《The Tournament》Chapter 28: Recorded History
It had currently taken on the form of a female human. It had bushy curly hair and a tall slender frame. Although its transformative abilities were very impressive, they were not perfect; the being had to dress appropriately to hide the parts of its body which could not change. The being wore a large brown tunic that fell down to its ankle and a belt pulled the tunic tight to its thin waist, it also wore a large yellow headband that wrapped around its head covering its forehead.
The town that it was in, was a smaller village; mostly quiet without much excitement to fill meandering conversations. This made simple matters such as the arrival of strangers newsworthy whose simple story would spread like a plague through the defenseless ears of the bored villagers.
The reason it had arrived at this village was because there was supposed to be a vvitchenbreiver here. An ancient and occult occupation whose methods defile and cheat the laws of magic. Many of the newer more scientific inclinations of the Devadoot worshipers saw the vvitchenbreivers as heretics and so practitioners of the art were quickly dwindling. Supposedly, there should be one here.
“You do look weird.” It looked down to where the voice had come from. In front of the being in the form of a human female were two small children. They held each-other’s hands gently their fingers constantly in movement rubbing each-other’s palms.
The two children could not look any more different; the male on the left with black hair, normal brown eyes, small ears, and a black gown, he had skin that was an extremely dark pitch black. The girl on the right with white hair, sharp long ears, and a white gown, she had skin that was extremely pale, a pure sickly white. The stranger part of the girl however were her eyes which were a strange glazed red which seemed unfocused. These eyes surprised the being, it had seen eyes like this many eons ago but surely the Devadoot worshippers of today’s age would go mad if they saw these eyes.
The being disguised as a female human asked the two children. “Why do I look weird?” The being waited for a response but instead of a reply the two children silently danced their fingers across each-other’s palms.
First the girl moved her fingers over the boy’s palm and then he to her. To the being’s surprise the girl then responded. “Your clothes don’t quite fit.”
“How do you know what I look like? Is it not hard to see with your eyes?”
The little girl then burst into laughter. The boy seeing the sudden movements of his friend began squeezing her hand in order to discover what had just happened. The little girl began moving her fingers over his palms while speaking to the being. “I have his eyes so I can see everything, and he has my ears so he can hear everything.”
The being was taken aback by this response and had found itself inexplicably interested in the two children. Before speaking to the two again the being waited for the girl to finish recounting the conversation to her friend through their hands. Once she finished the boy burst into laughter. His voice was strange, as if it was inexperienced.
“Do you two talk with your hands?”
“Yep that’s right. We can always feel each-other like this.”
The girl responded while translating to her friend. The being looked over at the boy and while speaking aloud also started forming gestures with its hand. “Do you understand sign?”
The girl confused, translated the sentence to her friend. “What’s sign?”
The boy quickly let go of the girl’s hand and signed yes. When he released her hand, she immediately let out a scream and the boy quickly grabbed her hand again and translated the occurrence to her.
The being made sure to speak both with its voice and with its hands. “Sign is a way that I can speak with your friend. This way I can use sound to talk to you lady and visuals to speak with you sir. You two are very talented, how old are you?”
The boy rather than sign back to the being, allowed his friend to respond for the two making sure to gently hold her hand.
“We’re both four.”
“I have never seen four-year olds quite like you two before.”
The two children couldn’t help but blush letting out a few giggles from the compliment. “Master says that we’re very smart for our age.”
"Since the two of you are so smart maybe you can help me. I am looking for the vvitchenbreiver that lives here. Do you know where they could be?”
The boy with his free hand pointed down one direction of the street while translating to his friend. The boy was rapidly transcribing the directions to the girl who was then relaying them to the being. “Um, so go down the road until you reach a… yellow house? Um and then um go right for three blocks, then um left, then uh…”
The being wasn’t sure if the boy wasn’t just signing the directions because he didn’t want to let go of the girls hands or if because he could tell that the being was very out of practice in sign and probably wouldn’t be able to understand them all.
After receiving the very confused and complicated set of directions the being gave a smile and a wave to the two. “Thank you very much you two. I hope I will be able to see you again.”
The boy then transcribed the smile and wave to the girl. “Goodbye weird person.”
The girl with her free hand waved to the now empty space in front of her and translated what she said back to the boy. The being thought that the children were very cute but felt a pain of sadness when thinking of the obstacles and difficulties they would surely encounter in their future. The being would definitely want to speak to the children again before leaving, but now it had to go visit the vvitchenbreiver.
The being tried its hardest to follow the directions given to it by the children but somehow having the directions translated then spoken by someone who didn’t understand them in such a way that the person who could understand them had no way of correcting mistakes, may have led to a less than perfect set of instructions.
The being had found itself completely lost, which it found interesting in its own right given how small this town was. Thankfully, for such an isolated place it seemed to be bustling with activity. The being found itself in front of a Devadoot church at the town center in which many people were running about in every direction.
