《Power Quest》Chapter 31: Choices


Ben opened his eyes and looked around him, taking slow, deep and measured breaths. He was floating in his interface bubble, slowly rotating in midair on his back and supported by nothing. The bright blue glow gently hummed about him and once again, he felt at peace. It was, he thought idly to himself, as a child would feel when returning to the loving embrace of his mother, away from the harsh reality and demands of the world outside. Here in the quiet of his VD interface, he was safe. Nothing could hurt him, there were no angry friends or cunning enemies. There was just him and his ever-watching guardian: the now-not-so-mysterious-but-still-almighty DM Raxlon, who had allowed Ben to enter the game sooner than the others. “For the sake of us both, you need to take your time before you come back,” Raxlon wrote to him that morning. “You need to prepare yourself well, Beacon.”

Ben floated on the nothingness around him, enjoying his solitude. Thinking. After a time, prompts - neglected by him up to that point - began to appear in his vision. Skill prompts, new powers prompts, level up prompts. They blinked into view one by one and began rotating around him, icons of different sizes and colors demanding his attention, surrounding his body in a surreal digitized vortex of information, not unlike that mythical scene from “The Matrix”.

Ben ignored them and closed his eyes. He would soon read them all and once he did, he somehow knew that a long time would pass before he managed to get another moment of self-reflection. His thoughts went back to the previous evening and everything that had happened after his revelation about Jarod.

After Ben had reacted the way he did when he understood who the thug who attacked him in the alley really was, it didn’t take long for Raxlon to realize the truth as well. Ben, freaked out by the fact that he had fought the same man both in the game and in real life, decided to confide in his DM and told him what he knew about Jarod. The game master’s face grew very serious then. His eyes darted this way and that and he started to curse, surprising Ben with the profanity that came out of his mouth - words that would make even Red flinch.

When the man finally calmed down, he took a deep breath and looked hard and long at Ben. “I’m sorry, lad,” he said quietly. “I was indeed stupid. Careless. I never realized…” He moved his hand across his bald head and blinked hard, furiously. “That deal I made with Sullivan, it was absolutely fucked up. I basically gave him permission to bring anyone he wanted into Nolxar. I swear to you, Ben, I never thought it would come to this. I believed it to be harmless - just a bunch of his employees who wanted to experience the best VD there is.” He shrugged, not showing any sign of false modesty. “It wasn’t the first time I was asked to put players as NPCs in one of my quests and the promised reward was too good to pass this one up.” He cursed again, something about the questionable heritage of Sullivan Vincent’s mother. “Stupid,” he repeated finally. “So stupid. You would have thought that after so many years I would know better, wouldn’t you?”

“What about Mike?” Ben has asked him then. There was steel in his voice, but he couldn’t help it. “You let him in as well.” He could still see the betrayed look in his friend’s eyes as he knelt dying on that blood-soaked sacrificial stage in the treasure room of the Duergar. He could feel the blade - his blade - sinking into the dwarf’s flesh. The warm blood on his fingers.


Raxlon nodded. “I did. Sullivan asked as much.” He noticed the hard look Ben gave him from beneath his hood and pressed his lips. “Yes, I know what you must be thinking. But no, Ben, I didn’t plan any of this. I didn’t want to bring Mike in at first but Sullivan insisted, telling me that it was the last request he will make of me. He even had an idea of what to do with him. I decided to oblige. Of course, I had to make some serious adjustments to the quest but the outcome, as you well know, was beyond any of our expectations…”

The DM’s face had grown dark. “But now I don’t know anything anymore. Why would Sullivan send his man to attack you here as well? What’s the purpose?”

Ben didn’t answer. He was, once again, reliving the fight in the alley. His sharp mind - analytical as ever - suggested that, even with his new powers, it was too much of an easy win. Three armed men had been sent against him with the advantage of surprise, yet he had dealt with them easily enough. A suspicion began to bloom in his mind then, as he started to connect the dots. His special console. His invitation to the quest. His altered physics and magical powers. Mike. Jarod. Sullivan. Could it be... he passed his hand over his bald head beneath the hood, mimicking Raxlon’s gesture. I am being manipulated, he remembered thinking. My powers. The fight in the alley. All part of a plan.

