Nano Machine Chapter 18


Nano Machine Chapter 18: A Small Taste of Inner Power (Qi) (E)

It was the last day of Formation One training, and everyone was excited about throwing down their wooden sword and shields, which were replicas. They knew that today, they would be able to do drills using real weapons.

"Since it looks like everyone has gathered, we will commence the training."

"Fighting Ma!"

With Yi Hwa Myeong's proclamation and the cadet's unison response, the training was underway.

For three weeks, the cadets were trained in the fundamental elements of the mid-level master fighting techniques, war tactics and battle formations. The training concluded with a group test on the last day.

"Get in formation and march to the auditorium. Group One, move out!"

"Move out!!!"

Training was divided into two separate sessions.

The mornings of the first week was spent in the auditorium that was situated on the right side of the main training field. There the cadets learned various military theories on fighting techniques and war tactics. The afternoons were spent out on the main training field where there was formation training.

All training ended before dinner, during which time the cadets were allowed to enjoy free time. However, most cadets spent it practicing and honing the fighting forms passed down to them by their respective clans and lineages.

After a tiring first day of training, the cadets in Group Eight made their way back to the dormitory.

"Aaaaahhhh! Darn!"

The leader of Group Eight, Cheon Moo Geum, was on edge over what their training instructor, Im Pyeong, had mentioned about Cheon Yeo Woon.

Because of Cheon Moo Geum's erratic and hot-tempered personality, everyone in the dorm had to walk on egg shells.

"Such bull crap! Why would he have to stay in the dispensary for a whole two weeks!?"

"I'm sure the doctor's judgment is accurate."

There was one individual in the dorm who wasn't fazed by Cheon Moo Geum's belligerent nature.

It was Cadet Number Eighty. He had a shaved head and a jut-jaw that protruded from his face.

He belonged to Buk Ma clan, which was one of the six pillar clans of the faction, and was maternally related to Cheon Moo Geum. Ja Hyeon, who at a young age had pledged allegiance to Cheon Moo Geum was more or less his right-hand man.

"What do you mean his judgement is accurate? That little bastard is probably feigning his injuries."

Cheon Moo Geum had been comforting himself with the thought of dealing a fatal blow on Cheon Yeo Woon once they were in the dormitory together, but the two-week delay infuriated him.

"It frustrates me to no end to imagine that dirty-blooded bastard comfortably enjoying his sweet-time on his bed."


Even when compared to the other five candidates, Cheon Moo Geum had an unusually strong hatred towards Cheon Yeo Woon and nobody knew why.

"Darn it!"


Out of anger, he kicked a garbage bin that was leaning on the side of the dormitory wall. Then suddenly, as though he was telling Cheon Moo Geum a great secret, Ja Hyeon leaned over towards Cheon Moo Geum.

"Sir gongja, you can relax. I have a brilliant idea. How about we do this?"


As Ja Hyeon whispered something into his ears, Cheon Moo Geum's angry face began to light up with a big grin.

After the end of the fifth day, the cadets were all preparing to go out to the main field for training following lunch time.

For the first four days, bokkens (wooden swords) and wooden shields were used for formation training.

But, today was the last day of Formation One training, which meant real swords and iron shields would be used.

Group Eight too was getting ready to begin their last drill.

"Are you ready?"

Cadet Number Eighty, Ja Hyeon, who was standing all the way at the end of the group line quietly suggested something to Cadet Number Twenty-Three in front of him.

He, in response, vigilantly looked around momentary then nodded his head.

"Then let's begin formation training. As much as we are using a real sword today, make sure to keep enough distance between you and the cadet in front of you."


Group Eight's training instructor, Im Pyeong, commenced the training by raising a glorious red flag.

As soon as the signal went out, all the cadets in Group Eight began to shuffle around in unison as they began to fall into formation.

It was in that moment…



A loud screech rang out from the back row somewhere.

Even before they were able to take full formation, an accident had occurred.

"What's going on?"

The training instructor, Im Pyeong, anxiously ran over to where the screech came from.

There he found Cadet Number Twenty Three writhing in pain after being stabbed in the back with a sword from behind.

"You imbeciles! I told you to keep a good distance! Get out of my way!"

In frustration, Im Pyeong pushed Ja Hyeon, who stabbed Cadet Number Twenty Three, away.

After assessing that removing the sword would cause more harm to the cadet, Im Pyeong swiftly picked him up and headed for the dispensary,

As Cheon Moo Geum, the leader of Group Eight looked on, a big grin began to form on his face.

*Bang bang!*

"Ohh! What the?"

