《Exorcism 101: Where Love can Cure Ghost Possession》Episode 18 - What to do if a Popular Idol decided to sleep over at your place?


After hanging out with Aimy, Sheena, Meryl and Laira, we then decided to go home.

“Well, I at least succeeded in helping Aimy make friends with those girls. Tomorrow is the last day, though. I wonder if I can make Aimy fall for me with that limited amount of time,” I whispered to myself as I lay in my bed, looking at the ceiling when suddenly, my cell phone rang. I then grabbed it and got surprised from the caller.

“Aimy?” I reacted and answered it. “Hello?”

“Orel? It’s me, Aimy,” she said in a somewhat nervous tone.

“Is something wrong?”

“Well…you see…” she continued in a reluctant voice. “I lost my keys…”

“Eh?” I reacted with a surprised look.

“I can’t find it in my bag. I can ask for a spare key but the land lady is currently on a vacation and she will return tomorrow so…”

“I got it. Wait for me there,” I said and ended the call. I then hurried towards Aimy’s place.

“Orel,” she called with a smile while wearing her usual joke glasses after I arrived in front of the apartment complex’ gate.

“So do you have any idea where you could’ve left your key?” I asked.

“Well, maybe at the karaoke?” Aimy answered.

“Well, the time is 7pm so it’s still open. Let’s go,” I suggested and we went back to the place.

“Sorry but we didn’t see any keys there in your room,” the staff said after we asked.

“Uhmm…thanks. We’ll try to look elsewhere,” Aimy answered with a smile.

We then traced back the path that Aimy covered for the day but we still couldn’t find the key.

“This is pretty hopeless. Want to sleep-over?” I asked with a serious face.

She then got surprised.

“You have the numbers of Meryl, Sheena and Laira, right?” I continued.

“So that’s what you meant,” she whispered with a sigh.

“What do you mean?”

“Okay, I’ll try to call them,” Aimy said with a smile.

Wait a minute…isn’t that supposed to be my chance?

“Thank you so much, Meryl. See you later,” Aimy said with a bright smile and ended the call. “Orel, Meryl said that I can sleep tonight at her place.”

“I…see. Good for you,” I said with a wry smile. “I’m gonna walk you there. It’s already late after all.”

“Thanks,” Aimy said with a smile.

I should have invited her to my place instead. But that’s not really a valid option for her, I mean I’m a guy after all. And also, she acquired all the numbers of those three girls earlier so it is more natural to choose one of them instead of me. If only…her cell phone got lost with her keys…

Suddenly, my cross emitted a bright blue light.

“Blue?” I reacted with a surprised expression and covered my eyes out of the light’s brightness.

When I opened my eyes, I got surprised from what I saw.

“Amazing. I didn’t know that you’re really good in singing,” Aimy said to Laira with a smile.

“Uhmmm…thanks but…I’ve still got a long way compared to you,” Laira replied shyly.

“Huh?” I reacted with a confused face.

Right now, we’re back in the karaoke together with Laira, Sheena and Meryl.

“Or, can you pass me the song book?” Sheena asked with a smile.

“S-sure,” I replied and gave it to her.

“Did you pick a song now?” Meryl asked to me who is currently on my right side.


“Well…yeah,” I replied, still confused.

It looks like…I went back in time. The color blue…let’s me travel back to the past?

“Is something wrong, Orel?” Aimy asked who sits at my left side.

“It’s nothing,” I said with a forced smile.

I now know what to do…

While they are busy in singing, I immediately grabbed Aimy’s cell phone from her bag and placed it on my pocket.

Sorry…Aimy. I’m going to give it back later.

It then ended like what happened in the previous event but this time…

“Now to wait for Aimy’s call,” I whispered to myself as I lay in my bed, looking at the ceiling. Then, I realized something I missed.

“How can she call me now that her cell phone is missing?” I reacted with widened eyes.

After awhile, my cell phone rang.

“An unknown number?” I muttered and answered it. “Hello?”

“Orel? It’s me, Aimy,” she said in a nervous tone.

“Aimy?” I reacted, kinda surprised.

“Well…you see…” she continued in a reluctant voice. “I lost my keys… and my cell phone. I’m now calling using a telephone booth near my place.”

“I see. Did you check your bag?”

“I can’t find those in there. I can ask for a spare key but the land lady is currently on a vacation and she will return tomorrow so…”

“I got it. Wait for me there,” I said and ended the call. I then hurried towards Aimy’s place.

“Orel,” she called with a smile while wearing her usual joke glasses after I arrived in front of the apartment complex’ gate.

“So do you have any idea where you could’ve left your key or cell phone?” I asked.

“Well, maybe at the karaoke?” Aimy answered.

“Well, the time is 7pm so it’s still open. Let’s go,” I suggested and we went back to the place.

“Sorry but we didn’t see any keys nor cell phone there in your room,” the staff said after we asked.

