Nano Machine Chapter 30


Nano Machine Chapter 30: Second Round Test (A)

Buk ma clan's Grand Prince candidate, Cheon Moo Geum…

As the future hope and pride of his clan, he had been the recipient of the elite training and ancestral martial art of Buk Ma clan, one of the six pillar clans of the Ma faction.

His defeat in the hands of Cheon Yeo Woon not only surprised the other six spectating cadets, but petrified them.

It was only fourteen days ago that people seemed to mock him for his lack of inner power, but in a matter of weeks he had transformed into someone they couldn't dare stand up against.

"What? You want a piece of me too?"

Cheon Yeo Woon taunted the cadets who were blankly staring at him.

Then, as though the six of them had planned beforehand to act in unison, they simultaneously shook their heads from side to side.

Knowing that they couldn't withstand Cheon Moo Geum even if they all ganged up on him, they knew it was futile to even think of challenging today's victor.

"Then come and take him."

At his words the six of them ran to Cheon Moo Geum as though they were just waiting for the permission, and tried to sloppily lift him to his feet.

Despite Cheon Moo Geum's defeat, his henchmen couldn't help but be afraid of Buk Ma clan's authority and influence.

-If I can acquire not only personal, but also social power by building my own sphere of influence then will people fear me too?-

Cheon Yeo Woon began to wonder as he observed the cadets who were cowering before his defeated opponent.

Feeling humiliated, Cheon Moo Geum, who was still lying on the ground from the crippling headache and shoulder pain, at once thrust the other cadets' hands away who were trying to help him up.

"Get off! I'm going to walk on my own!"

"But, sir gong ja!"

"Don't make me tell you twice!"

They couldn't win against his stubbornness.

As his henchmen let go of their support, he fell back on the ground with his arms and legs sprawled out. And, with a dirty look and annoyance mixed in his voice, he asked Cheon Yeo Woon a befitting question.

"Why didn't you finish me off?"

Although Cheon Moo Geum hated Cheon Yeo Woon's guts and had inconsolable anger towards him, it was not much different for Cheon Yeo Woon, who since his childhood received the endless scorn and death threats of the six pillar clans, especially that of Buk ma clan. If anything, his anger was justifiably greater and surely not less than Cheon Moo Geum's.


It was the perfect opportunity to get revenge on him, but Cheon Yeo Woon relented. As a matter of fact, he even changed up his last attack from a decisive deathblow to a mere shove to the ground. The only thing that Cheon Moo Geum surmised of the situation was that he received Cheon Yeo Woon's unwanted pity.

Cheon Yeo Woon looked down at him with an expressionless face and set the record straight.

"Trust me, i the second round test wasn't a group match, I would've smashed your head into the ground."

The six cadets who were spectating the exchange between the two had chills run down their spine.

The savage words and stone cold facial expression of Cheon Yeo Woon's were frightening to behold.

Cheon Yeo Woon's reasoning made sense in light of the second round test, but for Cheon Moo Geum, being a hothead who jumps into things headlong first before considering the consequences, his "excuse" made no sense.

"Pshh, what a freaking excuse you lowly bastard."

"If you keep spitting garbage out of your mouth like that, I'm really gonna smash your head."

"Go ahead and smash it, you piece of crap!"

"At least your mouth is still alive and kicking."

After briefly staring down at Cheon Moo Geum, who couldn't even get up from the ground yet was screaming obnoxious threats at him, Cheon Yeo Woon wiped the dust off of his shoes and left.

During that time, as always the sun had fully set as darkness filled the sky.

The night light from the crescent moon shined through the pine trees unto Cheon Yeo Woon's gloomy face as he walked back to the dormitory.

-I guess I really can't write off the importance of experience.-

Thanks to the nano machine's capabilities, he was able to fully acquire Seop Maeng's fighting form at an unbelievably fast rate. However, he realized that his lack of experience might be his great downfall.

