Dimensional Sovereign Chapter 1


Chapter 1


A tremendous power came to me one day .

A small one pyeong goshiwon . (Pyeong= A Korean unit of measurement . Goshiwon= small accommodation . Generally a cheap place for long term students to prepare for exams . )

A strange and broken body was found under the bed of my goshiwon .

It changed my life .

* * *

Chapter 1: Meeting the Corpse Under the Bed

That day, I came back from my part time job and lay down on the small bed in my goshiwon .

How long was I asleep?

Hwiiiing –

A cold wind blew out of nowhere .

It wasn’t coming from my window, but underneath my bed .

“Why is cold wind coming from the bottom?”

Surely someone didn’t drill a hole into the floor of my room . I had a strange feeling and looked below the mattress .


A close up view of a dead body!

I must have seen wrong .

“Why are you so surprised? Is this your first time seeing a corpse?”

The sunken eyes in the corpse flashed .

Unbelievable! A corpse was talking?

This was a dream! I thought it was a nightmare .

“Listen carefully . I don’t know why, but the distant ‘Hwanmong’ dimension has chosen to grant you a power . ” (Hwanmong=empty dreams)

“Rather, who are you…?”

A corpse? Or a ghost?

However, the corpse ignored me and continued talking .

“Of course, you can refuse this power . Then the power of Hwanmong will leave and go to someone else . Do you refuse?”

At that moment, I fell into confusion .

A terrible corpse was saying this, so how could I accept such a bizarre situation? In addition, the corpse didn’t even tell me what the power of Hwanmong was .

“Answer . If you don’t reply then I will assume you have rejected it . ”


The corpse started to fade like it was disappearing .

In fact, I wanted it to disappear but I also wanted to hear more .

I was curious about the power of Hwanmong .

“What is the power of Hwanmong?”

The corpse gave a slight grin and appeared again .

“It is the purification of black magic . ”

“B-black magic?”

Black magic was something commonly seen in fantasy novels . A devil’s magic or a dark magic gained through a contract with demons!

That was black magic . Those who used black magic would inevitably disappear to become the prey of the devil .

I didn’t want such an unhappy fate .

‘I will never choose it!’

Even if this was a dream, there was no way I could accept the corpse’s offer . But the corpse seemed to read my thoughts and gave a bizarre smile .

“Keuk! You seem to be misunderstanding something . The power of Hwanmong is not what you are thinking . It is an independent power that has nothing to do with the devil . You can simply choose it . ”


“That’s right . Of course, there will be a price for that choice . ”

“A price?”

“I will tell you what it is . ”

The eyes of the corpse flashed and a strange dice appeared in the air .

A pentagonal dodecahedron dice with information on each side! Each pentagon was filled with unknown patterns .

“Throw it . Throw the dice and you will find the power . ”

Such a thing?

I threw the dice on the floor .

Tok! Toruruk…!

The dice stopped rolling .

But the dice blurred and a large coin appeared instead .

What was this coin?

I looked at the coin and saw the word ‘Management’ written on the front .

The corpse twisted its body and laughed .

“Management! You must be pretty desperate for money . Although it is understandable considering this cramped room . ”


“What does this mean?”

“It is literal . Right now, what you need most is money . An enormous amount of money! In other words, your heart is filled with desire to make a lot of money . ”


I couldn’t deny the corpse’s words .

It was obvious .

Honestly, was there anyone who disliked money? Especially someone like me who was stuck on the bottom in life .

“In other words, this power isn’t given by chance . You have to eagerly desire to achieve it . You can become rich through this power . ”

Become rich! Just hearing those words made me feel better .

“Now only your choice is left . If you refuse then your memories will be erased and the power of Hwanmong won’t come to find you again . ”


I was struggling .

This situation was obviously a dream . I would be naive to accept it as reality .

Still, the power to earn an enormous amount of money!

I was strangely attracted . Who wouldn’t want to have a lot of money in this world? I couldn’t carelessly refuse even if it was the temptation of the devil .

I looked at the corpse and suddenly asked .

“If I select it, the price… I would like to know what it is . ”

The corpse gave a strange smile and said .

“In return, you must complete 100 missions that will be given in the future . ”

“100 missions?”

“Yes . You will be free if you fulfill all of them . Of course, the power you are given won’t disappear after that . ”

“Can I ask about the type of missions?”

“I don’t know . Because the final purpose for the missions is different for each person . ”

“The final purpose?”

“That is probably the reason why the power of Hwanmong chose you . ”

“There was a reason?”

“Of course . Perform the missions if you want to know it . Everything will be revealed in the missions . ”

The corpse’s answer rang through my mind . Everything would be revealed through the missions!

“Now, your decision . Will you embrace a new destiny? Or do you refuse?”

The decision was already made . Even if this was reality instead of a dream, my choice would still be the same .

“Embrace my new destiny . ”

“Good decision . ”

At that moment, the word ‘War’ appeared on the empty side of the coin .

Eerie red letters!

The corpse gave a strange smile .

“Kukukuk! Don’t be surprised . Management is war! In the end, everything is war . You just have to win, but everything will be lost if you are defeated . In particular, defeat in the world of Hwanmong means certain death . ”

The coin I was clutching in my hands disappeared .

The corpse continued .

“Management, war! Unconditional victory! If you don’t want to become a corpse like me, beholden to the power of Hwanmong, then listen to my words today and don’t ever forget…”

He said and gradually dispersed .

He turned into a powder so fine that no traces were left behind .

Then he was gone .

At the same time, words appeared in front of my eyes .

Mission 1

-Gather black magic and open the door to Hwanmong .

-Compensation: Reconstruction of the flesh

It was none other than the first mission .

Of course, I thought this was still just a dream .

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