《Blightbane》Coalescence: Log 2



Magic is a natural force on Lokken. Many creatures on the planet are capable of using magic, whether they know it or not. Even plants and fungi have evolved alongside it, albeit a less consciously-manipulated form of it.

Magical study is in its infancy. People who want to learn more about magic are anchored by the superstitions and traditions of the past, much like other areas of scientific study. To this end, some scholars have even proposed studying magic by calling it something entirely different so that they can look at it as freely as possible.

There are still cultures that view magic as a divine blessing, though even the Covenant of Shade faith accepts secular studies of the broad subject, reserving the label of divinity for select magical practices, such as that secretive magic which allows the Shrouded Theocracy to create their famous “Template Cities”.


Magic is extremely difficult to use precisely. The spells known by humans are specific to humans, but it has been discovered that the differences between different sentient species are relatively small. In Shroud, documentation has been unified over the past three decades.

Three distinct “branches of magic” have been recognized. Each of these branches has three distinct “channels”, also called “lesser branches”.

Branches of Magic:


The branch of magic that includes spells that interact primarily with magical or organic matter.

Specialists: Weavers

Those that specialize in this form of magic are called Weavers. In the past, all mages were called Weavers, but recent developments in magical study have forced a distinction. Weavers are sometimes far removed from reality because their pursuit of the magical might come at the expense of the material. They can be withdrawn.


The branch of magic that includes spells that interact primarily with non-magical or inorganic matter.

Specialists: Melders

Those that specialize in this form of magic are called Melders. The first mages of this specialty to gain recognition were warrior mages. Now, developing areas of the world see Melders who never reach the battlefield. Instead, they wage wars in other professions, such as in trade markets, with incredible magic-bourne innovations.



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