《Exorcism 101: Where Love can Cure Ghost Possession》Episode 10 - What to do if your shy girlfriend suddenly stripped in front of you?


“The more the merrier.” This is a popular saying that can be applied in many ideas like food, money, alcohol, girls, and many more. Well, those examples are perfect for adults’ psyche but I will not focus on those particular things. I will focus on my field of expertise and that is friendship. They say that the number of your friends represent how happy you are in your life. This idea is so common on humans especially teens. For them, their rank in the society depends on the number of their friends. They don’t care about the personality or character of the one they are befriending as long as they can maintain the façade of a friendly person. As long as they can socialize with many people, it is fine.

Well, you probably know this but let me tell this once again. I am not one of them. I don’t care about what others will think of me. Even if they say that I am not capable of reading the atmosphere and being tactful, I am fine with that. In the first place, why would I even bother listening to their opinions? They are just humans living in my background. I am the protagonist of my own life, heck, even the protagonist of this story, so I can do what I want. This is my own decision and I am sure that I will never regret it.

Right now, I am eating in the cafeteria together with Laira. It is already lunch time after all. Since she confessed to me, we’ve been always together to the point that our classmates finally noticed the obscure duo. Well, love is one of the most interesting topics for teens after all. I wonder why.

Just after I swallowed the last bite of my chocolate roll bread, I noticed that Laira is currently watching a particular scene near the counter.

“Hey, can you lend me some money? I am short this week," one of the two girls asked with a smile.

“Again? Jeez. This will be doubled you know," the other girl replied with a sigh.

Two girls enjoying their friendship, huh. Well, this scene is quite normal right? This is the exact meaning of friendship. Use someone or be used, just either of the two.

“Are you envying them?” I asked to Laira.

Because of my sudden question, Laira’s shoulder twitched a little.

“N-not really,” she replied with her usual shy tone.

“Hmmmm," I replied, knowing what she really thinks.

“Why?” she asked.

“Don’t be shy. I know that you want to have a friend. Am I wrong?”


Even if she didn’t answer my question, I am sure that I am right.

‘Friends are essential in life.’ This is the normal way of thinking for humans. Without a friend, they feel like something is always missing in their everyday lives. Then, based on what I’ve said, does that mean that I am not normal? Yes but I am not abnormal but rather unique. Sounds more cool right?

Now, back to the topic. Laira wants some friends. As a boyfriend, what should I do?

Once again, my cross produced the usual red light and formed these choices:

[Help her make friends.]

[Tell her that friends are not essential in life.]

Well, my way of thinking is not that admirable for others to imitate. It is just my way of living. Some people or rather almost all people might find it pitiful but this path is what I’ve decided to take. Also, Laira is not the same as me. Forcing my way of living to her is not a logical approach. So the correct answer is the first one.


“I can help you if you want," I suggested with a serious look.


I can tell that she got surprised from what I’ve said. Now, what will be your reply?

“Really?” she asked with a blushed face.

“Of course. I am your boyfriend after all so let me show you my cool side at least once,” I replied with a confident smile.

“Then...I guess...I'll be counting on you,” she whispered and made a gentle smile.

A damsel in distress and her knight in shining armor (even though the armor is pure black), huh.

“Your wish is my command, princess,” I said with a wry smile.

There are two types of loner. The first type is the type of loner who dreams of having a friend but scared of talking to others. Because they are scared of what others will think of them, they became extremely weak. The thought that they are inferior to others governs them, making them the target of bullies. The second type is the type of loner who simply dislikes being with groups because they are irritating. For that person, hanging out with others is just a waste of time. Unlike the first type, he is proud of being alone. For him, friends are just decorations to society. He is a true loner who will never lose to the system of social life. Isn't that the coolest? Well...I guess not.

Right now, Laira and I are walking towards our houses after our classes finished. I mentioned yesterday that I will help her make some friends so I tried to think about what to do last night. I wonder if this is a good idea. Well, let’s find out.

“Laira, do you still remember my promise the other day?” I asked with my usual serious expression.

“I...I still remember,” she whispered shyly.

“I figured out a way on how you will gain friends in a short amount of time.”

“How?” she asked, curious.

