Dimensional Sovereign Chapter 22


Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Occupying Everything (2)


Kang-jun tried to quickly close the door, but the ghost had already rushed inside .

“Kikiki! I’m going to kill you . ”

The wild black hair . The bloody light in her eyes!

Why was she still haunting him? It clearly said that the threat in reality would disappear . Furthermore, the momentum of the ghost didn’t seem to have changed at all .

The cold eyes of a virgin ghost . They were as cold as the north or south pole . Any man looking into those eyes would feel himself wither . If this continued, the ghost really would kill him .

‘Shit! I won’t obediently let her kill her me . ’

Kang-jun desperately decided to resist and threw a punch towards the ghost’s face .


It was naturally a reckless attack . The ghost wouldn’t budge even if Kang-jun managed to hit her .

However, the actual situation unfolded differently from his expectations .

Peok -!


The ghost was like a scarecrow in front of Kang-jun’s fist . Both Kang-jun and the ghost were surprised that he managed to knock her down .

“You dare do something like this!”


The ghost hurriedly jumped up and grabbed Kang-jun’s neck with both hands .


At that moment, Kang-jun’s right foot struck the ghost’s chest . It was followed by his left foot that had his full weight behind it .

Bam bam!


The ghost was blown down the corridor with a sharp scream .


The ghost staggered up with confusion on her face . Her eyes showed that she couldn’t accept this situation .

On the other hand, a relaxed smile appeared on Kang-jun’s face .

‘The ghost’s power has clearly weakened . ’

The words stating that removing all obstacles in Room 413 would make the threat in reality disappear wasn’t total nonsense . The ghost was definitely weaker compared to before . She no longer posed a threat to Kang-jun .


‘Then I can’t leave it alone . ’

Kang-jun needed to stop the ghost from coming near him ever again .

“You took it well today . I’ll give you some more . ”

Kang-jun approached with a ferocious expression, causing the ghost to flinch back .

“D-don’t come . ”

But Kang-jun ignored those words and continued moving forwards . Then the ghost rushed into Room 413 .

Kang-jun immediately tried to open the door to Room 413 . However, the door didn’t open easily . The door knob wouldn’t turn, like someone was holding it on the other side . Of course, that person was the ghost .

Sure enough .

“Don’t come in . Please! It is a request . ”

The ghost said in a pitiful voice . It no longer wailed and sounded like the normal voice of a woman . Appealing to his pity?

But Kang-jun wouldn’t be moved by such a thing .


Kang-jun punched the door and said coldly .

“I am telling you nicely to open the door . ”

Then the force holding the door shut disappeared . Kang-jun who was holding the doorknob opened it .

“Please! Don’t come in . ”

The ghost begged, but Kang-jun ignored her and entered the room .

Instead of the black clothes and wild hair, the ghost was wearing a white dress and straight hair and was staring at Kang-jun with an uneasy expression .

She looked quite pretty . No, she wasn’t pretty but beautiful . But she was still a ghost .

Kang-jun reached out and grabbed the collar of the ghost .

“What are you?”

“Ha…Hayun . ”

The ghost fearfully made eye contact with Kang-jun before replying .


“Hayun is my name . ”

Her name? The name of a ghost? Although it was natural . She would have had a name when she was alive .

Anyway, that wasn’t important right now .


Kang-jun roughly pushed her against the wall .

“Why would I ask about your name? I’m asking about what you are!”


Hayun replied feebly .

“You already know that . You know what I am . ”

Of course he knew . However, Kang-jun couldn’t help wondering if Hayun was really a ghost . Especially a virgin ghost .

“Are you really a virgin ghost?”

Hayun glared at Kang-jun .

“Is there any need for me to answer?”

“Of course . Tell me! Are you really a virgin ghost?”

Hayun struggled for a moment before opening her mouth with a sigh .

“Yes . I am a ghost . But I’m not a virgin . Is that a problem?”

Kang-jun was lost in thought for a moment .

‘So she is a ghost but not a virgin?’

This! Kang-jun was afraid that Hayun had misunderstood him . She seemed to think he would have more sympathy if she was a virgin .

There was no such thing . He was simply asking if she was a virgin ghost . According to legend, the most terrifying ghost to be haunted by was a virgin ghost . And to Kang-jun, the meaning of virgin was just an unmarried woman .

But Hayun seemed to have misunderstood .

His face started to become hot . He wasn’t expecting such an honest answer . He hadn’t even been curious about such a thing .

Kang-jun looked at her with an awkward expression .

“Anyway, I am right that you are a ghost . ”

“Yes . ”

Hayun obediently nodded . Kang-jun sneered and said .

“If you are dead, why don’t you go to the afterlife instead of scaring people in this room?”

“This is my room . I don’t want anyone else in this room . ”

“What does that mean?”

Kang-jun couldn’t understand why the already dead Hayun was clinging to Room 413 .

“And why are you here? Did you die in this room?”

Hayun nodded as tears dripped down .

“Will you listen to my situation?”

“Leave this room right now . And don’t come anywhere near me again . ”

“It is a request . Please don’t drive me out . I will be quiet . If you listen to my situation…”

“Why should I listen to your circumstances? I’m not curious at all! Just get lost!”

Anyone watching the scene would think Kang-jun was an unscrupulous landlord kicking out his poor tenant Hayun .

“I can’t . I will never leave . ”

“Do you want me to hit you? Or will you leave?”

Kang-jun raised his fists in preparation to hit Hayun . Hayun closed her eyes .

“Hit me . I will be alright . Instead, just let me stay here . ”

Hitting her . He could just hit her . But how could he hit her when the ghost didn’t even resist? He somehow felt dirty .

“Then I will make you leave . ”

Kang-jun lifted Hayun up and prepared to throw her out the door . Hayun hurriedly exclaimed .

“I’ve scared people but I never actually harmed them . ”

“Lies! Then why did you try to kill me last night?”

“You threatened me first . I never really intended to kill you . ”

Kang-jun had used the black magic attack first .

“Apart from that fact . Why are you talking to me now?”

“If I leave this room, I will gradually lose my memories and become a wicked spirit . I don’t want to hurt people . Please don’t drive me out . Please!”

He had to believe this .

‘Dang…this has become complicated . ’

Kang-jun placed Hayun back in the room .

“So you have to stay in this room forever?”

“I can’t leave before my grudge is resolved . ”

“Grudge? What is it?”

Hayun gazed at Kang-jun with expectation .

“Then you will release my grudge?”

“I didn’t say that . But I will listen to your situation . ”

Kang-jun flopped down on the bed and said .

Damn! It was too unexpected .

He now needed to listen to the circumstances of a ghost .

However, he couldn’t just drive out Hayun if it meant she would turn into an evil spirit and harm others .

“Tell me . What is your grudge?”

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