《The Devil’s Bride: War Of Endless Love》The Devil's Bride: War Of Endless Love



"But Momma, That guy Tom And the other ones, They have pretty powerful backgrounds and we can't fight against them.." Raina rubbed her both hands and said with a look of worry on her face….

"Enough, of those bratty kids, Let's not talk about them anymore, As long as I am here no one can bother you, And they need super guts to bother your mother…" Lana said While showing her biceps which were totally covered by her shirt…. She laughed like crazy without caring Victor's present in the car, Because at the moment she just wanted to cheer her little kids up by every means because she knew very well that her kids had high IQ just like her and they can understand her every hard situation without even saying,So she always do some nonsensical things that made them laugh or make them their eyes roll….

When Victor saw her showing the biceps he couldn't hold back his laughter and started laughing and he was joined by her two little kids Alex and Raina…

All three of them decided to take Victor to their home, as he had really helped them at a time like this...

Victor drove his car to their house, which was located in a cheap apartment society…

Lana felt a bit embarrassed but when she thought of her situation and Victor's class she dropped that idea to feel embarrassed…

"Sir… We are not as rich as you are, and we don't have such a big Villa or Manor, we just live in a 1Bhk flat here, and this was the cheapest too in this whole building…" Lana said while looking at him smiling, hiding her all the embarrassment inside her very well...

Victor heard her but did not know what to say so he just followed behind them…


It was true that the building was truly cheap by the looks… They lived on the 5th floor and there was no elevator to reach on the 5th floor, They had to use stairs to go there…

"Lana, how do you guys stay here? I mean that there is no elevator, no lights and this place looks as old as hell …!!"

He was really shocked by only knowing that she has two kids,but it was even more shocking to see her situation. He had thought that she was earning pretty decently and might be living very leisurely by the looks of it… But never in his wildest dreams he had thought that the girl whom he was giving hard times to by making her come early and making her work over time was suffering all the time and never once complained to him about anything... He was now regretting whatever he had done with her for the past four months…

When Lana heard him complaining about her place and her way of living, She felt angry and even more embarrassed as he said all those things in front of her kids so she said

" Mr. Victor, We all three are inviting you because you helped us, You have no right to ridicule us like that…. If you want to come then you're most welcome, If you don't, Then please leave"

Raina, Who was looking at them and hearing their bickering over little things,She came forward and said " Momma, Uncle is right at his own place, He is not used to live at a place like this" She then turned to Victor and continued " And Uncle, We might be poor but we are happy in whatever way we are living right now, I know you didn't say all those things in a wrong way but this is our home sweet home, And it's not like we are going to live here forever as we keep on changing our house, every 6 months and within two months we will be leaving this place too"


She was still about to say something when Alex came forward and put his hand on her mouth and said " He is our Mother's Boss, We shouldn't be talking too much to a stranger or to a person we just met and specially when he is our Momma's Boss "

Alex said and dragged the little girl with him into the house...

Victor was dumbstruck by what he heard from those little kids, Never in his dreams he had thought that kids of their age were going to lecture him someday and even in a very sensible way. He felt awkward and decided not to say a single word anymore until he needed to...

No one talked after that and they all walked there silently until they reached the 5th floor…

Lana quickly opened the door of her apartment and went inside with the kids and Victor also followed behind her.

As soon as everyone was inside the house Lana quickly locked it and gestured at Alex and Raina to go ahead and clean the living room...

"Mr. Victor… We don't have any extra home slippers to offer you and especially for a man… So if you don't mind, why not wear mine.."

Lana said while putting a pair of slippers in front of her. Victor did not say anything and just wore the slippers he was offered to...

Raina and Alex quickly did the clean up process and then sat back on to the couch...

Lana and Victor entered the living room and Lana offered him a seat to sit...

"Mr. Victor please have a seat…"

Lana said to Victor and then looked at Raina and Alex "Why don't you guys go and get changed… "

She was still saying when her phone started ringing, she quickly picked it up

"Yes… I am Larena gracias...and you?"

Lana said with a frown appearing on her forehead….

"Miss… We are sorry to inform you that your kids can not attend classes in our school anymore"

The person on the other side told her that he wanted to talk to her and was from her kid's school but did not reveal his name…

When Lana heard him saying that they could not attend the school, her whole body shook and she quickly ran off to the balcony...

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