《The Devil’s Bride: War Of Endless Love》The Devil's Bride: War Of Endless Love


Meanwhile Victor finally gave in as he was unable to reason in front of his uncle no matter what and the next he knew he was in a private Jet all alone to leave for Country M and was informed that Adrian would be coming after a few days as he had something to deal with there in the US…

The time when Lana's plane was taking off...Victor left even before her….

Lana was sitting quietly after being mocked by the attendant indirectly… She did want to teach her a lesson but since she was not in position to fight as she had her kids with her and her every move could affect them greatly..

So after texting Caspian she just switched off her cell phone and rested her head on the back of her seat...

Flight was about to take off and it was the final call for the passengers to be on the plane...

Lana sighed and looked at her kids sleeping silently…

She had to exchange seats with two people to make her kids sit with her…

At first they were not willing to do so but when they saw two little kids tired eyes and were unwilling to part from their mother, they finally gave in and Lana and her kids had the seats to sit with each other…

Lana took a deep breath and when she thought that she was about to go to the place where she had to suffer all those things, her body started to shiver a little as she did not know what the future was holding for her...Even though she was not returning to her own hometown but still she had her own fears to go there…

She rubbed her both hands and looked at her kids sleeping as the plane took off…


She looked at them lovingly and picked up the water bottle in front of her to drink but before she could even open the cap of the bottle she saw that the same attendant was coming towards her while smiling…

Lana ignored her and started drinking water…

"Miss Lana… " She said and Lana almost threw water out of her mouth but held it back and gulped it..

She cocked her head to look at her kids and then said " What do you want? I am just drinking water… Don't tell me you want me to not even drink water here…!?"

Lana said as her tone was slightly annoyed...

"How can it be Miss Lana..." The attendant said and took out a paper from her pocket and handed it to her...

"You are our lucky guest and we have to serve you with all I have" She said while a huge smile was still plastered on her face…

She opened the paper and looked at her in shock…

The flight attendant was adamant to serve her no matter what "It means that you have won a chance to travel in Business class rather than economy class"

She said and Lana now looked at her aloofly and said " Thanks a lot miss… But must I do that?"

She had thought that Lana would be shedding tears of joy but here she was being all foolish so she said " Of course...Not everyday you have a chance to win something like this.."

"Thanks but I am not as excited as you are..." She said and took out her eye mask and said "If you please excuse me then I would like to have a nap.."

She said and put on her mask ignoring the attendant not caring whether she was still there or not…


She shook her head watching her being all aloof and nonchalant…

But suddenly she remembered something so she ran to the business class and said to the man who was looking out of the window even it was all dark to look at in the sky…

The man asked when he sensed someone was there " When is she coming here?"

He did not even bother to look at her and just ask while looking out...

"Sir… You may be disappointed to know that Miss Lana had denied to come here and ask us not to disturb her..."

The guy finally looked at her with his cold glaring eyes making her shiver…

She knew he was not some common person as he had booked the whole business compartment for himself alone...At first no one believed that there was no one was in there even if it was fully booked but when they found out that some wealthy businessman had booked the whole compartment for himself. His background was not found but it was clear that he was someone to be sacred and not to be offended, so as soon as he gave her one of his tickets, when she went to serve him and asked her to bring a certain woman and let her sit here comfortably as economy class was not good for her...

"What did she say?" He asked her in a cold, aloof voice " She said that she wished not to be disturbed and wanted to sleep"

She said as soon as he was done questioning her..

He slightly nodded and then a smile crept out on his lips and murmured " Interesting.."

The girl could see his creepy smile and shiver so she turned around to leave but he said once again "Do take note that she is comfortable otherwise this plane would never be able to land on the land of County M"

"Yes… Yes Sir… I will"

She said and was about to leave but stopped and took out passenger list from her pocket and handed it to him " I am sorry to disturb you but Lady Lana seem to have two adorable kids with her"

As soon as she said she slipped away…

While he looked at the slips only to find out that she had two kids with her….




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