Nano Machine Chapter 29


Nano Machine Chapter 29: Remember, This Is All Of Your Own Making (F)

After realizing that the brief scare was exactly that, nothing but a scare, Cheon Moo Geum regained his confidence as he opened his cocky mouth to taunt his opponent again.

"I'm not gonna lie. I was a little surprised by your martial art at first, but it's pretty obvious now that your ill-suited skills were all thrown together in haste."

Cheon Yeo Woon scowled at his condescending words.

Surprisingly, Cheon Moo Geum was able to perceive by observing only a couple of Cheon Yeo Woon's forms that he had just begun to train in it.

-He seems to have the moves down, but he has no idea how to defend or counter my attacks.-

Although there was no doubt Cheon Moo Geum was a hot-headed bozo, the elite training he received as the Grand Prince candidate of Buk Ma clan was proving its worth.

Elite training didn't just involve taking medicinal herbs at a young age and going through the training regimen.

Since his childhood, Cheon Moo Geum had heightened his real-life fighting sensitivities by sparring with many different masters within the clan.

Martial art didn't stop with just learning the movements and forms, it was also critical that one knew when and how to use those techniques in a given situation.

"Kekeke. It's as expected. You're out of your depths, kid. You're a housecat trying to roar like a lion. It ain't gonna work."

After only watching two forms, he ascertained that Cheon Yeo Woon learned an exceptional martial art, and just as quickly, figured out that Cheon Yeo Woon heavily lacked in any real-life fighting experience.

-I underestimated Cheon Moo Geum. What to do now?-

Cheon Yeo Woon began to hesitate.

Although Jeopmoo Dobeop was perfectly engrained into him as though he had drilled it a hundred, if not a thousand times himself, just as Cheon Moo Geum said, he lacked the real-life experience necessary to know which form to use for which situation.

"I can find out how you learned your little martial art after I beat the crap out of you first!"


Full of confidence once again, Cheon Moo Geum sprang forward as he kicked off the dirt ground and geared up the fifth formation of Buk Ma's martial art.

At his opponent's tiger-like, fierce dash Cheon Yeo Woon fell into a bind as he desperately thought of what his next move should be.

-What do I do? What form do I get into?-

Suddenly in that moment, Nano the nano machine's voice rang inside Cheon Yeo Woon's head.

[An outside threat against the user has been detected.

As a countermeasure, the user's vision will be co-opted to activate augmented reality.

Additionally, command-assist defense mode will be initiated to launch combat tutorial]


"Take this!"

As Cheon Moo Geum's two fists torpedoed towards his chest, Cheon Yeo Woon lightly kicked off the ground, dodging the assault to his left, and landed a clean punch right on Cheon Moo Geum's face.



Caught by a surprise punch to his right jaw, Cheon Moo Geum's face briefly twisted to the left.

Although there was no inner power in his strike, the quick punch to his jaw caused him a minor concussion as he tried to regain balance on his feet.

-This, this little punk. What kind of fighting technique was that?–

If the punch had been carried through with inner power, it surely would've knocked him out.

Feeling a little dizzy and rattled, Cheon Moo Geum took a step back to create some distance between them as he geared up for another attack.

"What the hell? He completely changed his fighting style."

Even the six spectators on the sideline looked nonplussed.

When they heard Cheon Moo Geum's overconfident words of mockery, it seemed as though the fight was quickly going to be over, but that last counterattack by Cheon Yeo Woon seemed to have brought them back to square one.

Meanwhile, a whole nother visual world seemed to have opened before Cheon Yeo Woon.

-What is this?-

[As a way of aiding you in the fight, augmented reality has been activated in order to initiate combat tutorial]

Besides his normal vision, there were displayed before his eyes a series of bright lines and words that were lit up, which instructed and explained everything around him.

Even a second ago, when Cheon Moo Geum was about to dash forward, a luminescent outline in the shape of a footprint lit up before him as it showed a light stepping-off motion. And below it, there was a command to follow the animated instruction.

In the spur of the moment, Cheon Yeo Woon did exactly that, which allowed him to dodge the attack and step diagonally into Cheon Moo Geum's right. Soon after that, a white luminescent arrow then appeared pointing to Cheon Moo Geum's jaw followed by a moving fist telling him to punch that spot.

[Since my lord didn't specify anything, I temporarily designated one of the martial arts saved in my program, namely boxing, as the default combat tutorial]


[It is a map overlay that displays all the necessary information and instructions needed by the user]

-Wait, so does that mean you instructed me on my every move?-

[Because your opponent's movements were too fast, his motions had to be analyzed in one one-hundredth of a second increments in order to instruct you on your next move more promptly]

-You lost me again. Okay, so you're telling me that my last punch on Cheon Moo Geum was a boxing move, right?-


[As a saved data in my program, boxing is a martial art that…]

-Wait, wait. I don't need any explanations right now. If you can instruct me on any fighting style right now, can you switch it back to Jeopmoo Dobeop?-

[Since the analysis and transference process is complete for Jeopmoo Dobeop, it is possible to implement it as a combat tutorial. Do you give consent for the implementation?]