There was a strange post that some burly men were setting up in the center of the street. The being approached one of the citizens who was currently off to the side observing the pole mounting. “Excuse me sir, would you happen to know where I could find the vvitchenbreiver?”
“what! Why in the Devadoot's honor would you possibly want to see that disgusting recluse. I can tell you this now stranger. If you came here to see that dredge, then you should leave now. Nothing but bad can come from associating yourself with him. We’re already busy dealing with his mess right now. I’m telling you now, this is the last straw! There’s no way we’re letting him stay in our peaceful town now.”
The being was taken aback by the aggressive citizen but not surprised, humans tended to be rather close minded in this generation. “May I ask exactly what did the vvitchenbreiver do?”
The citizen glared back at the being with what could only be described as a mildly unsettling and certainly unfriendly look. “They say he unleashed some monsters that he’s been hiding in his drab little hut. You know I expected this. I’ve been hearing lots of strange things coming from that building for a while now. Who knows how long he’s been hiding those evil things. Now that their loose no one is safe. You should also watch out.”
“Oh my, that does sound horrible. I should definitely avoid getting anywhere near where he lives if there could be monsters there. Can you tell me where that is exactly so I can make sure to steer clear?”
It took longer than the being expected and a few more detours than it would have liked but it had finally made it to the vvitchenbreiver’s hut. The being made sure to hide into an empty alleyway and transform into a short and broad male. The being was never fond of staying in any particular form for too long. It did not like having humans know where it was and what it was doing. It left the alleyway and entered the vvitchenbreiver’s hut.
As soon as the being opened the door it saw some familiar faces. Unexpectedly, the two children were here. If they were going to be coming here all along why didn’t they just guide the being here?
It seemed that the two children were in the middle of being scolded by an older and plumper man with a heavy hunch. “I told you two to never leave here without my permission! Are you not aware of what you have done? The danger you have put yourselves in?”
The girl translated to the boy. The boy then transcribed his response for the girl to speak. “But we had to go and see the weird person. Moiety saw it. It was the only way we had a chance of being free.”
The being was confused, it would appear that it had walked in on the middle of some important debate.
The older man was undeterred by the children’s excuses and continued his reprimand. “Moiety’s eyesight is still too weak. We can’t trust everything he sees; there may be as of yet unseen consequences from what you did today.”
The old man having just noticed the being turned to address it. “I’m sorry sir we’re closed for the time being.”
The boy turned around to see the being in its new disguised form. He seemed to peer straight through it quickly turning to his friend and rapidly moving his fingers over her palm. “It’s weird person! See? We told you they would come. They can help us.”
The being was disheartened by how quickly its disguise had fallen apart after just transforming. The being asked. “How can you tell that I am the same person?”
“Like I said, he sees everything.” The girl replied.
The old man reinvestigated the stranger now that he was armed with the newfound knowledge of who exactly it was. “So, you’re this so-called savior. What do you want? What are you going to do to them?” The old man interrogated the being, he clearly did not trust it. He placed his body between it and the children.
“I’m just as confused as you are sir. I have no idea; I came here to see you.” The being was at a complete loss, it hadn’t even known of these childrens’ existence a few hours ago and now it’s supposed to be their savior?
The girl’s posture plummeted at the being’s words. “What are you talking about? You’re going to take us away. You’re going to change the world so that we can live freely.” There was a little desperation in the girl’s voice. A little hope trying to fight against the crushing pressure placed upon it.
“I am sorry, but I am merely an observer. I don’t know what your friend’s eyes saw but I never enact change, I merely document it.” The being was used to occasionally having to have this conversation. The next part always pained it. The part where the others realize that it came to watch their downfall not stop it.
“So why are you here for me?” The old man asked with skepticism filling his voice.
“The vvitchenbreiver are not long for this world, I must observe and document them before it is too late. You are the last vvitchenbreiver.”
The old man stumbled a little as he found a chair to rest on, grief covering his face. “Are you sure that I am the last vvitchenbreiver?”
The being merely nodded its head.
“What about Mosey?” Just because the being was used to this doesn’t mean that it had enjoyed it. When the being came across other librarians they never seemed to mind, they apathetically went on with their tasks. It wasn’t going to betray its occupation, but it still always had this lingering hesitance in these moments. The old man looked toward the being in hopes of finding an answer but after a few seconds without a response he understood. “I see.”
The old man became sullen. Perhaps it was just the being’s imagination, but his wrinkles seemed to grow heavier. The little boy Moiety walked over to the man placing his free hand on his lap. The boy could not fully understand what was happening, but he could see the grief. His fingers moved over the girl’s palm.
The girl gave Moiety a confused look but translated his message for him regardless. “It’s okay, you don’t have to be sad. You never actually met Mosey.”
The old man looked up to the children, his pained visage contorted in confusion. The girl waited for the boy to translate the rest of his message to her.