“Uhmm…thanks. We’ll try to look elsewhere,” Aimy answered with a smile.

We then traced back the path that Aimy covered for the day but of course, couldn’t find any.

“This is pretty hopeless. Want to sleep-over?” I asked with a serious face.

She then got surprised.

“You remember the number of Meryl, Sheena and Laira, right?” I continued.

“So that’s what you meant. I just got their numbers earlier so I haven’t memorized it yet,” she answered sadly.

“But I’m impressed that you remember mine,” I commented.

“Well…I remembered it just in case,” she replied and forced a chuckle.

“How about the principal’s? Can’t you stay there for tonight?” I asked.

“Well…there are some people there that might contact my manager if they learned that I’m hiding here so…” she answered sadly.

“Manager?” I asked.

“Well…the truth is…this vacation of mine is not permitted by my manager so…”

Well, I figured out that there’s an issue about living there because she’s living alone away from the principal. So it’s about her manager, huh.

“Then, want to come to my place?” I asked, still with a serious face.

“Eh?” she reacted, surprised.

“I’m living with my father and sister. My father won’t be home tonight though,” I continued.

“Is it…okay?” she asked with a reluctant expression.

“Yeah. Don’t think too much about it,” I followed. “Let’s go?”

She then nodded with a smile.

We then walked towards my home and entered it after arriving.


“It’s a neat house,” Aimy commented with a smile as we enter.

Well, the inner wall color of the living room is white. There’s only standard furniture around so there’s really no difference compared to ordinary houses. There’s the red sofa with the center table made of glass, flat screen TV attached on the wall with some paintings around and some big vases on the floor.

“Anyway, have a seat,” I said and she sat down on the sofa.

“Where’s your sister?” Aimy asked curiously.

“Right. My sister sure is late considering she’s still not at home,” I said while still standing up and suddenly, my cell phone rang.

“It’s Sylph,” I whispered after seeing the caller form the screen and answered it. “Hey, do you know what time is it? It’s now 8:30 pm. Where are you?”

“I’m at my friend’s house. We’re doing some project here. The deadline is tomorrow so we decided to finish it here,” Sylph informed me. “Don’t worry, I already informed Dad about this.”

“Hey, this is news to me,” I reacted with a surprised face. “Who are those groupmates?”

“Jeez. They are all girls. Here. My brother wants to confirm if you’re all girls,” Sylph said and suddenly, lots of girls’ voices had been heard in the call, saying different things while saying hi to me. “You believe me now?”

“Right, right. You have change of clothes there?” I asked.

“Yeah, including towel, soap, toothpaste, brush and various things. I went home earlier but you’re not there so I only managed to inform you now,” she followed.

“Well, take care there. Just call me if something happens.”

“Jeez, you worry too much. Anyway, I cooked dinner so just put your leftovers at the fridge. Bye,” she muttered and ended the call.

“That’s your sister?” Aimy asked with a smile.

“Yeah. It looks like…she won’t be here tonight too…” I muttered with a sigh. “I know Sheena’s house. Want to sleep there instead?”

“No need. I’m fine here,” she replied with a care-free smile.

“I…see,” I whispered with a slight surprised look. “Anyway, want to have some dinner now?”


We then went to the kitchen and there, I found a casserole with a beef stew inside. The rice cooker also has enough rice for two persons.

“So your little sister cooked for you before leaving?” Aimy commented with a slight surprised look.

“That’s why I’m really lucky to have her. As a brother, I’m really proud of her,” I said, trying to stop myself from crying.

Aimy then chuckled and whispered, “I didn’t know that you can get emotional too.”

“Did you say something?” I asked, not hearing her words.

“It’s nothing. Let’s eat?”


After preparing the plates, we then ate dinner as we talk to each other.

“Uhmm…Orel…” Aimy said with a smile.

“Hmm?” I asked while chewing food.

“Do you have a girlfriend?”

I then almost threw up the food in my mouth but thankfully, I managed to stop it by drinking a full glass of water.

“Where did that come from?” I asked with a slight surprised expression.

“Well…” Aimy muttered and made a thinking pose. Then, she smiled like she taught of something and followed, “You know…for my song. I want to have some general ideas about loving someone.”

“I see. But I don’t have any,” I answered indifferently.

“Then…you have a crush or something?” she asked curiously.

This is a chance alright. How about this kind of reply?

“You, I guess…” I replied seriously.

“Well, thank you. Any others,” she immediately reacted with a laugh.

N-no…reaction? I mean…isn’t that supposed to be the time where she should blush or something?

“No one. Enough of me. Do you have any progress in composing that song of yours?”

“Well, kinda. But don’t change the topic. How about Sheena? You seem close to her compared to Meryl and Laira,” she continued to ask with a smile.

“Jeez. I don’t think of her like that. For starters, I already answered your question, right?” I followed with squinted eyes.

“Then…why?” she asked, still smiling.

“Why?” I repeated with a confused look.

