The Obsessive Male Lead Made Me The Female Lead Chapter 7


Translator and Editor: Skye and Clisely


Chapter 7

When I tried to open the door of my inn and leave, Daisy followed me and asked.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m a little frustrated, so I’m going to get some fresh air.”

“Let’s go together. You don’t even know the way.”

“No, I want to be alone now.”

Daisy could no longer be bothered when I murmured lowly with a grim face.

She seemed to regard our race as being exterminated and ‘depressed’.

“Don’t be too late!”

Behind her, Daisy heard a voice asking.

I turned my head, and nodded silently toward her, and left the inn.

The inn is small because it is in the countryside, which accepts all the search parties.

Therefore, the Black Knights and the Imperial Knights are divided into different buildings.

I walked towards another inn not too far from mine.

By the time Gregory reached the inn where he was staying, I had just found him out.

I stopped walking and looked at him, he looked surprised when he saw me.

After a while, Gregory approached me, without avoiding me.

His hair is blond, resembling his late father.

Gregory is originally the illegitimate child of Alexei Aden Wexler, the Emperor’s brother.

He is belatedly recognized as a member of the royal family when he was about five or six yearsold for his blond hair and unique emerald green eyes of the Eden family.

As a result, he hung out with Seirin and Crown Prince Cronos from an early age – and naturallybecame close to Lexion.

The four were meant to have been together since they were young.

Now that he is an adult, he is a little estranged, but the Emperor belatedly admitted Gregory as his adopted son but gave him “Wexler,” Alexei’s saint, who died of adversity, not of Verbel.

In short, it meant that the Emperor should not dream of using his late father’s surname.

Maybe that’s why.

Gregory grew up to be like a black sheep.

Many young people enjoyed women, alcohol, and gambling without hesitation, but cried after because they were abandoned after falling in love with him.

Despite the rumors, the reason why women were constantly going for him was all thanks to that handsome appearance.

I greeted him silently as he approached me.

He spoke in a slightly pleasant tone.

“I was worried, but that’s right.”

“Oh, hi.”

Gregory looked at me with a curious look when I said hello with a sloppy look.


Gregory murmured low as his persistent gaze became burdensome.

“Zion’s taste was also pretty specific.”


“I’m sure she’s pretty.”

Suddenly, I looked up at him discussing Lexion’s taste.

His blond hair slightly covered his eyebrows, but he looked even more dazzling up close.

Thinking back, I met Gregory a little earlier.

In my previous life, he is the only person I met, solely after I was declared a survivor of Isol.

“Oh, glory to the Arden Empire. I am Esol’s little girl, Tiarozety Esol”. I’m looking forward to the fact that a royal family member and didn’t express my intentions right away. When he asked if I didn’t know him, I bowed my head and apologized right away

Gregory snapped when I apologized right away.

“You don’t have to apologize because I didn’t ask you to know me in that sense. There’s no one who’d treat me like I am an illegitimate child anyway.”

“Then what do you mean…”

When I asked with my head slightly up, Gregory came close and asked with a grim smile.

“Are you married?”

He stopped holding his tongue at unexpected questions, and a shallow groan.

Gregory replied in a mischievous tone as he looked troubled and his lips being covered by his hand.

“Oh, sorry. It was so straightforward. If you’re married, I think you should stop him. So, are you married?”

Why do we keep checking on marriage?

I shook my head silently due to the persistent question.

It is because my tongue is stinging and I couldn’t keep my mouth open.

Then he belatedly noticed my condition and talked in a hurry.

“Oh, my God, you bit your tongue? What kind of heart do you have to get surprised by this?”

“You’re not going to tell Lexion what happened right now, you shouldn’t tell him. Don’t do that. If he knows that, he’ll feel hurt out of no reason, he might hit me too.”

“……what’s wrong with the Duke?”

After barely controlling the pain, I asked with a curious look.

No, more than that, I couldn’t interpret the meaning of Gregory’s words now.

What does getting hurt have to do with Lexion?