The being felt a sense of importance from the encrypted words being traded by the two children so it decided to record the event. The being raised its hands towards its head and removed the yellow headband. Behind where the headband was in the center of the being’s forehead was a third eye, the most disgusting part of the eye was that the iris had a brilliant blue color. The trio were too enthralled in their own conversation to notice the being.
“Strange person is here to help us, they have books that can help us, that can save us. Mosey is still waiting to be born.” Even the girl wasn’t certain of what she was saying. Her face wrinkled and struggled to comprehend the words she was speaking. The boy was stoic and filled with certainty in all of the words he transcribed.
The old man could not contain his anger ill-founded from mourning and shouted at the children. “You’re wrong! We’re not like you, we’re not monsters. I don’t know how life works for you, but when a real human dies they don’t come back. If you were human, you wouldn’t come back either!”
The girl was stunned still, her blank eyes aimlessly tearing up as she painfully translated the old man’s words to her friend. Her fingers trembled as they struggled to form the symbols on the boy’s palm, her heart nearly unable to pass on the words. Once the boy had received the message his face filled with betrayal, he then quickly changed to anger.
He shouted in a broken unpracticed voice. “Ur nah umin eiwer!” He released the girl’s hand and ran for the door opening it and disappearing out into the village. When the girl’s hand was released, she let out a terrified yelp and tried chasing after the sound of the boy’s footsteps. She struggled to find the doorknob but eventually managed to leave the room as well.
The room was now empty with only the old man and the three eyed being. The old man looked up to the three eyed being, his eyes filled with distraught. “What have I done? You have to help me bring them back!”
The being didn’t respond. It just stared back at the old man with slight shame. The old man realized that he was alone if he wanted to bring the children back. He rushed up and ran towards the door. Before he could open the door, the being spoke. “Did you teach them the way of the vvitchenbreiver?”
“Yes, why?”
“Because when the day is over, I will need a vvitchenbreiver to observe.”
The old man didn’t reply but the being had assumed that he had understood the implication, regardless he opened the door and ran out into the town. Now the being was alone in the quiet hut. It was left to observe all of the instruments and tools.
It had to pay close attention to each minute subtlety in the devices. It had to take in every curve of the glassware, the age of all the hanging plants, the color of every strange liquid. The dents and scars of the stoneware cauldron. It was a very busy room filled with all kinds of strange ingredients and complicated mechanisms. It took a lot of time to fully observe it all to properly comprehend and document. It ensured that every nuance was burned into its third eye never to be forgotten.
Once satisfied, the being transformed again to another man who was a little plump with a balding head and long flowing beard. It was the last living thing to leave the room.
When the being left the building the first thing it noticed was that the yellow star was beginning to set creating a beautiful purple sky, the sky was so peaceful that the being was willing to waste a few minutes just to observe it. The second thing the being noticed was a tall black smokestack that stretched up from the center of town.
The being put its yellow headband back on and went on to see what caused the smoke. It was much easier to navigate the town with the large smokey beacon guiding its way. As the being got closer to the source of the dark smoke the strong sent of cooked meat assaulted its nostrils. The being had not eaten for a long time but for some reason this scent quelled the being’s hunger rather than entice it.
Before it could arrive to the town center and see what was happening it saw a familiar face hiding in a narrow alley. The little girl balled up into a small corner, the being thought that it could even hear some sniffling. It approached the little girl and asked. “Are you a vvitchenbreiver?”
The girl turned its head towards the source of the sound, its blank red eyes not quite looking at anything in particular were strained and had gone puffy. Streams of tears were pouring down her pale white face. Her perfect skin had been marked and battered with dirt, scratches and bruises.
The girl attempted to reply to the being, but she could barely manage her sentences through her heavy breathing and rampant crying. “Th-They’re… not…. Really gone… right?” Each word was interrupted with sniffling, snot, and heavy breathing. “I-I-I… never really… met them…right? We can… like… m-make… them… born for… th-the f-f-f-f-first time… or… something like that?”
The being payed no heed to the child’s trauma and asked again. “Are you a vvitchenbreiver?”
“We… don’t…ac-ac-actually…get… the br-breiver title…until…we finish… our…training. W…we get… a…pseudo…t-t-title…until…then”
“So, what is your title?”
The girl took a moment to wipe the snot from her face with her thin bleeding arm. Her arm was caked in dried red, a disturbing concoction of blood both her’s and foreign. She then tried using the palms of her hands to carry her river of tears away.
The being pushed its questions forward again. “What is your title?”
“My…title…is… the white vvitch.”
Haptic Imperative
The arch-wizard Orton hasn't been an ordinary human for many years, but traveling back into his own past for a fifth chance at defeating the evil magus Gentry puts him back in the year 1997, in his teenaged body as punk-rock dishwasher Dennis Wilkerson. Now he must retrace his steps through his adventure yet again -- recruiting his allies, defeating his enemies, and accruing his spells and powers all over again. But this time, one thing is different -- he's not alone.This novel takes place in the setting of Entangled Shadows, an urban fantasy quantum-physics magic system in development for use in Tabletop RPG play!
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