-Yes, I consent.-

[Switching command-assist defense mode from boxing to Jeopmoo Dobeop]

While Cheon Yeo Woon stood still to carry on an internal conversation with Nano, Cheon Moo Geum, who was slightly concussed by Cheon Yeo Woon's spot-on punch to the jaw shouted in an enraged voice.

"You learned how to punch too? Sneaky bastard. What other dirty tricks do you have under your sleeves? That crap isn't going to fly with me anymore!!"

He then closed in on Cheon Yeo Woon again like a running cheetah and threw rapid-fire punches in his direction.

Cheon Moo Geum's punches bombarded him like dozens of fist-shaped shadows.

However, in Cheon Yeo Woon's line of vision, along with a quickly diminishing set of numbers on the side, he could clearly see the dozens of punches flying towards him with their specific destination spots and a brief analysis of each punch.

-I can see exactly how and where those punches will land!-

A big grin covered Cheon Yeo Woon's face.

*Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pak!*

Cheon Yeo Woon masterfully dodged all the rapid-fire punches that came his way.

Every single one of Cheon Moo Geum's punches that were directed at his upper body and face slipped right by him.

-What!? He dodged all my punches?-

It was hard to believe that his amateur opponent who could barely defend himself a few moments ago, was now fluidly moving about eluding his every punch.

That wasn't the end of it.

As soon as Cheon Yeo Woon dodged the very last punch of the vehement assault, he quickly went on the offensive as he opened his palms and geared up into his form.


*Pak! Pak!"

Cheon Moo Geum, in haste, went into the defense form of Buk Ma clan's distinct martial art, but was only able to successfully block two of his opponent's strikes.

Then as Cheon Yeo Woon's fluttering arms took the form of a flying butterfly in the direction it was moving, he horizontally thrust his hand which was in the shape of a sword into Cheon Moo Geum's right shoulder.



Along with a sensation of strong blunt force trauma on his upper body, a spurt of blood from his stomach came up to his esophagus.

If Cheon Yeo Woon had used a sword, he would have been sliced open.

-How in the world was he able to acquire these skills?-

The inner power inherent in Cheon Yeo Woon's attacks were definitely a cut below his own, however, the flawless movements and meticulous balance of strength and speed in his form were like that of seasoned masters who've trained themselves for dozens of years.

Although he fell short in inner power and fighting experience, such aptitude was only possible because of his perfect simulation of East Grand Lord Seop Maeng's forms.


After being hit dead-on, Cheon Moo Geum's legs began to give out from the impact.

As he struggled to keep his feet on the ground, a nightmarish memory that frequently haunts his mind flashed before him again.

[Geum, if you do well… if you succeed the Grand Master's, no, your father's love will turn away from that dirty tramp and return to me again]

[It's because of you! It's all because of your incompetence!]

[Only if that dirty tramp hadn't appeared…]

Cheon Moo Geum's mother, Lady Ja, being designated as Buk Ma clan's Grand Geisha became one of the wives of the Grand Master, Cheon Yoo Jong, through the faction's age-old system of diplomatic marriages.

Although for the Grand Master, it was a marriage that was purely motivated by political expediency, it was different for Lady Ja— she had true feelings for Cheon Yoo Jong.

She did her utter best to win her husband's heart, but unfortunately his affections were directed elsewhere.

He only had eyes for the lowly servant girl working in the Grand Master's palace.

[It's not my fault. It's all because of you! It's because of your inadequacy!"

The last memory of his mother, Lady Ja, was that of her choking his young child while wailing out loud in pain.

-Darn it. Of all the memories, why the hell is this one popping up?-

Every time the haunting memories of his mother came up, there was only one person he redirected all of his hatred towards.

As his legs were about to give out, Cheon Moo Geum, with fiery rage in his eyes and firmly clenched jaws thrust forward with a straight punch aimed at Cheon Yeo Woon's face.

"Freaking darn it! You think I'm going to lose to the likes of you!"

At his sudden attack, Cheon Yeo Woon simply tipped his head to the side, easily dodging the punch. After contemplating striking him on the head with his hand, he quickly relented and instead grabbed his forehead and shoved it to the ground.



As the back of his head hit the ground, the trauma was so severe that the veins in his neck and face began to bulge out in pain.

"You think I'm going to lose to a scum like you!? I will not! I will not!"

With steely cold eyes Cheon Yeo Woon looked down at his opponent, who was screaming with utter indignation at his own loss, and made his concluding statement.

"Remember, this is all of your own making."

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