“Before that, I have a question for you.”

“What is it?”

“What do you think is the reason why you don’t have a friend?”


Well, this question is needed in order for her to truly understand my suggestion.

“Because...I just recently transferred here at PGM...” she whispered after averting her gaze.

“Then, are you saying that you have lots of friends back at your previous school?”


Just as I thought.

“The reason why you don’t have a friend is because...of your coward nature.”


“You always run away if someone wants to talk to you.”


“That is why even Meryl gave up on you. She thought that you hate her. She was always talking to you before, right?”

“Yes…” she replied sadly.

“Nothing will happen if you always ran away from your problems. You have to face it bravely so you can overcome it.”

“Then, what should I do?” she asked with a sad face, clearly have no idea for an answer.

“If we don’t do something, you will never gain a friend in this school.”


“All of our classmates gave up because they thought that you are like me, a loner who hates every one of them.”


“That is why...you will join the ‘Ms. PGM Pageant’ that will be held one month from now.”

Because of what I’ve announced, Laira made a really surprised expression.

“T...that is impossible. I can’t do it,” she replied with a flustered face.


Ms. PGM Pageant is a traditional beauty pageant done every year here at our school, Pepito Garcia Memorial High School to celebrate its founding day. In order for you to become a participant in this pageant, you have to be included as one of the top 20 most beautiful girl in this school. Well, all of the male students in this school need to vote for their most beautiful girl of this school and the top 20 girls with the highest vote have the right to participate. Well, it is not compulsory so the participants are always around 10 every year.

"I am sure that you will be in the top 20 so don’t worry."

"But..." she whispered hesitantly.

"Because you will face many spectators, I am sure that your fear will be cured before you know it. Do you know the reason why the exams at the university are a lot harder than the board and bar exam?"

"Why?" she asked.

"In order for them to get used to the hardship. It will be easier to pass something if you experienced something that is a lot harder than it, right? That is the same with this problem. You will be more used to talking with someone if you have an experience in talking in front of many people, right?"


"Then, how about this: you will join the pageant if you got included in the top 20. If you didn’t make it, we will find another way. Are you fine with that?"

Well, that deal is without a doubt unfair. I wonder if she will accept it.

"Then...it’s a deal..." she replied.

You should at least have confidence in your looks, you know. That immediate answer made it really obvious that you don't.

"We will know the results tomorrow so be prepared. Pray tonight for your success."

"Why are you so confident that I will be included in the best 20?" she asked curiously.

"Huh? Isn’t it obvious? It is because my girlfriend is the cutest here in this school, that’s all," I replied seriously.

She suddenly averted her gaze from me after I finished that corny line.

Don’t be that embarrassed! I’m the one who said that line so I should be the one with that reaction!

Just like that, I somehow convinced Laira to join the pageant.

The next day....

"Are you kidding me?" I whispered as I stare at the results posted at the bulletin board. There are lots of people gathering in front of it but thanks to its large font size, we can still read it even though we are at the back of those crowds.

"This is her first year here yet..." I whispered, surprised.

When I looked again at Laira, her vision is still glued at the results. I can tell that she is really surprised too.

Laira is...ranked as no. 10. I really expected that she will be included in the top 20 but I never expected that she will get a place this high. Our school is famous for its beautiful students after all. Well, what I want to say is getting included in this list is not that easy. Also, as you spend more time studying here, your rank will surely go up. The proof of this is almost all of the girls in the list are 12th grader.

By the way, if you are wondering why there is no Mr. PGM whatever, I’ve got an answer here. Who cares about that darn thing? Didn't you notice this in a both gender pageant? When the one on stage are girls, the spectators are so many that you can’t even get to the front and when the one on stage are the boys, the spectators earlier is cut by more than a half. True story, right? Well, that is not really the answer. I'm not sure but according to what I've heard, a perverted principal started it. Well, that story is from decades ago so I don't know if that is the real reason. Well, it sounds convincing too, right?

"Wow. I didn’t expect that I will be ranked as no. 9 this year," Meryl said who is currently at my right side.

Well, Meryl being ranked as no. 9 is not that much of a surprise. There are also familiar names like May being ranked as no. 2, Sheena being ranked as no. 5 and Hannah being ranked as no. 12.

