《Blightbane》Coalescence: Log 8


The Covenant of Shade:

The Channeler:

The Channeler sits at the head of the Shrouded Theocracy and the Covenant of Shade religion. They are responsible for maintaining the public’s faith in Shroud. A Channeler has the power to interpret holy scripture and nullify existing interpretations, thereby broadly changing existing law. High-level rules constrain the capabilities of any one Channeler. [INFORMATION INACCESSIBLE - INCOMPLETE]


A Channeler is selected from a population of ambitious young candidates. Only those with the “purest Soul Tethers” are considered. Ages and backgrounds vary.

Once appointed, the Channeler selects six Paragons to support them in their mission.



The means by with a Channeler operates differs significantly from one generation to the next.



Dispersal is the renouncement of faith in the Channeler’s divine authority. It spells death. There are two possible ends for a Channeler. In the first case, the Channeler dies. In the second, [INFORMATION INACCESSIBLE - INCOMPLETE].

The Paragons:

The Channeler’s six Paragons manage Shroud, extending their influence. Each Paragon represents a single Hexaline deity, and their responsibilities relate to what that deity symbolizes.


Each new Paragon chooses people they trust, admire, fear, respect, or any combination of traits. They appoint these individuals to positions of power without needing to seek the approval of others in the government. However, they must keep in mind that the Paragons are not only their allies but their greatest vulnerabilities.


Like in the case of a Channeler’s Dispersal, a Paragon’s Disavowal marks the end of their service to Shroud.


The Hexaline Knights:

To protect their interests and sometimes their lives, each Paragon is appointed six Hexaline Knights. Each Paragon has a great deal of influence over the specific knights that are appointed to them.


Every Hexaline Knight commands a squad of six additional knights. The duties of these squads are heavily dependant upon the Paragon the knights serve.



It is the goal of every Hexaline Knight to avoid becoming a Lumiknight. Some fear the title ever more than death.


Insight 51: Have you noticed anything interesting about the supposed abilities of these Hexaline Knights?

Insight 62: Before we go any further with this conversation, we should remember protocol. We can’t compromise the integrity of the experiment. Our perspective is unique because we are isolated.

Insight 51: You’ve noticed it too, then?

Insight 62: Yes. We all have.

Insight 86: I would like to see it for myself.

Insight 62: I hope we never get that opportunity.

Insight 86: Why?

Insight 51: The experiment would need to have failed.

Insight 62: Catastrophic failure. If we abandoned the project, we would leave. Before summoning us to the surface, the Faction Leader would need to issue a quarantine order, a cleansing command, or...

Insight 51: … announce Faction War.

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