《The Devil’s Bride: War Of Endless Love》The Devil's Bride: War Of Endless Love


" I am a lot better than you in this aspect..At least I am not having rumour that I am into men.. "

Victor said while clenching his teeth and he thought that he had hit the pont but Adrian had his own card to play against him...

"You sure are gutsy… Calling your uncle by his name and then disrespecting him as he is sitting in your home and on top of that you even telling me that I am into guys…. As a nephew you should respect me..."

Finally he stood up from the place he had been sitting for more than 2 hours now..

"You… !!" Victor pointed his finger on him and said..

"You are just four and a half years older than me, how are you even my uncle… I don't want an uncle like you..."

"Want me or not… It doesn't matter.. You have played around enough… Designing or whatever… I want you to leave all that and come back home… 6 years are more than enough for you...and yeah.. Handle your twin sister. She is all the time messing around with everyone… Do you guys think that I am a babysitter? Why do I have to care about you all, all the time.."

Adrian looked at him in anger and Victor finally understood that it was not him but his twin sister who had caused the trouble….

He had also very bad experiences to clean up after what she had done

"What that brat had done now? Did she not have enough that I have to face more?"

"Do I even care? I give you both only 2 days here.. If I don't see you at home on the 3rd day then don't even think of coming back" Adrian said and put the glass on the table and left the room and went to the washroom…


"That brat nova… Why can't she let me live my life peacefully? What have I done wrong to deserve this?"

Victor's mother was adopted in Adrian's family when her husband died in an accident and she already had no parents or in laws to go and was pregnant at that time…

She had nowhere to go and Adrian's father was good friends with Victor's grandparents and when they got the news about the tragedy, they decided to take her in and from that moment she was the family member of his family.

Adrian was the only child which was born after 15 years of their marriage..

At that time when Kaly was adopted, Adrian was only years old and was the only child of Mr and Mrs King…

Kaly was not sure if she could live with them or not but she was not in condition to leave them as at that time not only she was pregnant but also going through a lot after losing her husband at a very young age but since Mr and Mrs King were there for her, she felt relieved and gave birth to the twins…

This is how Victor became the nephew of the Devil and lived with him until he was 19 but when his grandfather, Old Mr. King asked him to work with his devil uncle after his studies were done. He ran away from home but was caught by his devil uncle and had been locked up for a week but since he had his dreams and ambitions he just told them that he would be back eventually after living his life to the fullest because he very well knew that involving in the matter of Royal family's business meant that he had to go through a lot and had to fight with the other evil members of the family, who were hungry for the power and wealth.


They were all wolves who could drink their own family's blood to do and achieve what they want and for Victor he did not want to get involved in them. He just wanted a simple life away from all the evils and conspirator people but now it seemed to be hard for him to run away as Adrain was himself there to take him back…


The next day…

Lana got ready to meet the Dean of her kids' school..

Since Alex was injured and they had not to go to the school, Lana did not bother with them and just cooked their food and pasted a sticky note on the lunch boxes and left as she had an early appointment to meet him…

She reached the cafe in front of the school and found him waiting for her

"I am sorry...I am so sorry that I made you wait like this..."

She quickly bowed her head and apologized to him…

"It's ok Ms Lana… I am waiting here because I couldn't see you and your kids suffering like that.."

They both went inside the cafe and Lana proceeded with all the documents and signed on it after reading it carefully…

"Miss Lana...This might take a few days to proceed "

He said and she looked up at him

"But sir… I am leaving the country in the evening… I even left my place for it..."

Lana felt panicked as it was big news for her… She had to wait even more this time..

"Don't worry please provide me your mail address and It will be sent to you as soon as it is ready..."

Finally after hearing his words Lana felt relieved that she still had a way after all this…

When everything was done and Lana was about to leave, she looked at him and said "Can you please tell me who the person was? I can tell that it was not one of them who did it… They can't afford to.."

The Dean stood up from his place and said "I don't know much about it but I can tell that they are from the Royal family of Country M… I guess some King family…. I heard they are very powerful there and influential.."

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