《The Devil’s Bride: War Of Endless Love》The Devil's Bride: War Of Endless Love


Adrian was out of the washroom…

He went to the changing room and his servants helped him to put on his clothes ….

After getting ready he went to his father's study as he was summoned by him..

"Knock knock.."

He knocked twice on the door and then entered without even waiting for his response…

"You are finally here…!!"

Old Mr. King side eyed him with anger

"Dad… I always was here… Say?"

Adrian directly cut to the chase as he never liked wasting his time on anything

"You… You are the future King of this country… I'm already getting old… If you are not going to handle the matters and take them under your control then who would do this?"

Mr. King finally looked at him when he saw his son's behavior.

He was worried about him as the politicians were already on the peak and the Royal family's worth was getting lower and lower in the absence of perfect Heir…

"Your Highness… you need not worry about the family issues or even the politicians… They don't have the guts to go against us… They still have to go through you and if not then I'm right here to smash them with my bare hands…"

Adrian sat on the couch in a freestyle and said "They are just little mosquitoes who are making sounds for no reason and waiting to get smashed… I know very well how to deal with these people… You just do what you need to do and let me do what I want to do…"

He said while playing with the ring in his hand…

Even though the old King was worried about the future of his clan but the people of his clan were not any better, they kept on spreading nonsensical rumours about the future King and tried their best to prove that he was not capable of taking the place of King after him…


"look Son… I don't care what you are thinking right now… But I can't take it when they call my son as impotent Prince of the generation… You know very well how my step brothers keep on planning and plotting against you…"

"Dad… I know you are concerned about me… But you know what… I'm still the crown prince of this country and talking shit behind my back is still not forgivable so I promise you to punish them accordingly and make them realize what they have done…"

Adrian was aware of his father's concern but he was not concerned about those things at all but still if he wanted some consolation from him then he can do it a little

"You brat… you don't understand… I want you to get married and have kids as soon as possible…"

Finally after beating around bush for quite a while Mr. King said what he wanted to…

"I see… So you too believe that I'm impotent?"

Adrian wanted to laugh out loud the way his father and mother were rushing him to get married as soon as possible and making a ton of excuses to talk about it to him…

"What are you saying? You are not young anymore… Soon you will be 30 and yet you haven't produced any heir or the next generation of you… Obviously people will not believe in you if you won't do it as a future King…"

Old Mr. King knew how cruel the world of King's and Crown Prince's was… They had to do a lot of things which they don't even want to do for the sake of their family's legacy…

"Father… You don't have to worry about anything… You just want me to have a kid right? No matter how the woman is and who the woman is?"


Adrian was frustrated by the continuous bickering of his parents and said it annoyingly…

"What do you mean? We already have a girl of our choice for you. But it's all about fate… We can't say anything"

Old Mr. King sighed in disappointment and said

"Fine… As long as there's a girl you like… no matter who she is, what she is and how she is… I give you my word to accept her…"


3/4... Three Down one more to go...

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