Dimensional Sovereign Chapter 179


Chapter 179

Chapter 179: Growing Stronger (2) [The End]


[War] Hwanmong

Health: 1000000/1000000

Hwanmong Energy: 1000000/1000000

Good Luck: 31

Charisma: 115

His status window showed that his health and Hwanmong energy had doubled .

He had taken his first step after becoming a Hwanmong Ruler .

Kang-jun had defeated the shadow that was formed from the demons of his heart . Not only did his sword mastery increase, but his mentality increased as well!

Kang-jun now had more strength as a Hwanmong Ruler .

It was due to defeating his heart demon .

His ability as a Hwanmong Ruler had been irrelevant .

Kang-jun had been able to defeat the shadow due to continually living a human life as well even after becoming a Hwanmong Ruler .

He felt the little joys and pleasures of being a human; it was fun .

He felt more happiness drinking beer and eating beef together with Hayun, Sang-hoon and Ji-eun than he did finding hundreds of small worlds .

The scale of the dimensional system was huge, but the small pleasures of life were much larger .

Therefore, even if he had no more abilities as a Hwanmong Ruler .

If he could feel the joys of living with his family and friends, he wouldn’t feel envious .

. . . At least, in terms of happiness .

After overcoming his heart demon, Kang-jun looked around the mysterious space called the grave of the gods .

He realized that it wasn’t the grave of the gods but a gateway to another world .

He could see a myriad of tunnels .

What worlds would appear when he entered those tunnels?

There seemed to be an infinite number of tunnels, so he could look forever .

‘There may be many things that could challenge a Hwanmong Ruler . ’

As a Hwanmong Ruler, he felt his heart pounding with thrill as he stood before these infinite worlds .

How many exciting things existed?

Additionally, how much stronger could he become?

Exploring these unknown worlds would further expand Kang-jun’s territory .

As a Hwanmong Ruler, there were always endless challenges, so Kang-jun’s heart beat wildly .

'At least I won’t be bored in the future . ’

Kang-jun returned back through the tunnel, toward Rujel Continent where Heksia was waiting .

“Lord! What was inside?”

"Just a few shadows . ”

Kang-jun had spent quite a long time in there, but on the outside, the amount of time that had passed was only enough time to drink a cup of tea .

Kang-jun smiled at Heksia .

"Anyway, you worked hard, so I’ll have to reward you . ”

Heksia had fought the golems and removed the threat from Rujel Continent, fulfilling her mission as a guardian .

Therefore, he gave her a set of myth ranked armour and weapons, three legend ranked sets and 10 heroic sets .


“Wah! Myth ranked items!”

Additionally, there were three legend ranked sets! Heksia was very pleased .

“Lord, thank you very much . "”

"There is no need to thank me . It is a prize for your hard work . ”

Then Heksia glanced at Kang-jun with strange eyes .

"Can you give me another reward?”

“Another reward?”

“Yes, you should know . ”

Kang-jun suddenly remembered when he first saw her .

The charismatic 439th Commander of the Earth Hwanmong Defense Army!

The demon’s distinctively sexy appearance had made Kang-jun’s heart pound .

Anyway, how could Kang-jun not know Heksia’s will? Kang-jun happily gave her the reward and left .

He continued his visits to Aquana, Klater, Melinad and Grania in order to encourage them .

In addition to that, he made sure that Driana and the now independent Sud as well as Rotas and the other demon kings were doing their tasks well .

He didn’t forget to visit the sealed world to encourage Cardia and Thanatos .

Cardia was interested in making dungeons, causing her to create one that was much more difficult than the hell grade dungeons .

It was a place that couldn’t be challenged unless someone was at least at the level of a transcendent!

Kang-jun hoped that one day, some sovereigns would break through to transcendence and visit here .

After leaving the sealed world, Kang-jun sought out Shaoniel who was leading the sovereign project .

"You’ve gone through a lot of trouble, Shaoniel . ”

"It is hard work . Thank you for letting me do something this big . ”

Shaoniel was proud about being given the authority to manage the sovereigns who had been released from hell .

It wasn’t just her . All the angels and celestial gods who were helping her were proud as well .

Kang-jun smiled .

He was very proud of Shaoniel .

She was a bright light in the Hwanmong that was infested with demonic gods .

It was very fortunate that he had acquired Goddess Shaoniel .

Kang-jun returned to the headquarters at the Delta building after visiting all the worlds of his household members and called Keirun .

"I will now have a party to comfort all of my people . Prepare to make the party as great as possible . ”

"Yes, Lord . I understand . ”

Keirun’s face lit up after hearing that there would be a party . He moved briskly with Aniel .

The location was the rest area in the Delta building .

The rest area was a huge island with all types of relaxing facilities .

In the central plaza, Kang-jun and his household members gathered .

The spirit rulers, Naga Queen, Heksia, Grania, Driana, Sud, Germuz and Rodiam were all there .