He looked at Raxlon. “What about the others?”

Raxlon blinked. “The others?”

“Red. Milenna.” He swallowed. “Shiraz. Are they also…”

Raxlon shook his head. “No. They had paid for this quest weeks ago. They’re here on their own volition.” But there was a flicker of doubt in the DM’s eyes when he spoke and Ben, with his 25 Perception score, didn’t miss it. “Are you sure?” He asked quietly. Dangerously.

Raxlon examined him coolly for a few moments. “No,” he said finally. “I can’t be sure. Though it is highly unlikely. The only advice I can give you is the same one your friend gave you after that glorious fight you had with the Ratkin’s hell-spawned creature.” He drew closer to him and lowered his voice to a whisper. “Trust no one.” There was also the slightest hint of a smile when he said that and Ben realized that the game master was - despite everything - finding this new development intriguing, if nothing else. An adventure.

It was a surreal moment, as if the two men were communicating with unspoken words. Ben had almost asked Raxlon why the DM didn’t just banish the intruders, why he didn’t terminate the quest now that he knew some of what was going on. But he hadn’t asked. Terminating the quest was out of the question as far as Ben was concerned, not now that he knew of the incredible powers he could achieve by continuing to play. And he had the feeling that Raxlon would never do that, no matter what kind of risks were involved. The DM was on the verge of getting knowledge he had pursued most of his life. He wouldn’t quit now.

The two men didn’t dally long after that. Raxlon was agitated, wanting to get back to wherever it was that he operated the game from. Ben, too, was anxious to leave. He wanted to get away and think, to try and come up with a plan. “I’ll send you the new login time later,” said Raxlon and made to depart, but suddenly he stopped. Froze, actually. His widening eyes were on Ben’s forehead and it was then that Ben realized that his hood was slightly down; he probably pushed it back absentmindedly and now his altered face - new scar included - was partly visible.


Raxlon’s penetrating blue eyes had grown very wide at that point and his face displayed an array of different emotions - amazement, excitement, fear. Exaltation. Mostly exaltation. “Ben,” he said slowly. “Do you know what - “

But Ben didn’t wait to hear what his DM would say. How will a man whose lifelong dream was to learn the secrets of the special VD consoles react when he learned that such consoles worked both ways? That they not only enhance the player’s connection to the virtual world but also has a real effect on the player’s actual real-life body and brain? What will he demand of Ben then?

So Ben quickly lowered his hood again, said a brisk “I’ll see you in the game”, and turned away from the astounded world-builder. He almost ran out of the brewery and when he was outside in the street, he did run. He stopped the first cab he saw and got back to his apartment.

The remainder of the night flew by him. Ben had half a mind to experiment some more with his new powers, to see what was the extent of the alternations he had gone through but somehow, he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. He kept glancing out of his window, searching the faces of the passersby in the street below. Of the homeless. He even went as far as to check the apartment for hidden surveillance cameras. He didn’t find anything, but that didn’t calm him down. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watched. That he was being watched ever since he got his hands on that VD set. Or maybe even before? A question kept popping into his head, demanding his attention: Why me? Why did Sullivan Vincent, CEO of SH Gaming, ask Raxlon to invite Ben, of all people, to the game? Why did Mistress R go to all that trouble with Mike to make sure Ben received a console that had the power to make him… a superhero?

A superhero. SH Gaming. Ben remembered himself sitting on the couch, his eyes wide. More dots began to come together. In a dazed state, he opened his laptop and started researching. Hours passed. His phone rang a couple of times - his sister looking for him - but he ignored it. He kept soaking as much information as he could, stopping only to eat some microwave pizza and finish the last of the beers he and Mike had kept in the fridge. He kept at it for the better part of the night and when he finally crashed down on his bed he had fallen immediately asleep.

When his V-watch woke him up that morning, Ben was only half-surprised to find out his head was clear. With a Constitution score of 20, it seemed that his drinking capabilities were enhanced as well - which, he reflected, was half a blessing and half a curse. As it was, that morning he was thankful for his new drinking prowess; he didn’t want to enter the game with a headache.