When I looked at him with an innocent expression as if I didn’t know anything, Gregory smiled in vain.

He repeatedly looked in the air and made a strange gesture with an absurd expression.

“What? Miss, you don’t know what this situation means?”

“What is this situation like then?”


I really didn’t know the meaning of his question.

It is me who wanted to know the meaning of this situation more than anyone else.

It is very frustrating to see them just standing by my side without telling me anything.

He started laughing out loud at my counterclaim.

“Hahaha…! What the hell is wrong with Lexion if she doesn’t even know?”

Gregory shook his head and murmured as if he didn’t know.

As much as I felt strange about Lexion, others seemed to think so.

A moment later, Gregory muttered in a voice that became quite serious as he waited silently for his words.

“This is a headache. I definitely thought you knew each other from the very beginning.”

“No way. This is the first time I’ve seen him.”

“Hmmm. That’s right.”

Gregory frowned as if he were facing a challenge.

He was tapping his finger to see, hesitant to say something or not and I touched it.

I felt like there is something I really don’t know.

As he stared at me, he grinned and said.

“I think you’re curious, so let me tell you a little bit.”

I nodded with my eyes wide open, and Gregory asked a question like a quiz.

“What if the Imperial court belatedly finds out that Duke Lexion Spero, dubbed ‘The Guardian of the North’, was accompanied by knights to the South, that is at the end of the empire?” **

“………. Isn’t he the captain?”

I stared at him with a face asking what kind of bullcrap he was talking about.

Lexion could not have been accompanied by these knights to the south without royal permission.

It is because he had to pass the capital to get to the South.

“It is not like Lexion to give such a good excuse to the emperor for him to be wary of him.”

When I answered readily, Gregory responded.

“Yeah. That’s what everyone would think. Except for Lexion himself.”


“So my friend did that crazy thing.”


I screamed loudly at Gregory’s words, and Gregory added.

“To be exact, I was told to bring the Knights to visit me and get the approval of the royal family because the Isol people were going to be raided.”

“It is rather fortunate that I explained to the imperial family and set up a search party… … Whooo, I still feel dizzy thinking about the atmosphere of the capital that day.”

He spoke with an exaggerated tap of his chest.

I can’t believe he brought the Knights without royal permission.

Gregory’s words were shocking.

I shouted with an incredible face.

“No way! What on earth was he thinking of………….!”

“That’s what I’m saying. Do you know how embarrassed I was when he looks like he’s acting crazy? How can I stop him when he said he had to go right away?”“…… How did you know that Isols were going to be raided?”

“I didn’t know that. He said he had no time, and he was distracted along the way and he dragged me. Oh, right! He said he had someone to look for.”

……What does he mean by all this?

I didn’t understand what Gregory was saying.

It just felt like unknown thoughts were floating in the air.

With what he had said, it seems like Lexion knew about the Isol disaster in advance.

It is rather unfortunate that the Isol disaster had happened, but otherwise, it would have given the Imperial family a good excuse.

It is an act that could not be made without any certainty.

I tried to put my trembling hands at the back.

It lingered in my head that I said I had someone who found me.

As far as I know, there is no one he would know in the far south.

Who the hell did they come all the way here to find…

How did he know about the Isol incident?

Does he know something?

I couldn’t say anything with my mouth open.

Gregory grumbled frustratingly at me like that.

“As soon as Lexion found you, he gave you a barracks and took care of you, so I thought you were the one he was looking for.”

“Come on, hold on. What do you mean took care? Wasn’t Daisy taking care of me for three days?”

I didn’t listen to him while I was in a daze and asked right back rather abruptly.

I am sure that I was alone when I opened my eyes.

After that, Daisy came to see me.

That’s why I thought she put the towel on my forehead.

When I woke up, I was lonely because I was alone, and Lexion was not next to me.

But he was actually with me before that?

Does that make sense?

My face was filled with confusement.

Gregory replied in shock the moment he looked at me.

“What are you talking about? It was Lexion who took care of you back then.”


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