Rotas appeared in the guise of a tree while the demon kings attended in nice clothing .


That wasn’t all .

The chief gods of the Celestial World were there with the celestial gods as well as Cardia and all the other demonic gods .

Of course, Kang-jun had sealed their abilities completely and they promised not to expose their destructive nature .

As a result, the petrification curse didn’t occur when somebody saw Cardia .

Even so, her great beauty was enough to surprise everybody .

Sovereign Avia and the other sovereigns as well as the commanders of the Earth Hwanmong Defense Army were also invited .

Additionally, Rainkar had reached the level of a transcendent and returned to Earth Hwanmong in time for the party .

Kajel, who was being punished by Kang-jun for neglecting his duty, received a special pardon just for the party .

Having tasted the pain of hell, Kajel seemed enthusiastic about not repeating the same mistake twice .

Of course, Goddess Shaoniel and her followers had to join the party . It was the same for the advanced angel, Luminael .

They met with the chief gods and had a happy chat .



There was beautiful music and dancing taking place . Karosio and Shilenda showed off their unique charms as they danced and pranced around .

The gorgeous demon kings and demonic gods showed off their dance moves as well .

Kang-jun was glad to see everyone enjoying themselves .

The chief god of the north, Dianas, smiled at him and said,

"Due to all the demonic gods becoming Lucan’s burden, the dimensional system has become very peaceful these days . On behalf of Celestial World, I once again want to thank you, Lucan . ”

Kang-jun laughed .

"It’s so that you can come to parties like this . ”

"Is that so? Hahaha . ”

If they were still in a war against the demonic gods, it would be impossible for the chief gods to attend Kang-jun’s party .

However, a major threat had been removed by Kang-jun .

There were still numerous small threats, but they were being dealt with by the sovereign project that Kang-jun had assigned to Shaoniel .

Those threats would be used to raise the sovereigns, so the Celestial World had less to do .

Then Dianas laughed suddenly .

Somehow, the chief gods and great demonic gods were sitting in one place and drinking . Moreover, Dianas was thrilled after finding out the Cardia’s identity .

After seeing Cardia, the rulers of the Celestial World intuitively grasped that she had reached another realm .

She was someone that the Celestial World was no match for .

‘It was a really dangerous moment . ’

If Lucan hadn’t entered the Abyss and suppressed Cardia, what would have happened to the Celestial World? She couldn’t help sweating at the thought .

In the meantime, the atmosphere of the party heightened and it lasted for a long time .

Once the party was over, Kang-jun returned to reality .

He deliberately didn’t invite the people on Earth to the party .

He wanted to keep reality and Hwanmong separate .

It would be better not to call those living in reality to Hwanmong .

Kang-jun was the same .

He wanted to live as an ordinary human in this place .

If he didn’t use his wings, he couldn’t move quickly . However, he could enjoy the pleasure of walking slowly .

Additionally, he recently enjoyed going on jogs .

Was that all? He would travel by airplane, car, train or ship .

These were all the little pleasures of life .

In order to enjoy these as much as possible, he shouldn’t use his divine powers on Earth .

“Hayun, prepare quickly . Today, we are going to travel . ”

"Travel? Really? To where?”

"The Maldives . "

“Wah! Really?”

Hayun clapped . Then Kang-jun scratched his head as someone occurred to him .

"Ah, that's right . We need to find out if there are tickets first . I don't know if we can go today . ”

Hayun just smiled .

"It is okay to not go today, so let’s see if it is possible to book tickets . ”

“Yes . ”

He could reach there instantly if he flew in a transparent state . No, he didn’t have to fly and could get there in less than a second through space movement .

However, then he wouldn’t be able to enjoy the pleasure of travelling on an airplane . Waiting at the airport was annoying but that was also one of the enjoyments of travelling .

Kang-jun intended to travel like normal humans and Hayun liked it as well .

However .

Kang-jun sighed . He found out through the travel agency that flights to the Maldives weren’t very convenient, so he needed to have booked tickets a long time ago .

If he called Han Yeon-soo or Jang Seo-yeon, he could get a ticket quickly .

He had the power to do things like that .

However, if he did that, he might as well just move through space movement . So, Kang-jun decided to change the destination .

"Let’s go to Jeju Island . Fortunately, it is easy to get tickets to there . ”

“Jeju Island is good!”

Hayun smiled and Kang-jun grabbed her hands .

"Then shall we go?”

"Wait, what about the luggage?”

“Yes, that’s right . Where is the carrier bag?”

Kang-jun and Hayun packed diligently instead of using his space .

They went down to the underground parking lot and drove the Venta S Class to the airport . However, an accident occurred on the road .

"The cars are blocked . We won’t be able to make it in time . ”

"It's okay . If we don’t make it, we’ll take the next flight . ”

"Indeed . There is no hurry . ”

There were joyful smiles on Kang-jun’s and Hayun’s faces .


Thank you for sticking with Dimensional Sovereign until the end .

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