《Blightbane》Coalescence: Log 7





Melders are a more modern generation of mage. They began organizing and equipping themselves with more knowledge of what materials and elements impacted spellcasting. This comprehension factored into their choice of attire.

Among the more well-off Melders, it is common to adorn oneself with expensive metal bands and other catalysts. These mages must learn to use this equipment before they can be as effective with them as they were without. They must practice more to make full use of them.

The average Melder will wear what best suits their profession. Combat mages will wear armor that is crafted from materials that won’t disrupt casting. Civilian professionals have uniforms tailored to their own needs as well.

For the budget Melder, any outfit that will suit a Weaver will do. However, all must consider the additional materials that are required for some spells in the Sol Branch. Chemical solutions, geological resources, and more.


Specialists: Macromages

Macromages are those who manipulate mundane matter with great immense and breadth. They are even capable of reshaping a battlefield with their magic if their fuel reserves are high enough, and they are sufficiently proficient.

A supplementary fuel source is necessary for a mage who wants to remain active without triggering [INFORMATION INACCESSIBLE - INCOMPLETE]. Typically, this comes in the form of fuel minerals, refined or in chunk form, or [INFORMATION INACCESSIBLE - INCOMPLETE].

The Capacity branch is flashy. Many combat mages specialize in it so that they can damage living targets. Seekers do not need to use this branch because blightbeasts are [INFORMATION INACCESSIBLE - TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED], but many combat mages come from service in the military or only take seeker contracts in their off-time so that they can make a living. These mages use the magic they are most familiar with, even if it is less efficient.


On a rare occasion, a mage strategist will take to using this branch to reconfigure entire battlefields to suit their tactical needs. This is an example of how advances in magic alter warfare.


Specialists: Micromages

Micromages are those who make subtle changes to mundane matter. They have precise goals in mind. Veracity spells can even profoundly change the state of matter with the right intervention.

As with the Capacity channel, it takes significant energy and skill to wield magic with such precision. Supplementary fuel reserves are crucial.

Micromages must have solid knowledge of chemistry to effect the changes they want. Their skills are often highly in demand, but the bar for mastery is high.


Specialists: Synergists

Synergists use knowledge from the vira Branch to cast their spells. Specialist mages with mastery of specific magical interactions with mundane bodies will sustain these interactions much longer than is usually the case for other branches.

One cannot know everything. As a result, Synergists specialize to bring lofty goals within reach. Many civilian professionals are Synergists. Enchanters, engineer specialists, and more belong in this category. It is a channel that has seen significant interest in recent history for its usefulness in manufacturing and technological innovation.

Mastery of the Synergy channel is the first step toward becoming a [INFORMATION INACCESSIBLE - RESTRICTED].

Insight 60: Based on the volume of reports, something is happening or is about to happen.

Insight 32: It was inevitable. I follow her for moments like this.

Insight 60: You want our kin to feud?

Insight 32: I do not believe she would let it get out of hand.

Insight 42: The Faction Leader hasn’t been quite herself lately. This experiment seems… desperate.

Insight 32: You do know she has access to this log… right?

Insight 95: It is an anonymous system.


Insight 60: You really think she hasn’t cracked the encryption?

Insight 42: None of that matters. My opinion isn’t secret. I only want what is best for the Faction, and the Faction wouldn’t be what it is without her.

Insight 60: The Faction is changing. The experiment is changing it. Even if she is conflicted, I know she will see us through. I only want to see this through with the least amount of violence as possible.

Insight 42: Death. Not the death with all shared, but the one that comes after. It is really possible. The concept is strange.

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