《The Devil’s Bride: War Of Endless Love》The Devil's Bride: War Of Endless Love


"Fine… As long as there's a girl you like… no matter who she is, what she is and how she is… I give you my word to accept her…"

When Adrian saw his father promising him something like this without even giving a thought of it, he couldn't help but smile a little

"Father… You said it yourself...But I'm not ready to get married yet… And if I ever get a girl whom I really like… I will just grab her no matter what… By hook or by crook"

Adrian said and stood up from his place "I should leave now… "

He bowed his head a little and left without waiting for his answers...

As soon as he left His mother appeared in the room behind the doors and said

"Your Highness… You shouldn't have promised him such a thing… What if he really gets married to someone who is not as good as to be the future queen of our country…"

She said while serving him the tea…

"You don't understand anything…" Mr. King said and continued "I don't really mind as long as he brings a girl home and gets married to her, no matter even if she was married before or whatever , as long as she has a decent education and is a little obliged. "

"What are you saying Ad's father! How can you just agree with anything… She is not only going to be the future of Country M but also the future wife of our son…!!! I disagree with whatever you have said…"

Mrs. King was really disappointed by her husband's decision and was totally against it…

"Listen… I'm not like someone who can judge anyone like that… I'm saying because all the rumours we can hear… Haven't you heard that how paparazzi's keep on talking about him being homosexual…?!"


"What are you saying Your Highness…!? Do you believe in such rumours?"

"I have no problem even if he is homosexual… He is my son and I don't want to let him suffer with what I have been through… If he wants to live with a guy then he can but as long as he can marry a girl and give us a grandson or I am ok with granddaughter too. "

Mr. King said sternly but all his sentences can tell how soft he was for his son…

"Fine… But what are we gonna tell to 'His Highness? 'He is your father and if he finds out something like this then he won't have mercy on us…"

Mrs. King was panicking after hearing her husband's words… Even though she believed that all those were just baseless rumours, she herself had never seen her son going near any girl…

The only woman in his life was her, their adopted daughter Jess and her granddaughter Nova, who was the biggest troublemaker in the family…

"You think I care about that old man? He had already done what he had to… I'm the King and even if he interferes, there would be no change. I have the final say in the family and as well as the Country… "

A disgusting look appeared on his face as soon as his father was mentioned…

He was such a cruel man who had almost ruined them and the country just because of his lust and greed…

"He can bring any woman in the family and make them Royalty . Then can't my son have the woman he wants or the man he wants? He has my full support in whatever he does but you dare not take that old man's name in front of me ever again…" He said and threw his can stick on the floor and walked away...



4/4... Finally all down...

Guys please do comment and let me know how these chapters were and did you guy like this story so far or not...

And a very important announcement...

I will upload the chapters in this book 3 times or 4 times a week depends on my schedule...

But once I'm done with my old book then I will keep the updates daily..

So if you are here and reading this then please go do reviews and comments and also throw some stones to make my story heavier...

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