Raxlon’s message was waiting for him when he opened his eyes. Ben, with a new plan firmly in mind, lay down on his bed and connected himself to the console. Then, for the third time in as many days, he logged into Raxlon’s Power Quest.

Now, as the Scout of Sonadin easily floated in his tiny private universe, he thought about what lay ahead and managed to smile in satisfaction. True, there was still much he didn’t know. But he was beginning to understand. Let them think they can manipulate me, Ben mused. Let them think that I am their puppet. Let me build my powers as they watch me do it. When the time comes, we will see who the real puppet really is.

Ben opened his eyes. The swirling colors of the prompts danced before his eyes, calling him, drawing him in. His smile deepened. It was time to level up.

The first prompts he addressed were the skill increases and XP rewards he had gained from the battle with Dark Heart and his zombie minions.

Your party killed 11 Ratkin Zombie, 1 Ratkin Zombie Elite and 1 Half-elf Necromancer. Shared XP Reward: 17,400 (base 12,400 + 4,000 for creative tactics + 1,000 for killing a party leader) Personal XP Reward: 4,350. Current XP: 28,700 (you have gained 1 level). Points to next level: 7,300 Skills increases: Unarmed Combat +1 Wands +1 Crossbows +1 Acrobatics +1 Tactics +1 Dagger Throwing +1

Ben was thrilled to see that he had gained another level - he was now level 8! - but first, he eagerly read the skills-associated prompts that followed right after he finished reading about his skill increases. The first dealt with a new skill - Unarmed Combat - which, Ben presumed, he was entitled to after his successful skirmish with the Ratkin Zombie Elite.

Good job! You have learned a new skill: Unarmed Combat. The dwarves of mountains have a saying: ‘Kick em, punch em, stick yer fingers in their eye, but whatever ya do - don’t run. Fighting weaponless is fun!’ Congratulations, your survival odds just got a little bit higher. Keep kicking and punching enemies to raise this skill or better yet - get someone to teach you the basics of martial arts. It will be worth your while! Associated abilities: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution. Current level: 1 (5% more likely to hit)

It was the first time his prompts suggested he train in something and Ben had to agree it was a good idea. He made a mental note to look for a martial arts tutor the next time he logged off. Then he kept on reading. His list of powers just got a serious boost!

Well done! You have crossed the first threshold (level 10) of your Crossbows skill. You receive the following boons: 10% more likely to hit. Crossbows Power 1: Quick Load While still not as fast as a bow, with this power you’re now not that far behind the average bowman. Loading time reduced by half. Lo and Behold! You have crossed the second threshold (level 15) of your Tactics skill. You receive the following boons: XP reward: 100. Current XP: 28,850. Point to next level: 7,150. Tactics Power 2: Choose one of the following >> Pause the Game! (Enhanced). This upgrade of your first Tactics Power will give you 7 seconds of pause time instead of the 5 you currently have. Sense Intent. This unique power will grant you the ability to sense whether the person in front of you - be it friend or foe - has good or ill intentions toward you and yours. Note: in order to activate the power, you must look at the target directly in the eyes. Note: this power is available to you only because you meet the requirements: level 16 Tactics and level 21 Perception. Be warned: some high-level beings might have powers that will either prevent you from using your Sense Intent Power, or disrupt your power and convey false messages.

Ben stopped to think about it. He was sorely tempted to upgrade the power he considered to be his most valuable - Pause the Game! was absolutely awesome and it saved his ass more than once already. Having 7 seconds to think instead of 5 before time resumed its course, could mean the difference between life and death in some tense situations.

Yet after he read the description of the second power that was offered to him, Ben knew that it wasn’t really a question. Sense Intent seemed to be tailored especially to his abilities and how brilliant will it be to look people in the eye and know if they trust him or mean him harm? He could definitely have used such power the day before when he spoke with Raxlon, he mused; he still didn’t feel comfortable trusting the DM who so easily agreed to the terms of some random gaming CEO. Yes, Sense Intent would definitely come in handy. Of course, there was this warning about contradicting powers that could disrupt his own power, but nothing was perfect.

Ben made his choice and continued to read the prompts that would make him much, much stronger: his level ups - and his new class choice.

