Common Sense of a Warrior Chapter 18


Common Sense of a Warrior Chapter 18

This chapter is mostly the same as the first half of Chapter 14 in the previous version, with some parts slightly modified. Mostly that it was changed so everything stays in first person instead of jumping in between first and third person.

Hope you enjoy the chapter~

“…..excuse me.”

The one whose room I went to without an appointment was someone that even I had difficulties dealing with.

I forcefully pushed my way in, but other than the person I was looking for, there were several civil officials in the room.

Even when I suddenly entered, that person was extremely calm.

“Marquis Anderson, is it? Sorry, but please wait for a little longer…….you, circulate these documents around to each of the related departments. Also, this paper can pass as is, but the other two have to be returned. There’s a contradiction here and here. It may have been a mistake to simply just have sent it around, or perhaps there was insufficient cooperation……also, I looked over this schedule, but it’s too optimistic. Probably, just getting confirmation alone with this amount will take at least one week. It’s fine to urge them on, but try adapting to the situation itself.”

The master of the room that I called out to as he worked in a composed manner……was Duke Romel Jib Armelia.

He was the exact opposite of me, a noble-like noble with gentle facial features.

One of the top nobles of this country, he was the head of the Armelia Duke House, and the Prime Minister.

Contrary to his soft demeanor, he was evaluated as someone with a sharp sense for politics.

And right now at this time, he was bringing about a majesty appropriate for all of his titles.

In reality, the eyes of the men he was giving orders to were shining.


The other people in the room who were waiting for orders, opened their ears so as to avoid missing even a single word.

It was a sign that they felt pride in being able to work as his hands and feet.

“The rest of you too, take home and consider the respective topics I gave you, and give me a proposal tomorrow.”

After he gave out his last orders, everyone bowed and left the room one by one.

And then, the only ones left in the room were its master, Romel, and me alone.

“My bad, I made you wait.”

At that moment, Romel’s tone of voice changed to that of one you might hear from some guy in a bar, and the majesty that he had up until then was blown away.

“How to say, I can’t get used to that sudden change of attitude of yours……”

As Gazelle let out a wry smile, Romel laughed magnificently.

“Really? Even though you say that, last time you were pretty calm, you know?”

……it was a coincidence.

That I saw Romel in his current form.

At the bar situated in a corner of the Capital that I was invited by my subordinates to, I saw a man that I felt like I had seen somewhere before……-is what I thought, and that man turned out to be Romel.

Unbelievably, Romel was mixing together with commoners and drinking.

……even though he was the Prime Minister, and the head of a leading noble family.

“Iyaa, everyone’s surprised faces at the time were quite the sight to see, you know? It’s pretty admirable that you didn’t end up yelling out my name.”

“At that time, if you hadn’t covered my mouth and said you’d explain everything later, I would have yelled.”

“Even if I said I’d explain everything……it’s as it looked. The man in front of your eyes right now is Romel Jib Armelia. That’s all.”


“……is the usual you wearing a mask?”

At my question, Romel laughed as though he were having fun.

And after laughing for a while, the look in his eyes suddenly became sharp.

It was sharp to the point where one would feel threatened by it.

His tone of voice remained as it was, and was as affable as usual.

As expected of the Prime Minister, I sighed from the bottom of my heart.

“Oi oi, like hell there’s anyone within this palace who isn’t wearing a mask. In this den of demons, it’s an everyday occurrence to probe out each other’s real intentions, while at the same time making plots to sabotage others. Ohh, how very scary……my mask is just a bit thicker is all.”

“I see……however, why was the Duke at that kind of bar?”

“……at that kind of bar, you say. Is it really that odd for me to be there?”

It did give the impression that I was pigeonholing myself, but between me being in a bar and Romel being in a bar, the latter was definitely more surprising to an overwhelming extent.

“Rather than odd……if I may be frank, it was unexpected.”

“My old man often used to tell me to ‘know the people’. It’s the same as in military tactics. Know your enemies, right? If you want to properly rule over the people, and you don’t know about the other party at all, then you won’t go anywhere. That’s why, ever since I was young, I’d slip into places throughout the town and listen to all kinds of things. Well, at some point, I ended up stuck with this kind of speech, ’cause I found it much more comfortable being at ease over there instead.”

“It is quite respectable of your father to say such a magnificent thing. For you to put that into actual practice is also something to look up to. However, at the same time it is frightening.”

At Gazelle’s words, Romel grinned broadly as the corners of his mouth rose.

It was a smile as though a mischievous child’s prank had succeeded.

If, to Romel, his “war” was “ruling”, then his “enemies” consisted of everyone other than the king living in this country.

Because he was a duke, he was familiar with nobles, and he was also learning about the common people like this.

To begin with, he had a sharp sense for politics. Putting that together with his knowledge of his “enemies”, if he felt like it, then he could easily have his opponents rolling around in the palm of his hand, I thought.

“……so? Just why have you come to my place today? Don’t tell me, you only came to talk about something like that?”


Seeing me falter with my words, Romel let out a sigh.

“I see……I was sure that you had come to consult me but……I guess it was just me being conceited.”


“Perhaps I should say something like…… “General Gazelle, I am truly sorry for guessing upon your worries. I am, at any time, willing to be your strength. Regarding the apprehension of the bandits. Please feel free to speak with me about it.””


At my reaction that spoke as if I had just remembered, Romel gave a wry smile.

“What, I kn~ew you forgot. It was correct of me to have gone to the bar at that time.”

Hearing the last few words that Romel murmured, I involuntarily allowed a reaction to show on my face.

“Don’t tell me……you were at the bar in order to make me come……here?”

At my question, Romel grinned broadly as a suspicious smile appeared on his face.

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