"Congratz, Laira. Carry my will and storm that pageant," Meryl said with a smile and a thumb up.

"You're not going to join again?" I asked.

"Well, I don’t have any interest on those things you see," Meryl replied with a smile.

Well, Sheena is probably the same even though she joined the other year.


When I looked at Laira, her fist is now on her left chest. That is her habit when she is nervous. I think that the thought of “there is no escape now" governs her right now.

"Don’t worry because I will help you win. Wait, let me revise it. I will surely make you win."

"Orel..." Laira whispered with a slight surprised face.

"Laira will really join…for real?" Meryl asked with a surprised expression. Well, that's a natural reaction.

"Is something wrong about that?” I asked.

"Well, it’s unexpected. Laira, I’m sure that this will become a good memory so do your best," Meryl followed with a big smile.

As expected to the most positive person I've ever met.

"Thank you," Laira said shyly.

"But...I’m sure that winning will be very hard," Meryl said with a serious face while looking at the winner’s name, the no. 1 of the over-all votes.

Yes, it will be an extremely hard match.

Charlotte Ravehart, a 12th grader. As you can infer, she is a foreigner. Her father is a European businessman who is said to be the owner of a well-known company here. Even though she is just a half-European, her blonde hair, well-endowed body and tall height are definitely because of her foreign blood. As of today, she consecutively took the 1st position five times in a row. That means that she has the looks, figure, money and popularity. Can we really win? Darn! Why am I chickening out this early?

"Well, if she is the ‘favorite’, Laira is the ‘dark horse’," I announced with a confident smile.

"Laira’s skin is not dark you know. Anyway…why horse?" Meryl asked with a clueless face.

I don’t even know how to retort that.

Suddenly, the bell that signals the start of the class chimed.

"Let’s get going or we will be late," I said and hurried towards our classroom with the two of them following my lead.

After the class, Laira and I decided to walk together like usual towards our houses.

When we arrived at the front of the park, I decided to break the silence.

"So...do you have any plans on what preparation to do?" I asked.

Because of my sudden question, her shoulders twitched out of surprise.

Is she still nervous?

The pageant consists of three parts: fashion show, talent portion and question and answer portion. The first problem is...the fashion show.

"Can you walk in front of many people without looking down?" I asked with a serious face.


"Laira?" I called out of her long silence.

"I...don’t know," she replied with a nervous face.

Well, I kind of understand. For me, I got really irritated when lots of people stare at me. In her situation....

"Let’s go," I said and held her hand.

"O-Orel? Where are we going?" she asked with a surprised look.

"My house."

Well, let's skip the whole walking scene and go to the time where we are now in my house.

Just like that, we entered the house and went towards my room. Luckily, there is no one home right now. Don’t misunderstand me. It’s not like I'm thinking of something indecent. It's just that bringing a girl into my house is embarrassing. I just can't imagine what will be my father and little sister's reaction after learning the fact that I have a girlfriend now.

Well, my room is not that out of ordinary. It is just a white plain room with lots of anime posters on the wall and tons of anime action figures in a big cabinet and lots of manga lined up in a big book shelf...wait. Can it still be considered as ordinary?

"Well, sit anywhere you want. I will just get some snacks," I said.

"I’m fine. I am not hungry yet," she said and sat down on the chair in front of my personal computer.

"Then...if you say so."

She then roamed her eyes around to scan my room. Why am I this nervous?

Suddenly, I noticed that her vision got glued in a thing on my bed.


Mi-mi-minori’s dakimakura!

I immediately jumped to my bed and covered the human size pillow using my blanket.

"Hahaha...silly me. My bed is a mess. I should clean it now," I said with a forced grin on my face.

I’m really bad at lying.

"What’s that?" she asked innocently.

"What?" I repeated with a flustered look.

"That pillow, it has some anime chara--”

"You’re just imagining things! Don’t mind it."


"Back to the topic!"


"Are you ready for the pageant?" I asked with sudden seriousness.

Just like that, her nervous face once again resurfaced.



Am I being too forceful? I just realized that I am just forcing her to join this pageant. Does she really want to join? Luckily, tomorrow is the first day of submitting the entry so she can still decline my idea.