“You said you have a crush on me, right? Is it just because I’m a popular idol?”

“Well…” I whispered shyly as I look away. “The strength of your resolve I guess. You’re not afraid to stand up and be independent if you decided on something. I find that…really admirable.”


I then looked at Aimy again because of her sudden silence and called, “Aimy?”

“Thanks,” she said with a gentle smile.

I then immediately averted my gaze out of surprise when our eyes met.

“Jeez…why am I the one blushing?” I thought to myself.

After that, Aimy took a bath. Because she doesn’t have any spare clothes, I decided to get some on my sister’s closet.

“Aimy, I’m gonna leave it here,” I called and placed the clothes on top of the washing machine, just outside the door of the bathroom.

“Thanks,” she replied as the shower gushes.

For some reason, my feet suddenly stopped on its tracks.

“What’s wrong…feet?” I asked in a nervous look. Suddenly, two small creatures popped up on top of my head. One angel-like and one demon-like.

“Hey…you…imbecile! You’re not planning to peek while Aimy is showering, aren’t you?” the angel asked with furrowed eyebrows.

“Are you insane? That is the popular Aimy, you know! Look how beautiful and sexy she is! You might not meet any girl as hot as that!” the demon shouted angrily.

“That doesn’t mean that it’s fine to ogle while she’s bathing! Have some respect to the girl!”

“Admiration is the ultimate respect to a showbiz idol! And how can we show that if we don’t peak this instant?”

“I’m amaze on how horny you can get! Can’t you at least realize the consequences of what you’ll do?”

“Of course I know! That is why we’ll do it without her knowing! And also, we have the power of the blue light now! Even if we got caught, we can turn back the time!”

“Huh? We still don’t know the limitations of that power! What if you can only use that power once? Then, we’re doomed! That is why we should just do what is right!”

“Your decision?” both of them suddenly asked in unison and disappeared with a poof.

“I…I…” I muttered, now really confused on the things that I’m thinking right now.

Suddenly, the door opened and Aimy appeared with a bath towel wrapped around her body.

“What’s wrong?” she asked with an innocent smile.

“S-sorry!” I screamed inside my mind as I ran away.

I then waited for Aimy in the living room as I watch a show in the TV. Then, she appeared before me with a smile.

“Your sister...is kinda petite, isn’t she?” she asked as she looks at the clothes she’s wearing.

The regular t-shirt became a fit one with her slim waist visible. Also, the short became shorter now that she’s wearing it, to the point that it now looks like the sexy short shorts in the magazine. I didn’t know that regular clothes can be this erotic if worn by someone taller and sexier than its target wearer.

“Well…how can I say this…want a change of clothes? Maybe mine will be better,” I asked with a blushed face while failing to maintain proper eye contact with her.

Somehow, she got surprised from my expression and chuckled.

“I guess…this is not bad after all. Say thanks to your sister for me, okay?” she asked with a smile.

“Well…sure. If you say so,” I replied, slightly surprised.

After that, I prepared Sylph’s bedroom so Aimy can use it. After saying good night to each other, we then went to our respective bedrooms.

“For some reason…this day became a really tiring one…” I said to myself with a sigh as I lay down on my bed while looking at the ceiling. “Well, the fact that I’m the one who helped her this night should’ve increased the chance of her falling for me. For now, I gotta start sleeping because tomorrow is the last day of my mission. I need to replenish my lost energy.”

Suddenly, the door opened and Aimy entered my room with a smile.

“Aimy?” I reacted with a surprised face after lifting my upper body upright.

“I can’t sleep for some reason so...can I sleep here instead?” she asked with a chuckle.

“H-hey, I-I’m a guy, you know! At least think before you act!” I reacted with a flustered look.

“Well, are you saying that you’ll do something indecent to me if we sleep together?” she asked with a teasing smile.

“That’s not the case but…I promise that I won’t do anything but…” I replied with a confused expression.

“Then, we’re good,” she said and joined me in my bed.

Now, both of us are lying down while looking at the ceiling. I’m currently very nervous while Aimy is smiling cheerfully. She smells really good, darn it.

“Uhmmm….Orel?” she called after facing my direction.

“Wh-what is it?” I asked with a blushed face still looking at the ceiling.

“Can I…hug you?”

“Wh-what???!” I reacted and looked at her with widened eyes.

“I have a feeling that hugging you will help me in composing my new song,” she continued, still smiling.

“Huh? How so?” I asked, confused.

“Jeez. Don’t you want to? Your crush is offering you a hug, you know,” she followed with a pout.

“Darn it, then come!” I replied and closed my eyes.

“Good boy,” she said and hugged me.

“Ughhhhhh…” I reacted with eyes, clearly spinning around. I can’t understand my situation anymore.

“Good night, Orel…” she whispered and closed her eyes with a smile.

“Yeah…” I replied with widened eyes while looking at the ceiling.

It looks like I won’t be able to sleep tonight.

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