Common Sense of a Warrior Chapter 12


Common Sense of a Warrior Chapter 12

A certain character finally has a name!


Seeing me show not even the slightest reaction after involuntarily falling into recollection, Gariya raised his voice in inquiry.

At those words, I returned to my senses.

“My apologies. Well, I was just thinking about something. ……Her reason for seeking strength…….is it? It’s the same as mine.”

“The same…you say?”

“Yeah. Something important was stolen away out of nowhere, thus she curses her own weakness. What resulted from that was resolve.”

“……in other words, she wants revenge? Even so, General chose to impart your teachings on her?”

“I said it before, right? That we were the same.”

When I said that, the two of them made expressions as if they were looking at something heartbreaking.

“……well, beyond that, I have been frolicking in an unbecoming manner for having discovered her talent.”

As if to blow away the solemn atmosphere, I said that as cheerfully as possible.

When I did that, the two of them appeared visibly relieved.

“Watch over that child properly. And if you can, guide her. Because I am not qualified to do that. Of course, I am also worried about her.”

“……I certainly shall.”


The two people responded with affirmative words in unison.

“Our deepest apologies for the extended visit. With this we shall excuse ourselves.”

With that, the two of them left the room.

After seeing off their backs, I left the room in order to head to the training field.

Near the training field, I caught sight of Parx and came to a stop.

Beyond Parx’s gaze was the figure of Mellice training.

He was tenderly watching her as if he found the scene charming.

Parx was also receiving my training, and hence was more than just one head above the rest of his generation.


This wasn’t just a parent seeing things favourably, but the complete truth.

But even so, his power couldn’t compare to Mellice’s.

Parx himself probably understood that more than he wanted to.

Even so, he gradually began to accept that reality, and seeing his figure watching over her so affectionately like that made me tilt my head internally.

“……are you not vexed?”

And so, I inadvertently asked Parx thus.

As if to say that the question was unexpected, Parx dumbfoundedly looked up at me.

“Indeed…….I am a member of the Anderson Marquis House and your son. I have understood what could be called my own limits.”

Saying that, he gave a refreshing smile.

“Something like limits……wouldn’t it be fine to just smash something like that?”

“Father. It is true that it is foolish to arbitrarily decide on your limits and give up. However, is it not essential to be able to accurately measure one’s own capacity? ……from the start, the places where that and I stood were different. It may be outrageous of me to say this, but I have by no means thought that I could not win against the adults who have been undergoing father’s training. However, the image of me catching up with that alone……I cannot imagine it at all. It’s true that seeing a real genius makes one think that even being jealous seems stupid, isn’t it?”

At the appearance of my son saying that in an indifferent and calm manner, I moaned internally.

Surely, my son has, in his own way, come to a realization.

It was different from bravery and recklessness.

Ascertaining his own ability, he has recognized that there are times when he must draw back.

Even if one tried to agitate him, he retained his composure, speaking in a manner unlike that of a child who had just passed the age of 10.


When I realized that my son has his sort of interesting talent, emotions welled up.

Like he said himself, Parx was by no means weak.

He hasn’t reached the point of being a good match against the subordinates of Gazelle’s trusted retainers like Mellice, but he was at a level where he could perhaps win against those who had more recently began to be trained by Gazelle.

It was a level where Gazelle hoped he’d become a top military commander when he matured.

……however, the thought that Parx’s true talent may lie in a different department rose above that hope.

Compared to myself and that girl, his fighting spirit and pure attachment to the military arts was weak.

On the other hand……no, on top of that, he was constantly composed as he analyzed his war potential.

I felt that was a talent for a staff officer taking command on the battlefield.

“……say, Parx. Why don’t you try learning battle tactics?”

Having realized that much, I nonchalantly probed Parx.

“Would that be alright!?”

At my words, Parx’s face glowed.

Seeing that sole reaction which was appropriate for his age, I made a wry smile in my mind.

“In truth, I was thinking of probing father out in the near future regarding this. Since I heard the discussions of the various members of the Army who came to visit father previously, I began to hold an interest in it.”

“I-Is that so? Then I shall try asking them. Once it’s decided, I shall call you again.”

“I look forward to it.”

“Yeah, I got it.”

Patting Parx’s lowered head, I once again began to walk towards the training field.

……isn’t this interesting?

The front line can be left to my daughter, while my son can take care of the staff officer duties in the rear.

As the General, I will overlook everything as a whole.

That was simply a dream.

Since my daughter was a female, it was a battle formation that could never be realized.

Even so, it can’t be helped that I got excited when I thought of that idea.

“……perhaps shall I also train.”

As if to calm myself down, I murmured thus to myself.

The guys from the Guard Corps who happened to be on stand-by at the side heard my words and, seeing my expression, retreated two, then three steps but…….well, it’s fine.

While I’m still drunk on this dream, why don’t I enjoy myself?

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