Dimensional Sovereign Chapter 28


Chapter 28

Demonic Dragon’s Ring (1)

Around one hour after he started selling the socks, the owner of the stall appeared and bowed to him .

“Boss-nim! I’m really sorry in many ways for today . Bong-cheol and I are deeply reflecting . Please keep the contract until the end . I will give you 30,000 won a day . ”

“I’ll think about it . ”

“Heheh! Please tell me if you ever feel any discomfort . ”

His tone was completely subservient compared to before . Maybe it was due to Hwang Seong-gil .

Lee Bong-cheol and Oh Young-sik were both visibly struggling .

Didn’t they covet this spot? They brought a gang to bully him into giving up the location .

In fact, customers gathered in front of Kang-jun like they were spellbound . However, Kang-jun only intended to sell socks here for eight days .

This wasn’t a good place to trade . He needed to use the skill Draw In Customers at a location with a better floating population . Towards the centre of the market, the floating population increased by more than 10 times .

It would be better to find a stall in that location, even if it was much more expensive . He would be able to earn a few hundred million won a month .

Of course, he needed to work to collect that money . Kang-jun was climbing up step by step to the top .

“Now, selling socks! Durable, lightweight and comfortable to wear . Come and look just once!”

The sale of the socks went smoothly . He steadily used the Draw In Customers as well as Art of Communication whenever there was a critical hit .

He sold all 10 boxes by the time it was 9 p . m . He made 1 . 53 million won in a day . His goal had been to achieve 1 . 5 million won .

Kang-jun had an enthusiastic smile on his face . Up to now, it had been so hard to earn money . He was poor and ignored . Kang-jun had been miserable and barely had enough for one meal a day .

Kang-jun now gripped bills of won in his hand . He would earn more . Much more money . He would be the owner of money .

The next day, Kang-jun also sold socks at the market .

And finally, the time came to return to the world of Hwanmong . Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to sign a contract for Room 401 .


10 p . m .

Kang-jun paid a visit to Room 413 before falling asleep . The door opened and revealed Hayun .

“Omo! What is happening this time?”

Hayun behaved like an ordinary woman . Kang-jun laughed .

“This is the time . Watch over me very well tonight . ”

Kang-jun let Hayun know in advance to look after him .

“It is finally that day?”

“Yes . ”

“I also want to visit that world . ”

“I will call you if necessary . And starting from tomorrow, you will be able to head down to the PC Room on the 3rd floor . ”

Hayun could remain a human on the 4th floor but that didn’t last once she headed down to the PC Room . Kang-jun thought that today would be enough to occupy the entire Dafeng building .

“Really? Huhuhut, you promise? Then I will be like an expensive watch . ”

“Expensive watch?”

“Sang-min told me that it is a game trending among the citizens these days . ”

Hayun told me .

Playing a game? A naive innocent expression . A slender figure that stimulated the protective instincts . She really was a very beautiful human . It wasn’t easy to recall the appearance of a virgin ghost with sharp nails from a few days ago .

They returned back to Room 406 .

Kang-jun lay on the bed to try and fell aslepp . Hayun sat in the chair to watch over him .


“Not yet . ”

“Should I be your lap pillow and sing you a lullaby?”

“Ah, no . That’s okay . ”

A lullaby from a ghost! And lying on the lap of a ghost?

It was vaguely creepy . But sleep was running away from him .

Hayun shot him a look and said .

“Don’t be so prejudiced . There is nothing wrong with ghosts . ”

“Then sing me a lullaby . ”

“In the shadow of the mother island…”

Curiously, he really did fall asleep . The moment that Kang-jun fell asleep .

[The door to Hwanmong is open . ]

[You have entered the world of Hwanmong . ]

Kang-jun stood in the middle of his Room 406 base .

His hand was holding the Solid Wooden Stick and his health had recovered .

[Resource Status]

Money – 55 nodes .

Essence of Earth – 1

Information about his resources and current summoning status also appeared .

[Stage 1 Barrack]


-Capacity 3/10

[Ratian archer summoning: 1%]

[A giant ratian is scheduled to be summoned]

The three ratians that Kang-jun summoned last time were waiting in the corridor in front of Room 406 .

Kang-jun checked his current status .

Lee Kang-jun

Lv . 5 (Exp 43 . 00%)

[War] Beginner

Health: 170/170 .