The first message was accompanied by a clear trumpet call. Then the words started to roll:

You have received a Class Choice! The system analyzed your actions and you may choose one of the following five classes: 1. Highlander (Scout 2) Truly, you have put the Scout class into good use. This is the time to take your passion to the next level and become a Highlander! As a highlander, you gain access to the land and nature around you in more ways than you might imagine. You will become extra powerful with your Scout’s weapon of choice and get another weapon to specialize in. Keep the good vibes going and choose this class improvement to become a truly unique character!

Class starting bonuses:

1 point to Wisdom per level.

1 point to Dexterity per level.

10% advancement in all wisdom-based skills.

10% advancement in all dexterity-based skills.

2 points to Highlander’s weapon of choice.

20% advancement to the skill of your weapon of choice.

Highlander Power 1: Animal Companion. You create a special bond with an animal, who will become your loyal companion. Further explanation would appear upon choosing this class.

2. Ranger As the name suggests, a ranger is a true master of ranged battle techniques. With this class, you will become a deadly enemy from afar, as well as a survivalist and a potential woodland crafter. Choose this class if you want your arrows and bolts to become more lethal and if think you might find yourself alone and afraid in the woods.

Class starting bonuses:

2 points to Dexterity per level.

20% to advancement in all Dexterity-based skills.

2 points to ranger’s weapons of choice.

20% advancement to the skill of your weapon of choice.

Ranger Power 1: Arrow Specialist. You can magically craft special arrows or bolts, enhancing their effects. Further explanation would appear upon choosing this class.

3. Death Mage You have walked the first steps of the Death Mage and surely you already know how powerful one can become with the right training. With this class, you will not only be recognized as a true Death Mage, but you will also gain new spells and powers that befit your stature. Are you ready to claim death as your own?

Class starting bonuses:

2 points to Intelligence per level.

20% to advancement in all Intelligence-based skills.

2 points to Death Mage’s weapons of choice.

20% advancement to the skill of your weapon of choice.

Death Mage Power 1: Novice Death Magic Caster. You gain three new Death spells. Further explanation would appear upon choosing this class.

4. Rogue Would you like to rely on your stealth and cunningness to achieve your goals? To hide when the going gets tough, to strike from the shadows, to manipulate and scheme your way up in the world? With the rogue class, no lock would stop you, no trap would snare you, no enemy would be safe from the tip of your dagger, and no innocent would be safe from the tip of your tongue.

Class starting bonuses:

2 points to Dexterity per level.

20% advancement in all dexterity-based skills.

2 points to Rogue’s weapon of choice.

20% advancement to the skill of your weapon of choice.

Rogue Power 1: Mute Thy Self. No one will hear you for a short duration. Further explanation would appear upon choosing this class.

5. Trickster Let’s be frank here for a moment: you are a master of tricks. Felling the ceiling on the heads of your enemies? Brilliant! Tricking an undead guardian to stop attacking you by speaking the name of its ruler? Genius! Using death magic to scare away a vampiric creature? Respect. In light of your unique tactics, we suggest the best trick of them all: choose to be a Trickster! With this class, you will have more tricks in your disposal than ever before and woe to the enemies who think they got you cornered.

Class starting bonuses:

1 point to Wisdom per level.

1 point to Dexterity per level.

10% advancement in all Wisdom-based skills.

10% advancement in all Dexterity-based skills.

2 points to Trickster’s weapon of choice (3 if you choose daggers!)

20% advancement to the skill of your weapon of choice. (30% if you choose daggers!)

Trickster Power 1: Teleportation. You know, just to give you the leverage you need to escape a tense situation and have time for one more trick! Further explanation would appear upon choosing this class.

Ben was no longer calmly floating around on his back. He stood, his lips pressed in concentration, reading his choices over and over again. Five new classes and all of them looked amazing - more so, now that he knew that everything he decided here would reflect upon his real life as well. There was no rush - Raxlon didn’t make his appearance yet and there was no countdown - so he wanted to be sure he’s making the right choice.

He decided to go by way of elimination. What are the classes that were the least useful to him?

Ranger was the first to go. As much as he liked to skewer his enemies with his deadly crossbow, and as much as special bolts could become a game-changer in VD (he imagined flaming, freezing and exploding bolts), he wasn’t sure how significant it would be when he returned to real-life. To make good use of it he would have to walk around with a crossbow and that would be… complicated. No, he would have to pass on that one.