"How about...we stop this," I said with a smile.


"I think I am just being too forceful about this after all. It is fine to me if you don’t want to join. We will just find another way--"

"I...I will join," she replied with a sudden determined face.

“Are you...sure?" I asked with a slight surprised face.


I guess I’m really over-thinking things.

"Then, let’s do our best,” I said with a smile.

"Thank you...for all of this," she said shyly.

"Don’t be because I am doing all of this because I want to. By the way, will your Mom allow you to join?"

"I am sure that she will. Since I was little, she was always encouraging me to join pageants like this."


"How about your outfit? Do you have a formal dress?"

"I have but..." she replied shyly.


"It is too flashy."

"Then, that is perfect. All contestants will surely wear something like that."

Clear. I’m surprised that she has one. And now, the real problem…

"We need to think of a way to remove your fear of the spectators’ stares."


"Anyway, why are you that afraid to their gaze?"

She averted her gaze and replied, "I have a feeling that they are judging me once they’ve looked at me. I don’t know what they are thinking so I always imagine what they are thinking and those imaginations...are what I’m scared of.”

How negative can you get? She is really the exact opposite of Meryl.

"Humans are all rotten," I muttered with a serious expression.


"They judge people base on what they see and that impression will never leave them unless a dramatic event happened that will destroy this belief. But the percentage of that event to happen is close to zero. That is why correcting their belief is a wrong approach."

"Then, what should I do?" she asked with sad eyes.

"Don’t pay attention to them. Nothing will happen even if they criticize you in their minds, right? Just live just like what you want and I’m sure that someday...chosen people will appreciate who you really are..."


"...like me," I continued and smiled at the end.

“Orel...” she whispered with slight surprised look.

"Well, joining this pageant contradicts what I’ve just said but this is the fastest way to solve your problem. They are both correct ways. But...it gave you a hint on how you should handle your fear, right?"

"Then, I should just ignore their stares, right?" Laira asked.

"Right. Just don’t think about what they are thinking. Focus on yourself."

"But...how long will that take ‘til I get used to it?"

Well, she has a point. Getting used to something is not that easy.

"Then, what you need is some experience, right?"


Should we go to a crowded place? Wait...that will be fatal for me too.

"I think..." she whispered while fidgeting.


"I think that...if you saw me naked...I might be instantly used to their stares."

"Huh?" I reacted, not sure if I heard that correctly.

Did I hear it right? What is it again?

She then stood up before me and shut her eyes.

"Wait! What do you...?”

Just like that, she removed her neck tie and placed it on the chair.

I didn't mishear it! What the heck is she thinking? But…I can understand its logic a little. But…

"L...lai...ra? Wait a minute. Don’t be hasty!" I said with a very surprised face.

“You’ve said earlier that experiencing something more intense is effective right? The most embarrassing thing that I could think of is this so...”

"But...” I said with widened eyes.

"I...will start."

I can tell that she is extremely nervous because her legs are shaking a little. As she unbuttons her blouse, her face gradually got redder and redder. After she unbuttoned the last one, she opened her blouse to show her body to me. Right now, I am staring at my girlfriend's naked body. Well, it is not really naked because she is still wearing bra and skirt. As I glare at her slender body with an unusual widened eye, Laira began to pant silently. Her gaze cannot be fixed at one place anymore. Even though her build looks petite when she is wearing clothes, her chest is now bigger than you would expect when she is naked for some reason.

After awhile, she removed her blouse and threw it on the floor. Then, she started to remove her skirt by unhooking it slowly.

Crap! I got entranced too much! I have to stop her.

Suddenly, the door of my room opened and my little sister barged in.

"Bro, can you help me...with...my...”

Here is the situation. One day, you entered the room of your brother without permission and saw a girl stripping in front of him. What the heck will you do?

"So...sorry," she said and closed the door with a bang.

Laira then looked at me with a very nervous and embarrassed face. I know what she is thinking right now. “How the heck can we explain this to your sister?” I wonder how?

"How about...we continue this next time for starters," I said, exhausted for some reason.

"S...sure," Laira replied shyly.

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