Black Magic Energy: 100/200

Strength: 8

Agility: 9

Intelligence: 6

Good Luck: 6

Charisma: 8

‘I have some money so I should summon more ratians . ’

Having more troops would be nice . He would be able to summon them in the punishment field and battle field .

Currently he had summoned three ratians . There were two more scheduled to be summoned .

He placed three more in reserve . It cost 50 nodes .

[A ratian archer is scheduled to be summoned]

[A giant ratian is scheduled to be summoned]

[A giant ratian is scheduled to be summoned]

After they were all summoned to the barrack, Kang-jun would be able to command eight troops . It would just take a bit of time to summon them .

Meanwhile, Kang-jun decided to occupy the PC Room on the 3rd floor .

“Let’s go! 3rd floor!”

“Yes, Lord . Kekekeke!”

“Kikikik! We will follow your words . ”

Kang-jun took the lead with the Solid Wooden Stick while the two ratian infantry followed behind . The ratian archer was bringing up the rear .

[Rainbow PC Room]

-Invasion is possible

[Would you like to invade? Yes/No]

The question appeared as soon as he headed down the stairs to the 3rd floor .

‘Yes! Invade . ’

Kang-jun expected it and replied without any hesitation .

[Attack and destroy the door to the Rainbow PC Room . ]

[Rainbow PC Room Door: 100%]

“Attack that door!”

Kang-jun instantly commanded .

“Keket! Attack!”

“Kikiki! Break down the door!”

It wasn’t a joke to say that the PC room used up the entire 3rd floor .

Kang-jun wielded the Solid Wooden Stick and triggered Aura of Earth .

Kwang kwang kwang!

The ratian infantry and archers also diligently attacked the door .

Sometimes the door would open with a gust of wind and dramatically reduce the health of the ratian infantry .

Every time, Kang-jun would have the ratian infantry return to the barrack . It was because the health of the ratians would spontaneously recover in the barrack . Then they would join the attack again once their health was full .

Fortunately, Kang-jun received almost no damage thanks to the defense of Aura of Earth .

So after a while?

Before he knew it, an additional ratian archer was summoned and joined in . Following that, a giant ratian was called .

[Rainbow PC Room Door: 0%]

[The Rainbow PC room door has been destroyed . ]

[You have occupied the Rainbow PC Room . ]

‘Oh! Finally!’

The Rainbow PC Room was occupied . People would call him crazy in reality but it was possible in the world of Hwanmong .

Sususu .

Then a scroll appeared beyond the door .

Kang-jun instantly looked at it .

[Inferior PC Room knowledge has been acquired . ]

[The power of the management skills inside the PC Room will increase . ]

Last time it was the goshiwon but now he had acquired knowledge about the PC Room . In the future, it would be easier for Kang-jun to earn money in the goshiwon or PC Room .

Kang-jun exited and continued to the 2nd floor .

[The Iris coffee shop has been occupied . ]

[Star Star Karaoke has been occupied . ]

The door destruction speed was much faster thanks to the giant ratian . He took over the 2nd floor a lot quicker than the 3rd floor .

[Inferior coffee shop knowledge has been acquired . ]

[Inferior karaoke knowledge has been acquired . ]

He obtained some loot on the 2nd floor . Of course, there was knowledge .

Coffee shop and karaoke .

Kang-jun felt somewhat proud . This knowledge would be useful some day .

He continued to the 1st floor .

[The Tasty Soondae House has been occupied . ]

[Dafeng Real Estate Office has been occupied . ]

He also succeeded in the occupation of the 1st floor . The relevant industry knowledge was acquired .

Finally, it was time for the basement .

At this time, the summoning of all his troops to the barrack was completed .

Two ratian infantry .

Three ratian archers .

Three giant ratians .

The total of eight troops marched vigorously behind Kang-jun to the door of the karaoke bar in the basement of the Dafeng building .

“Attack that door!”

“Kuooh! As you command . ”

“Kekekeket! Yes, Lord . ”

The three giant ratians rushed without mercy to the door .

The ratian infantry wielded their clubs while the ratian archers leisurely fired their bows from the back .

Kwang kwang kwang kwang! Kwa kwa kwa kwang!

Papapak! Syuok! Papapak!

The karaoke bar door didn’t have significant durability so it was quickly destroyed .

[Roma Salon has been occupied . ]

[Inferior karaoke bar knowledge has been acquired . ]

‘It is finished!’

Kang-jun cheered . He had succeeded in occupying all of the Dafeng building

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