its paws as it looked about its surroundings.


[Now then! Let’s see! Has the reset ended properly? Can I start the game again?]



The ‘Stage Boss’, which the last participants had defeated, had come to life again. The sight of it standing proud and tall could not be any more heartening.

[Coochy-coo! Did our little gatekeeper have a good sleep?]



No matter how much the rabbit loafed about in front of the Stage Boss, it did not give so much as a glance in response.

The rabbit wore a glum look, its ears drooping down, but it was used to this sort of reaction.


It regained its spirits in a flash, hopping upwards and onwards to the outside of the ruins.

[Ahem! Are the other kids all alive too?]

In truth, it did not even need to check again; this world functioned under a certain absolute ‘law’. Going around making checks was only the rabbit’s way of killing time, holding no meaning whatsoev…

The rabbit came to a stop.


An irregularity had occurred. The rabbit who was flying to the outside of the ruins perked its ears with a start.

‘… -ere! … -ve me!’

It heard somebody’s voice from afar.

[Yikes! The heck?! Am I hearing things?!]

The rabbit jumped in surprise, its ears shivering, and looked about itself with wide eyes.

The location of where the voice came from was definitely at…?

[The 7th Room!]

The cruel and meaningless ‘7th Room’ which lured numerous participants into a death trap using an empty treasure chest.

[What? Wot? Wuht? The heck?]

The rabbit trembled uncontrollably at this utterly unprecedented situation as it passed the lobby swarming with monsters and arrived at the 7th Room.

What awaited the rabbit there was a trap with a clean opening in it…

[Yeek! The trap is open?!]

… And Daun Jung’s voice coming out from right below.

“Here! I am here!”


The rabbit screamed in shock.

[It-it’s a ghost! Yeeeek!]

Somebody who should be dead was there in the trap.


[Mister, why aren’t you dead yet?!]

That was the rabbit’s first words upon hurrying down into the trap and seeing Daun Jung in person. Bewilderment was evident on the rabbit’s face, while in contrast Daun Jung was full of joy. He completely took back what he thought about wanting to punch the rabbit’s gut just once before dying. It just so happened he was brooding over how to get out when the Helper found him much quicker than expected.

“I was almost dead but then came to life. What was it? The stage clear reward?

The rabbit flinched at his explanation, the pupils of its eyes shaking.

[Gasp! It can’t be the survivor full recovery?!]

Daun Jung tentatively nodded.

[Wuh? Drat…!]

Having figured out what had taken place, the rabbit heaved a long sigh before jabbing a toe at him and shrieking.

[Why you son of the devil! What were you doing falling into a trap and not dying on the spot as you should!]

[Uh? Am I in the wrong?”

Daun Jung responded with puzzlement at the rabbit’s sudden outburst. Its reaction was all too strange; for some reason it was pulling at the white furs of its head with both paws, crying out for the world to hear.


[Yaargh! The hell is with you mister! Why didn’t you die! You’re supposed to be out the moment you fall into this trap! Out I say! Dead on the spot! Look at how obviously painful it looks!]

“Well in any case I lived so that’s that. Why are you so serious? Won’t it do to just take me to my companions?”

[You think that’s easier done than said?!]

“Uh? It’s hard? Why?”

Daun Jung was perplexed at the unexpected reply, and the rabbit continued to speak with a face on the verge of tears.

[Ngh, that’s… things have gone a bit awry. Mister, open your Status Window for a bit.]

“Status Window? Why?”

[Tut! Just do as I tell you!]

“Sta, Status Window.”

At Daun Jung’s call, a half-transparent window only visible to him popped up. This was an ability of the Dungeon granted to all participants.

Name : ^&@$#」 (Error)

Health : 100/100 (%)

Satiety : 100/100 (%)

Skill : Purify (Primary Level 7)


The effect of the Stage Clear Reward was truly surprising, seeing as his health that was near depletion was now completely full, and his Skill remained the same as well. But there was something off.

“Error? Mm, my name’s not there? The characters are broken up in a mess. And it’s labeled with an error.”

The rabbit nodded, appearing disturbed at Daun Jung’s words.

[I knew it… no wonder I couldn’t call you by ‘name’ since a while ago, mister.]

“You can’t call my name?”

[Yes. I definitely remember who mister is, having seen you around for a month, but I just can’t for the love of me establish what your name was.]


It was no wonder the rabbit was calling him ‘mister’ and not by his name.

“Why did it become like this all of a sudden?”