If Nano hadn't intervened, there was a very good chance that he would've been defeated.

The same way he wasn't automatically elevated to his teacher East Grand Lord Seop Maeng's level just because he co-opted his martial art, without both inner power and experience he knew that he wouldn't make much more progress.

-It's going to take time for me to obtain experience and there's no way that the punks from the six pillar clans are going to leave me alone after this point. The most constructive thing for me to do now is learn to use what I already have more efficiently and effectively.-


The augmented reality and battle tutorial features of the nano machine would've really come in handy and benefited his progress if he knew about it sooner.

The speed and precision in which Nano was able to analyze Cheon Moo Geum's fighting form, attacks and even weak points helped the experience-lacking Cheo Yeo Woon more effectively use his own fighting form as he followed along the battle tutorial's every command.


[Yes, my lord?]

-Can you tell me exactly how much of your many capabilities I've actually made use of so far?-

He suddenly became very curious.

Although new features and functions of the nano machine were periodically coming into the light for him, none of it was of his own choosing, but rather spontaneous implementations based on immediate needs.

[Searching through the user's history.

Currently, my lord has utilized about three-percent of the nano machine's full capacity]

In reality since Cheon Yeo Woon's sole interest and goal was in becoming a stronger fighter, his percentage of use of the multifunctional nano machine was inevitably going to be very low.

If the user was able to get a hold of all that is saved in the nano machine's program, he would have the potential to effectively flip the world upside down. Accordingly, such information and functions were inaccessible due to a security lock.

Nano did not disclose this fact to Cheon Yeo Woon, however, since it was irrelevant to him.


[Roughly one-thirty fourth]

She immediately explained it in a way that Cheon Yeo Woon can make sense of.

-What? That's it?-

[According to past records of the nano machine, there hasn't been anyone who's ever used more than one-thirty fourth of nano machine's full capabilities]

Of course as Nano the nano machine mentioned, there aren't many people who buy a product and use it to its full potential.

The reason being, most things are used according to the user's specific needs, the same way that Cheon Yeo Woon utilized the nano machine's functions specifically to become a martial art master.

-Even if I can't use all of the nano machine's capabilities, I'm sure there's much more in there that I can take advantage of right now.-

After considering the fact that he hasn't been utilizing the nano machine efficiently enough, Cheon Yeo Woon determined to be more proactive about it.

-Can you tell me in detail all the different functions in your program I could be utilizing right now?-

[Okay. I will transfer the exhaustive user's guide which details all of the capabilities of 7th Generation Nano Machine into your brain. Do you consent?]

-I consent.-

[In addition, to enable you to clearly understand the specific details in the user's guide, I will transfer the "English language" saved in the World Language Education module into your brain as well. Do you consent?]

-Oh, that's that language with the weird sounding words that you use from time to time, right?-

[You are correct]

-Okay, I consent.-

[With the user's consent, initiating transfer of the 7th Generation Nano Machine user's guide and the English language]

Along with Nano's characteristic, robotic voice a spark went off in Cheon Yeo Woon's head as his eyeballs began to move erratically in all directions. The transfer process was under way.

Because the nano machine user's guide had a lot more information than the instruction manual, the transfer process took a little bit longer.

Unlike last time, however, besides a minor headache Cheon Yeo Woon didn't have any other adverse side effects like puking.

Thanks to the few times that he had already undergone the transfer process, his brain was becoming more accustomed to the procedure.

As his headache subsided, Cheon Yeo Woon began to search through the list of all the things he is capable of doing through the nano machine.

-This is all the stuff that I would be able to do?-

As nano machine's full potential was unveiled before his curious mind, a big smile crossed his face.

It was as though he had only been seeing the tip of the iceberg.

In the program, he was able to find certain capabilities that could be used to help him compensate for his lack of fighting experience.

One of these capabilities was the Fighting Simulation module.

-It looks like I can simulate a real-live fight with an opponent through virtual reality mode.-

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