At the clamorous knocks coming from the dispensary door, Doctor Baek Jong Myeong, who was sleeping with his arms folded and head resting on his wrist was startled awake.


"Who is it? How can I help you?"

As soon as the dispensary door was opened, Im Pyeong rushed in with the injured cadet on his back.

Due to his great boredom from the lack of patients he's had since Cheon Yeo Woon, Baek Jong Myeong had been just trying to find ways to kill time.

-Finally, a new patient!-

Although he was excited inside, he tried not to show it.

"What happened?"

"Huk, huk! This cadet was hurt with a sword while doing formation drills. I reasoned that the bleeding might get worse if I try to take the sword out myself, so I just brought him here as soon as I can."

Im Pyeong had run to the dispensary in such a hurry that he was still gasping for air as he spoke.

"Oh, oh my! Let's first lay him onto this bed over here."

Alarmed by the sword in the patient's back, Baek Jong Myeong quickly guided Im Pyeong to an empty bed.

While Im Pyeong carefully laid the patient down on the bed, Baek Jong Myeong went over to grab some bandages, anti-biotic and sutures and brought it over to the bed.

"Will he be okay?"

"You did right by leaving the sword in place when you brought him over. Will you push down with your hands over here for a second?"

After ripping open and removing the shirt from off the patient, the doctor carefully removed the impaled sword.

Instantly, blood began to gush out from the wound.

Doing justice to his title as the disciple of "God's Hand" Baek Jong Woo, Baek Jong Myeong skillfully applied the antibiotic to the wound, controlled the hemorrhaging then began to medically assess the situation.

"How is he?"

"Fortunately, the sword didn't sever any of the veins or connective tissues. He got very lucky."

If he had incurred an injury to one of his veins or connective tissues, his career would've been over that day.

As though the fortunate news brought great relief to him, Im Pyeong plopped himself on the chair that was next to the bed and finally exhaled

"Ha ah. You seem relieved. I guess these kids really feel like your own disciples in a way."

"Yeah, well I can't help that they are all under my care."

Until after the second round was over, the training instructors were wholly responsible for the cadets in their group.

Since there were already two cadets in his group who had to be transported to the dispensary, he was expecting to at least have to write a letter of explanation to his superior.

"I think we're going to have to stitch him up, which will require him to be an inpatient here for now."

"Inpatient? Haaa…"

Im Pyeong couldn't help but let out a big sigh. The only saving grace in all this was that the sword missed the veins and connective tissues, which meant that the cadet would be allowed to leave in about three days.

Im Pyeong was worried that Cadet Number Twenty Three would also end up like Cheon Yeo Woon, but at least that wasn't the case.

As the training on the field wasn't over, Im Pyeong had to leave the cadet in Baek Jong Myeong's care and make his way back out.

That night, after about a half an hour had passed since Baek Jong Myeong left to go to his dorm.

One of the patients in the dispensary got up from his bed and stood up in the darkness.

It was Cadet Number Twenty Three, who earlier in the afternoon fell asleep on his side after having his wound stitched up.

As though he was waiting the whole time for Baek Jong Myeong to leave, Cadet Number Twenty Three got up in a hurry and cautiously opened one of the doors in the dispensary. And, after looking left and right, he reached in and grabbed a sharp medical knife.


With a nervous look in his eyes, he quietly walked over to the curtained area that was next to the window sill by the wall.


He uncovered the white curtain to find a young patient lying on the bed.

The patient was none other than Cheon Yeo Woon who had come to the dispensary five days earlier.

As he looked down on Cheon Yeo Woon who looked fast asleep, he mumbled something to himself.

"Hoo-woo…. We all need to find our own ways of survival. Don't hate me too much for this."

He held his breath as to control his nervousness and slowly brought the medical knife near Cheon Yeo Woon's Achilles' heel.

He was planning to immobilize Cheon Yeo Woon.


As soon as he touched the skin on Cheon Yeo Woon's heel with the knife, the voice of Nano rang out inside the head of Cheon Yeo Woon.

[An outside threat to the user's Achilles' heel was discovered.

Initiating emergency defense mode to shield user from harm]

*Pi chi chi chi chi chik!*

"Wha…what the hell is this? Aaaahhhhh!"

Cadet Number Twenty Three, who was holding the knife to Cheon Yeo Woon's ankle suddenly began to feel an electric current surge through his body that caused spasms all over his body. After letting out a big shriek, he fell to the floor as smoke billowed from his now hairless head.

As Cheon Yeo Woon awoke and looked down at Cadet Number Twenty Three with apathy, he muttered something to himself.

-Of course… What did I expect?-

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