Common Sense of a Warrior Chapter 22


Common Sense of a Warrior Chapter 22

It’s coming—!!!

*Note: This chapter is a mix of the previous chapter 18 and 19, with some additional parts that don’t really affect the overall storyline.

The afternoon training had those from the Knight’s Order mixed in with us.

After completing the usual menu, the sparring matches began.

My opponent was one of the youths from the Knight’s Order.

At the very least, within this Anderson Marquis estate, it was a face I was seeing for the first time.

……it seems that amongst the youths of the Knight’s Order, he was being called their ‘hope’, a person whose future was greatly anticipated.

He possessed a sharp and fast swordsmanship that fit his reputation.

Every time we exchanged blows, I could understand that the pressure on me was gradually increasing.

While I did that, I stepped in too deep and conversely ended up falling into the opponent’s pace until eventually my sword was sent flying away.

……really, just what has happened to me?

My body won’t move the way I want it to.

Even though I know, I can’t react.

“……that’s it! The winner is Donaldy!”

The referee’s declaration resounded.

I reflexively bit my lips in chagrin, at my own weak-mindedness.

“……I heard that you were General Gazelle’s prized child and was looking forward to it……but in the end, you’re only at this level, huh.”

As if he were spitting, my opponent……Donaldy, spoke.

“Don’t misunderstand. It is only because you were close in age to Gazelle-sama’s daughter that you were selected to be her guard, and because of that duty, you were able to receive instructions from Gazelle-sama himself. It does not change the fact that you are a commoner. It is unpleasant that someone like you is thick-skinned enough to undergo training in this Anderson Marquis House.”


After he said that and left the area, I was unable to say anything in return.

Honestly, I wanted to ask, who is that prized child? – And had plenty of things that I wanted to retort about.

However, his words pierced my chest.

I can’t deny the fact that I have been blessed by the environment that I was born into.

After all, when I first started to learn how to use the sword, I was able to receive teachings from General Gazelle, who is the country’s long-admired hero. Something that countless soldiers on active duty and knights desired, but are unable to obtain, was something that I received as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

That was probably something that couldn’t have been done unless I had been blessed.

It was embarrassing.

It was mortifying.

I may have, without realizing it, become haughty.

……I thought that I had become stronger.

I thought that I had become stronger, and had begun to be recognized by those around me.

When I was receiving training in the Anderson Marquis territory, the attitude of those from the Army that were undergoing the same training softened towards me. And that was how I took the meaning of their actions to represent.

However, perhaps it wasn’t like that in reality.

It may have simply been because they saw father’s figure behind me.

That was the reason why.

Despite that, since coming to the Capital I haven’t been able to secure a single win.

As such, they probably have conversely become annoyed at my presence.

……it even made me begin to feel that it could be that back in the territory, it wasn’t just that their attitude had softened, but they had also been going easy on me during spars.

My thoughts rapidly began to spiral in a bad direction……but there’s no way I could cry here, so I hardened my mind.


And then, enduring it until training ended, the moment it finished……I went out to town.

I did not want to cry at home.

I couldn’t cry.

I didn’t want my father, my brother, Granny, or anyone to find out.

Not just about the fact that I cried, but the reason why.

It might be a tiny bit of pride, but I did not have the courage to wound it any further.

The place I headed for was a tower within the Capital.

It was a place my father brought me to the other day.

Naturally, to enter the tower one needed to get past the soldiers on lookout, but as they were members undergoing training at our home, they were my acquaintances. As such, they easily let me through.

Climbing the long, long stairs, I arrived at the top of the tower.

The scenery here that overlooked the Capital was very wonderful.

Though, since it was built to be used as a lookout post in times of emergency, it wasn’t open to the general public.

But that was exactly why I came to this place where you could see such beautiful scenery, as it made it so I could be completely alone.

The first time I came here and saw the scenery, I was deeply moved.

However, right now with my teary eyes, I couldn’t even see that very scenery.

The moment I thought I was alone, the feelings that I had been enduring up until now overflowed, and together with them, tears began to fall, one after the other.


It was mortifying.

It was embarrassing.

……it was wretched.

Aren’t I like a buffoon?

When they saw me, everyone looked past me and saw my father.

Despite that, I……

The negative feelings that accumulated in my heart heavily weighed it down, making my chest hurt.

Even if I cried, it didn’t get even the slightest bit lighter.

Instead, it only got heavier.

It was the moment when I opened my mouth, wanting to cry out.

I heard the sound of something clattering.

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