《Blightbane》Coalescence: Log 5


The Shrouded Theocracy:

The second-largest nation in the known world, when accounting for the influence they hold over other territories. Often shortened to the name “Shroud”.

Allied territories see Shroud as a necessary evil, considering religious fanaticism and nationalist policies that intend for Shroud to thrive at the expense of their allies.

The Covenant of Shade:

This is the only acceptable faith in Shroud. All other religions and cults are divined to be the work of “The Strangers”, only fit to be purged with extreme prejudice.

The followers of the Covenant of Shade are called “The Shaden” or “Shaden”. Within the territory of the Shroud, people are assumed to be Shaden unless they act suspiciously.


The “Hexaline” deities are a covenant of six fractured parts of [INFORMATION INACCESSIBLE - INCOMPLETE], which arose from her when she gave up her form. Collectively, they endeavor to bring order to the chaos of the universe.

Furle: The Martyr


Arbe: The Pillar

Arbe is responsible for upholding the order established by [INFORMATION INACCESSIBLE - INCOMPLETE]. She must project pious strength in a way that befits the Covenant of Shade. The Pillar reinforces constructs against entropic forces like The Strangers. The faithful have her to thank for even being able to live at all while facing such undeniable adversity.

Anthropomorphic representations of this deity portray her in a modest set of full plate armor. She holds up a hexagonal shield in her left hand, clutching the Covenant of Shade tome close to her chest with her right arm.

The steadfast Arbe is resolute in her faith at all times. She does not waver to temptation. A person whose faith is resilient to the machinations of The Strangers is said to “walk with Arbe”.

Arbe is patient. She knows not to risk the progress the Hexaline make with hasty action. Order is gradually built, and it must be maintained with care.


Nosk: The Pure


Prane: The Cleanser


Rute: The Engineer

Rute is responsible for continuing to create order from chaos, extending the influence of the Hexaline, despite the actions of The Strangers. This goal is multifaceted, making her the most flexible deity among the Hexaline.

Anthropomorphic representations of this deity portray her in a myriad of forms. Sometimes, Rute is an engineer, wielding an assortment of tools. Commonly, this form of hers holds the hex key wrench up while improving upon a “Holy Light” lantern. Other times, she is the model scientist. Rute has many more archetypes.

Rute symbolizes progress. She will continue the holy mission of [INFORMATION INACCESSIBLE - INCOMPLETE] with the support of her divine brethren.

Another concept Rute symbolizes is forethought. Without careful planning, progress will fail. The Strangers are waiting for Rute and the other Hexaline to slip up.

Rute illustrates the necessity of pious ambition in the faithful. Progress is hastened by a desire for achievement, but acting recklessly will lead one astray and make them vulnerable to The Strangers.

Korsa: The Wanderer

Korsa, The Wanderer, is also called “The Outcast”. He continues to search the universe for something that can never be found. However, the knowledge that he provides the other five Hexaline gives them insights into what is out there. Occasionally, the actions of The Wanderer are mistaken for the work of The Strangers. However, this is to be expected when both inhabit the illuminated spaces.

Anthropomorphic representations of this deity portray him as a traveling trader. Korsa wears a thick, hooded cloak and sits upon the seat of a beast-drawn wagon. Though the wagon’s contents are hidden from view, it holds the promise of tantalizing secrets, secrets to be disseminated to the divine alone.

Korsa is curious. Faithful Shaden, however, must trust in the knowledge of those above, not striving above their station. Curiosity is the purview of the Hexaline and those selected by them to lead.


In contrast to Korsa’s actions is the concept of ignorance. The Covenant of Shade teaches that one should only know what they need to perform their duty. Minor flirtations with curiosity within one's hobbies are reasonable.

The Strangers:

Twin deities who jointly exemplify disorder and all that is evil. One embodies pride, while the other divides his activities across indulgences of lust, greed, and envy.

Nilume: The Stranger of Light


Metia: The Stranger of Truth

In scripture, Metia is sometimes portrayed as the younger twin. He looks up to [INFORMATION INACCESSIBLE - INCOMPLETE].

He represents the “undeserved and unholy truth”. Truth unfiltered and without context. Truth without divine guidance. Though he is called the Stranger of Truth, Metia represents lusting after “truths” that drag sacred mysteries out of the Holy Shroud and into the light. Exposed to light, they become vulnerable to the scrutiny of the unworthy and the misguided.

Another interpretation of Metia’s purpose is to greedily hoard all knowledge of the world and leave nothing up to interpretation. His wish is to replace the holy mysteries of the world with barren fact, leaving nothing for the faithful. This constant pursuit of the unknown is an act of violent conquest.

Metia’s nature is to envy the pure. He envies the contented. Even creation and all that has been made orderly are objects of envy to this sinner.

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