Dimensional Sovereign Chapter 11


Chapter 11

New Beginning (3)

Lee Kang-jun

Lv . 2 (Exp 05 . 00%)

[War] Beginner

Health: 110/110

Black Magic Energy: 0/170

Strength: 5

Agility: 6

Intelligence: 3

Good Luck: 6

Charisma: 8

His level increased, so strength, agility and intelligence increased by 1 point . But good luck and charisma were still the same .

‘It is as described . ’

Kang-jun smiled widely .

Unless a special event raised them, good luck and charisma were virtually fixed stats . It was a relief that he raised them ahead of time .

His body felt refreshed after the rise in strength, agility and intelligence . His physical condition and mental state were clear .

Looking at the status window, his maximum health and black magic energy also rose . Maximum health was restored but black magic energy remained intact at 0 points .

‘What? Why isn’t black magic energy charged?’

Levelling up recovered my health so why was black magic energy still the same?

A new message appeared at Kang-jun’s question .

[Black magic energy will not be restored through levelling up . ]

[You already know how to restore black magic energy . ]

Of course he knew .

Black magic energy was filled by absorbing the strength of people in reality .

‘What? Surely that isn’t the only way?’

Then there was no way to fill up black magic energy in Hwanmong .

[Recovery of black magic energy is possible in Hwanmong, but it is not yet available for you . ]

Fortunately, it wasn’t impossible . It was possible if other conditions were met . He just didn’t know what they were .

‘Anyway, it can’t be helped right now . ’

Kang-jun examined the corpse of the boss monkey lying on the ground . Boss monsters tended to always drop something .

‘Shouldn’t there be at least one health potion?’

Not surprisingly, something shiny was near the right side of the boss!


‘Oh! Indeed!’

An item . A rolled up scroll .

‘What is this?’

He would know if he opened it . Kang-jun untied the strings of the scroll and rolled it open .


At that moment, a bright light came from the scroll .

[The ratians are small but fast and cunning . A giant rtian has outrageous strength…]

There were unknown messages .

[Minor knowledge about the ratians has been acquired . ]

‘Ratian? Minor knowledge?’

Kang-jun had a puzzled expression .

What was this?

[The minor knowledge about the ratians will be beneficial when facing them in the future . ]

‘Oh! It was like this?’

Kang-jun’s complexion brightened .

The rat head monkeys were called ‘ratians . ’ In other words, Kang-jun had gained knowledge about the ratians .

[Combat strength against the ratians has risen by 10% . ]

[The likelihood of acquiring items from the ratians has risen by 5% . ]

It was amazing .

Was it only limited to the ratians?

[In order to obtain more advanced knowledge, participate in many battles against the ratians . ]

‘Right . ’

It was minor knowledge so shouldn’t there be knowledge of a higher grade? He would naturally learn as he fought the ratians .

‘Are there any more ratians in there?’

Kang-jun grabbed the club and waited in front of Room 413 .

‘I will wait for them to emerge and then swing at their faces . ’

Doing so would make it easier to deal with the ratians . He would smash their heads as they came through the door and make them fall down .

But he waited for a long time and the door didn’t open .

‘What? Did they notice that I was waiting?’

Kang-jun briefly hesitated before carefully trying to open the door to Room 413 . However, the door didn’t budge .

A message surfaced at the same time .


[Entry is not permitted . ]

[Make Room 413 your territory if you want to enter . ]

Unlike Room 406, Kang-jun didn’t pay a contract for Room 413 .

In other words, Kang-jun needed to wake up and sign a contract with Room 413 if he wanted to enter . He would then only be able to enter Room 413 once he returned to Hwanmong .

‘Crazy! Am I made of money?’

Kang-jun had saved in order to live in a 250,000 room at an affordable goshiwon . But now he needed to sign a contract with Room 406 and Room 413?

That was at least 500,000 won a month! If he had that money then he would be renting a good studio room .

Of course, he was analyzing it using common sense .

Reality and the world of Hwanmong were connected, but this was preposterous . But something favourable might happen if he made Room 413 his territory .

‘It can’t be helped right now . I’ll just wait in front of it . ’

Some time passed .


The door to Room 413 finally opened and something came out .

An oversized rat head monkey! A giant ratian!


This was what he had been waiting for .

Bam bam!

Kang-jun swung his club at the giant ratian’s head without mercy .


The giant ratian staggered around with a moan . Kang-jun didn’t miss this chance and kicked both feet against the chest of the giant ratian .


The giant ratian fell backwards .

Kang-jun struck wildly with the club .

Bam bam! Bam bam bam –


The giant ratian gave a scream and slumped down .

[Experience has been gained . ]

[12 nodes have been gained . ]

The increased strength and agility from his level up! The synergy with the minor knowledge about the ratian!

Unlike earlier, Kang-jun found it relatively easier to deal with the giant ratian .

But Kang-jun stopped rejoicing and glared at Room 413 . He knew there were ratians inside that hadn’t come out yet .

Sure enough .


The door popped open and another giant ratian came out .

Bam! Bam bam!

Kang-jun knocked it down in exactly the same way and crushed its head .

[Experience has been gained . ]

[14 nodes have been gained . ]

Then something shiny fell next to the giant ratian .

‘Oh! That is?’

He was looking at a thick book .

‘It is written in Hangul . ’ (Korean alphabet)’

The title of the book was written in Hangul so he could easily read it .

Draw In Customers (Inferior)

‘Draw in customers?’

There was something like this? He was sure he read it incorrectly and looked again . However, nothing had changed .

‘This is a real book?’

He never thought the giant ratian would drop a book . Did he need to read and study this book?

Kang-jun unconsciously opened the book .

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