《I was revived by my best friend》Map of the lands around the Blazing Sea


Map of the lands around the Blazing Sea

Map of the parts of the continents around the Blazing Sea: Amazonia, Starland, North-Wing.

The small colored pentagons are “Great Crystals” that crashed into the Earth during the Big Blend, more than two thousand years ago. They cause different phenomenons depending on their location, color, and environment. Along with crystal particles in the atmosphere, Crystals are the most used energy source in the world.

Farskyer is an influential city of the Farskyer peninsula and gives home to a gigantic yellow Crystal. However, the most populous city on the peninsula is Yokohama. Farskyer City is geographically situated to the east of the Golf of St. Lawrence from our world.

The Flying Four: as odd as it sounds, those four northern cities do fly in the sky! They are floating on orange Crystals that are anti-gravitational, and they migrate yearly from the northern hemisphere to the southern part of the Earth.

The Keelung Lighthouse where Armen Moon was raised is situated to the south of the Big Triangle Stream and to the east of Bird Island and Taipei. Well, if you don’t remember that, don’t worry: it is unlikely that the Straw Head will know how to pinpoint his home on a map, anyway.

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