Common Sense of a Warrior Chapter 8


Common Sense of a Warrior Chapter 8

Enjoy the chapter~

Though I was beaten up again and again, I continued to desperately swing my sword.

And then, around the time I became capable of taking one point from father for every five he took from me-

“……Alright. From tomorrow on, participate in the Guard Corps’ training.”


At father’s sudden order, I inadvertently gave a half-hearted response.

The Anderson Marquis House’s private troops……also known as the Guard Corps.

They were the warriors that obeyed the head of the Anderson Marquis House that was highly honoured for their military arts.

To begin with, in order not to bring shame to the name of the Anderson Marquis House, each generation of sons to the House would continue to polish their martial arts.

For the sake of accompanying them, a certain level of training was sought out from the members of the Guard Corps.

Naturally, their true strength was overwhelmingly higher compared to the private troops from other territories.

Therefore, the bar for entering the Anderson Marquis House’s Guard Corps was high, and after entry, it was imperative to train day and night.

Even so……no, perhaps because of that.

They were proud of their own martial arts, and the fact that they were a member of the Guard Corps.

For the Anderson Marquis House’s boys and their training, the main residence of the Anderson Marquis House had an extremely spacious training arena.

……I digress, but since father said that his body would grow dull, in father’s generation, he demolished the courtyard in the mansion in the Capital and made a training field.

That aside, I will be participating in that training?

…..I couldn’t help but look forward to it, and unintentionally let out a smile.

Up until now, my training partners were elder brother and father.


That was fine on its own, but as expected, I wanted to try fighting against various people.

Above all else, I wanted to test my own power.

Surely there will be a lot of different people, and those experiences will become my flesh and blood…..and I will become stronger again.

Thinking about it like that, it couldn’t be helped that I felt it was an enjoyable thing.

Seeing my expression, father who told me that gave a wry smile.

And then, the next day.

In high spirits, I headed towards the training grounds.

Upon arrival, my surroundings were filled with men one or two times bigger than me.

Naturally, I stood out.

“……oi, why is that kid here?”

“W-Who knows. Oi, you go talk to her.”

“Eh, no way. I immediately end up making kids cry.”

……it’s true that it might be bad to say that his face looks evil, but……well, from a normal child’s point of view, they’d probably get scared from his atmosphere – is what I murmured in my heart while facing the last person who spoke.

“Ojou-chan, why are you here? It’s dangerous here, so you should probably leave quickly.”

“……nice to meet you. My name is Mel. From today onwards, I will be participating in the training here. I thank you in advance for your guidance and encouragement.”

As first impressions are important, I gave a proper greeting.

Incidentally, the name that I gave wasn’t a nickname normally used for my name, was one I was using on father’s orders.

As expected, he was hesitant about letting others know that the Marquis House’s daughter was participating in the training.

However, at my words, an increasingly subtle atmosphere emerged from the members of the Guard Corps.

“……everyone, attention!”

With that timing, a single member of the corps raised his voice.


That voice which shocked one’s eardrums numb caused me to be stunned momentarily.

However, as the corps members were used to it, they immediately reacted to the voice and fell into formation, and then straightened their backs, standing with beautiful posture.

“The Head has arrived.”

After the preparations were put in order, father appeared.

When I took a glance at the faces of the corps members, their eyes were sparkling as if they were boys from the same generation as me.

“It is great to see that everyone is energetic today as well.”

Saying that, father laughed heartily.

However, in the next instant that smile disappeared, and his expression became stern.

“……now then, it seems that she has already introduced herself, but from today on, Mel over there will be participating in the training. Before coming here, I already trained her to a certain extent, so there is no need to hold back. Everyone, use your strength and beat it into her body.”

At his deep voice, my body gave a momentary shiver and trembled.

……scared? No, it’s different.

These are trembles from excitement.

Father’s seriousness was transferred to me.

Thus, I was greatly anticipating the battles in the future training.

“……please take care of me!”

When I said that with a voice that came from the bottom of my stomach, father gave a small laugh.

“Well, start the training!”

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