[The law of the Dungeon has determined you as deceased and not a survivor. Normally you should have become a corpse and disappear, but you were left as is since you lived, and… Ah I dunno! In any case I’m screwed.]

The rabbit truly felt depressed. Truly, this was its mistake with no room for excuses.

[Good heavens. Completing a stage with one participant missing… I’m a failure as a Helper.]

As Daun Jung listened to the rabbit continuously grumble, a spark of hope was lit in his heart.

“So what you’re saying is… I’m no longer a participant? Then how about you just send me back to my original world?”

[So I need to have you die here.]

“So suddenly?! Why’d you come to that sort of conclusion!”

Daun Jung jumped in surprise. The rabbit, who had briefly agonized over the problem, put on a lighthearted and benevolent smile as it began to slowly rise into the sky.

[When you make an irreversible mistake, you quietly bury it for good — that’s the way it is. Do it as inconspicuously as possible, so no one knows. So just starve to death here, Mr. Unknown.]

Daun Jung reached out a hand towards the rabbit in bewilderment.

“Where’re you going?!”

[Hmph. Where are you trying to touch?]

The coy rabbit turned momentarily half-transparent and Daun Jung’s hand passed through it, grabbing nothing.

“Are you a ghost?!”

[It’s called Nirvana. I’ve become enlightened, you see.]

The rabbit laughed contentedly.

[If I recall correctly, you’re an utterly weak participant with only Purify as your Skill, right mister? And you’re a production worker who did nothing but chores while hiding behind Mr. Seungwoo Ryu’s back?]

Even as it spoke, the rabbit floated up the vastly deep hole of the trap until it reached a satisfactory height.

[You’ll never get out of here anyway, mister. Even Mr. Seungwoo Ryu can’t climb up easily. And you know what else? This trap isn’t the only thing that was reset.]

Loud grunts and squeals could be heard.


Daun Jung’s face turned stiff at the timely cries of monsters from beyond the trap.

The monsters he had defeated together with his companions had come to life again!

[Even if you do struggle up the hole, it’s hell above anyway. You think you can make it out of these ruins alive, all by yourself without even an inferior attack Skill?]


Daun Jung momentarily staggered on the spot at having a real problem pointed out.

The rabbit watched him with a satisfied smile before giving a final message.

[That’s why, let’s just have you starve to death peacefully here, mister. Kick the bucket so you won’t interfere with the others playing the game, alright? Then good-bye now.]

“Ha, hang on…!”

[Ah whatever. Pop.]

And with that, the rabbit disappeared from Daun Jung’s sight without looking back.


No more replies came despite yelling.

Daun Jung blankly stared at where the rabbit disappeared, feeling like a dog that had been barking up the wrong tree.

His one and only lifeline had gone.

Leaving him deep down in this underground pit.

For a long while he kept on staring up, absentminded.


There was one thing the disappeared Helper Rabbit did not predict beforehand…

“… Telling me to quietly kick the bucket here?”

Daun Jung suddenly began to mutter to himself.

“… Calling me a production worker that did nothing but chores?”

Yes. That was definitely true. Possessing not a single combat Skill, there was almost no case of him personally joining the hunt, after all.

But apparently, the rabbit was clueless as to what kind of chores he had been tasked with up till now.

“Telling me to starve to death?”

What a joke.

He uttered a word in defiance.


And the screen showing his personal storage subspace, given to all participants, showed up before his eyes.

Smoked Meat(99), Water Bottle(99), Torch(31),

Smoked Meat(99), Water Bottle(99), Flint(7),

Roasted Fish(99), Water Bottle(43), Knife(6),

Smoked Meat(71), Water Bottle(99), Whetstone(12),

Smoked Meat(99), Roasted Fish(99),

Roasted Fish(99), Roasted Fish(43),



A vast amount of food and water.

It was the rations of all his companions that he had been storing in his inventory until now while doing those very ‘chores’ the rabbit spoke of.

He would easily be able to last at least half a year if he ate these alone.

Daun Jung took out a piece of smoked meat from his inventory and took a hard bite, gnashing his teeth thinking of the rabbit.

“You think I’ll obediently die if you tell me to?”

He took back taking back his thoughts of punching the rabbit in the gut, and he made his mind to start by not starving to death until giving that damned rabbit the smack that’s coming to it.

‘You just wait. I’ll survive no matter what!’

For any errors and issues contact me through discord :- https://discord.gg/Q3dStgu

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