《I Want To Get Isekai'd But The World Does Not Want Me To》Isekai Declaration Of War


Clattanoia's POV

"Paranoia! Quick! Hypnotize those guys!"

"What?! Why should I do that?"

"Just do It!"

"Fine, but you owe me a favor"

I ended up shouting at her, I don't like shouting that much. But with that, we can solve the issue of Hinata's parents being here. I was agitated for nothing.

"Clattanoia, It doesn't work."

"It what?!"

What do you mean It doesn't work?! Aren't your powers the most reliable shit we have?! You're always bragging that out of the three of us, you're the strongest and yet It doesn't work?!

"Calm down, will you? I feel like my mana is being sapped for some reason. My power is weakening, but my mana is still enough to read your mind."

Your mana is being sapped? Wait, don't tell me... Hinata brought that gloves? Those gloves were on the house right now so the moment I brought that house here, those gloves sapped her mana, allowing It to be useless right now...

"Uhhh... Miss? Aren't you Hinata's friend? Can you please tell us where we are?"

Mother suddenly approached me. I'm startled by that! I'm already panicking in my mind If you startle me like that, I'll start having seizures! Although Mother approached me, Father just continues to stand there, staring at the house. Does he have some kind of attachment to It?

"Uhhh... well..."

I can't think of a single excuse... I racked my brain hard enough but nothing comes out.

"It's a surprise party!"

Just when I thought all hope was lost, Paranoia suddenly appeared beside me and gave the answer I was looking for. Wait, surprise party? Will she buy that? No way-

"A surprise party?! How exciting!"

And she believed It... I guess I just have to ride this excuse Paranoia made for me. With that, Mother turned her back away from us and approached Father.

Paranoia, you can still read my mind, right?

"Pretty much"

Then, where's Clutter?! I need his help!" He's the only one I know who can use magic without using mana! If It's him, the Elunola Gloves are nothing.


"Clutter is not here. He's one of the captains that were sent to subjugate the other world."

Wait, what?! He's there? Oh my god, looks like It's checkmate. I can't do anything here without disposing of that glove. But that's Hinata's possession so just throwing It away, isn't right...

"I'm conflicted..."

"I don't know what you're even thinking about. You should just throw that gloves away."

You won't understand my feelings, you wretched woman! What should I do now?! Should I just tell the truth to Hinata's parents?! If I tell them the truth, they might think more lowly of Hinata! But sooner or later, they'll find out anyway! What step should I make?!

"Oi, Clattanoia."

Shut up! I'm thinking right now!

"I also want to go to that world you're talking about..."



Hinata's POV

That messenger I spat on, is he fine? Now that I about It, what I did is pretty rude. I'm just driven by emotion that time. I'm not even sure If they're the ones actually responsible for the disappearance of my parents

I'm right here, walking in circles like an idiot. The commander of that army is probably angry at me right now.

"Hinata, I understand, you're agitated but nothing will happen If you just..."

"Just what?"

"Just act like some fidget spinner there"

Gee, thanks, you've brightened my mood, way to go! While I'm here busy scowling at Euclius, I immediately felt a presence within the surrounding area.

"He's here..."

Euclius uttered mildly beside me. The Commander of that giant battalion has arrived. I don't know what to say but whatever. I'll see It for myself, just what kind of person the Commander is.

"You must be the King of this land, you have my utmost respect."

Who the hell is this guy? A tall, kind of buff man with a white beard suddenly appeared before me. He also wear a really cool silver armor, starting from his left shoulder to his leg. It's all covered by metal. Damn, that's kind of cool.


Beside him is a tall, slender man whose face I don't know because of his stupid long hair but he wears a black robe that hides his whole body. His aura and the way he dresses reminds me of a certain someone I know

"I'm the 5th Commander of Neburisha Kingdom. The name is Arnold, while this is my escort, Clutter."

Clutter, huh? Well, I should ignore that guy for now. More importantly, this guy, Arnold was It? He seems pretty polite for someone I just badmouthed the messenger of.

"So what do you wish to talk about? If this is about the war, I'm afraid, I have to continue with It even without your approval."

I see, he just came here to declare war with me, again... But this guy seems to have a certain degree of respect for other people. I could use that...

"Hinata, what's with your grin..? Are you planning something?"

"Nope, not at all"

"Your face tells me the opposite. Just don't try anything stupid with this Commander. He's gone out of his way just to pay respect to us."

Alright, alright, whatever. Chivalry has long been dead, Euclius. I'll show you how modern people fight!


"Commander, you seem to be misunderstanding something here. I haven't called you to pay respect or something"

"Eh? Have I been mistaken all this time?"

All right, now he's curious as to what he came here for. Now, to tell him...

"Commander, I asked you to come here for just one thing... A one-on-one, fair and square duel!"

As I do that, I raised my finger and pointed It towards the Commander. Damn, I look so cool. But... the atmosphere seems heavy here for some reason. All of a sudden, everything just became quiet. Even the cold winds that are supposed to make Its noise at night time.

I looked behind me to see Euclius so shocked and purple on his face. That emo guy, Clutter seems to be surprised as well and moreover, the Commander... is smiling...

"Hinata, what are you doing?! In our world, asking for a duel is like asking for a death match!"


Wait, what? Euclius suddenly approached me and whispered those words to my ear. A deathmatch? Are you kidding me?!

"A deathmatch is something that is supposed to happen at the endgame of a war. Two generals will participate in It. It's a deathmatch where both of you will put something on the line. Usually, It's the retreat of the enemy but you can put anything you want!"

Something like that is a rule in your world!? Now that I about of It, this Arnold guy has been emitting a deadly aura for a while now! What is this intense feeling I've got from him?!

"A duel, you say? I see, you must be in a hurry, sir. I've also noticed that your cavalry and battalion is not here"

How would I have something like a cavalry?! Yes, I'm a king! King Of Shallowness!

But If I want to survive this, I have to bend things a little. I don't know If It'll work but gambling is not bad either, here It goes! I gulped my saliva first then spoke the words that I want to say

"Commander, we'll do the duel by the rules of this world."

"By the rules of your world? Interesting, let me hear It..."

Yes, he's interested! I need to deliver these lines confidently so I don't sound stupid!

"We're going to have a duel by a match our world likes to call Thumb Wrestling!"


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