《The Light Mage and the Fog》Chapter 13 - Sleeping Giants Move


Saint Lucius Cathedral in Telessia, the headquarters of the Church of the Light. It was a massive one-hundred-meters tall structure of pure white stone, lined with giant pointed arches and beautifully carved reliefs of heroes slaying heinous monstruosities. On top of the ornate decorations of its facade, golden figures of guardian serpents ominously looked at the wide plaza underneath. In the center was an arched glass stained in gold, white, and blue, depicting a faceless Goddess with clouds as her clothes, the sky as her wings, and the stars as her crown.

The interior was even more impressive, as lavish as the palaces of the wealthiest of kings. Each corner, wall, and embroidery was expertly crafted to reflect the color of a light mage's Fairylight and exalt its magnificence. Under the ribbed vaults of the ceiling were the stories of famous light mages and the 'miracles' they had created in the last thousand years, painted while fighting against the Fog and the demons for the sake of the common people.

Behind a brilliant white marble altar stood the thirty-meter stone statue of a man, and behind the man was a large sphere of pure gold. The man's hands were open in prayer, his gaze fixed on the image of the Goddess in the facade's stained glass. He was the first High Priest, the first prophet, the first Saint, and the founder of the Church of Light, Lucius Paragonis.

Coiling elegantly around the statue was a tall set of marble stairs, ending in the head of a giant winged serpent clutching the golden orb under its venomous fangs. It was believed that the orb still contained part of Saint Lucius' Fairylight and that the serpent was a protector of such treasure.

On a rare moment of tranquility, only two people stood in the Cathedral. One was a rough man of arms, his black hair and beard neatly groomed. His small black eyes never rested, jumping around in search of enemies that weren't there. His muscled body spoke of a disciplined training routine, his calloused hands of tens of thousands of swings with his sword. Behind his golden armor fluttered a red cape, and on it rested a symbol feared by most in the Continent - two winged serpents biting a horned figure. He was the First Inquisitor of Church of Light, Sir Regis "The Righteous".


Such a man, infamous for his ruthless methods and prejudicial punishments, was kneeling on the marble floor of the Cathedral. Not even the Aldian King could make Sir Regis kneel in the ground. There was only one who could.

Slowly descending the stairs around Saint Lucious' statue was a feminine figure in fluttering white clothes. Behind the figure was a giant Fairylight, ten meters in diameter and radiating light as blinding as the Sun. Thus, her body was like an eclipse - an enchanting form whose true beauty was impossible to admire. Yet everyone would agree she was magnificent, though very few had ever seen her face before. She was the High Priestess of the Church of Light, Celestia Paragonis III.

"Your Eminence, your humble servant comes bearing news," declared Sir Regis, his eyes fixed on the floor's tile pattern.

"How many times have I told you, Regis. We do not need such formalities. Stand up, and tell me what news need my attention." Her voice was gentle and comforting, like the lullaby of a mother to her child. However, those who were experts in martial or magical practices could sense that tremendous power hid behind her tender words.

Sir Regis got up. He would never refuse an order coming from the High Priestess. "After searching for the heretic Friedrick Baston, we have finally found him. He was sold at an underworld auction one week ago. I have mobilized some of our operatives in the Borian Empire to secure him." He paused, gathering his thoughts.

"Is that all?" Asked Celestia. It was always difficult to grasp where her gaze was pointing. "You need not my opinion for the matters of the Inquisition."

"Yes, Your Eminence, that is not the reason for my visit. During the investigation, the agent who infiltrated the auction has witnessed a rather perplexing occurrence. A boy with a white Fairylight."

His eyes still looked at the ground, but he could tell that the news had shaken the High Priestess. Her enormous Fairylight pulsed violently, and the air became warmer. She stopped descending the stairs.


"Find him, and bring him here."

The First Inquisitor did not need to hear those words twice. He had never heard Celestia give such a direct order. He turned around and hurried to the monumental door of the cathedral, his metallic steps reverberating within the empty hall.

Celestia's eyes rose to the image of the Goddess, her intentions inscrutable.


The floating isles of Motu Rere were an archipelago of Giant mountain-sized slices of land and rock floating hundreds of meters over the Eastern Ocean. On the smaller islands, vegetation alien to the Continent found perfect environments away from the monstruosities of the Eastern Coast, as did many strange and colorful flying species. In the center were larger islands connected by blue tethers of arcane magic. Over them, a spectacular city extended its fingery buildings towards the sky. The Avians inhabited that city, its territory expanding over centuries of growth and prosperity.

One building stood above all, an enormous pyramidal structure made of the stones from ten dismantled floating islands, its tallest point hitting hights of six thousand meters over the sea. On top of such ziggurat stood the residence of the King of all Skies. Only members of the Royal Family could enter the palace, except for a few most trusted attendants.

Inside was a throne room, unusual in that the throne looked east towards the sky, giving its back towards those who sought the wisdom of the ruler. Only his family could look up at the King's eyes, for he was the Law and the Law was absolute and divine, not something a commoner would have the privilege to witness.

Rangi Aeto, First Princess of Motu Rare, stared at the back of her father's golden throne with complex eyes. She was similar to his little brother, Ra Ma, with her long white hair and her skin as pale as snow. But she had the body of a valkyrie. Powerful muscles escaped her platinum armor, two strong feathery wings fluttered with vigor behind her back. Her equipment consisted of a shining sword resting on her left hip, a golden whip on her right hip, and a silver winged shield at her back. They were powerful nation-level artifacts bestowed by her father so that she could guide the army with the dignity of a Royal. They showed how beloved she was. Nevertheless, tradition imposed that she could not inherit the throne.

"Father, news has reached us from the Opal Palace, where Brother Ra Ma goes every year. Someone attacked his convoy leaving no one dead. However, princess Tui is currently missing," Rangi said.

Under the intense pressure from the hands of the King, the pure gold armrests of the throne yielded and crumbled. Two wings opened in unison, spanning eight meters in pure muscles and feathers.

A deep voice echoed through the floating isles.

"It seems they have forgotten the rage of the Sky King. Prepare an ultimatum for the Emperor of Boria and the King of Alcia. They shall have one month to find princess Tui and return her, or war shall befall the Continent once more."

"Yes, my King!" Responded Rangi, a satisfied smile rose on her face.

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