Next, he thought about the Rogue class. This was the second time he was offered to become one and Ben had a pretty good idea why. He knew for a fact that he would excel in this particular class, being what he was in RL - but then he thought about Noah and the meeting they had beneath that naked maple tree. He saw the disgust in Noah’s eyes when he learned how Ben had acquired his VD set and felt a pang of anger, mixed with shame. For a moment, Ben was tempted to choose this class just to spite his friend, but it was a fleeting notion. He forced himself to think about his future goals and ambitions. Becoming a proficient crook had its obvious advantages, but it didn’t align with Ben’s new Beacon status. He didn’t want to keep striking from the shadows. He wanted the world to witness his powers.

He dismissed that class and moved on.

Death Mage. Now here was a real dilemma. He was sure beyond any doubt that choosing this class would turn him into a powerhouse. The meager level 1 Death spell he knew how to cast - Death Aura - had already saved him more than once and who knew what kind of spells awaited him once he chose this class? He thought of Dark Heart, the Necromancer who controlled so many minions and would have probably killed them all if Ben hadn’t managed to get his hands on the Eye of Paragmir. The half-elf was the most powerful creature Ben had met in his two VD sessions, and now Ben had the chance to become one as well.

But he didn’t. Ben tried to imagine himself walking around graveyards in RL, raising zombies to do his bidding. It was a gruesome, heart-cringing thought, and it was enough to convince him that he had to dismiss this class as well.

It came down to either Highlander or Trickster. Ben was truly at a loss here, as both classes offered amazing possibilities. The Highlander was an upgrade of his current Scout class and that alone almost convinced him to choose it. Back when he played classic D&D, Ben’s favorite strategy was to choose one class and make it as strong as he could. He disliked players who chose multiclass characters, preferring to hone certain skills to perfection instead of spreading his progression points across a large array of skills and abilities. VD, he mused, wouldn’t be any different in this respect. And then, there was the wondrous power that every child dreamed of: Animal Companion. Ben didn’t know what such a power entailed exactly, but he could well imagine himself walking the lands with a hawk on his shoulder or a wolf by his side. Be it VD or RL, a mighty animal companion would definitely make him more powerful.

That was all well and good, but it was the fifth class that was offered to him that really caught Ben’s attention. Trickster. Something about the word itself seemed to appeal to him, and Ben couldn’t ignore the class’s unusual description. It seemed as if the system was trying to flatter him and, truth be told - it was successful. Ben was indeed proud of himself, of the way he handled himself during those encounters. He wouldn’t have survived if he hadn’t thought of clever ways to defeat his enemies and the AI of Raxlon’s world was now suggesting to him that it would be a good idea to have a few more tricks up his sleeve. It was also the only class he’d seen that offered 3 points to a favorite weapon instead of two, and the cherry on top was, of course, the awesome power of teleportation. Now that will be a very useful ability to have. In either world.

With a sad sigh, Ben said goodbye to the Highlander and his dreams of travelling both worlds with a badass wolf by his side. With a mental click, he chose the Trickster.

The color of his interface changed. What was before the clear blue of a morning sky, now became a myriad of changing colors - red, orange, yellow, green, pink. The colors swirled for a couple of moments and when they settled Ben was standing in a bubble that was still mostly blue in color, but had specks of other colors appearing all around in inconsistent intervals. Ben heard rolling laughter echoing around him and then came a prompt:

The world trembles in anticipation - a new Trickster has emerged! From this day on you will be the master of surprises, the unlikely hero, the adventurer that always finds the way out of the most impossible situations. Stay true to your chosen course and remember: it ain’t over til the Trickster decides it is! You receive the following boons: 1 point to Wisdom per level (current advancement: 3 points). 1 point to Dexterity per level (current advancement: 3 points). 10% advancement in all Wisdom-based skills. 10% advancement in all Dexterity-based skills. 2 points to Trickster’s weapon of choice (3 if you choose daggers!). Available weapons: daggers, wands. 20% advancement to the skill of your weapon of choice. (30% if you choose daggers!) Trickster Power 1: Teleportation. You can teleport to a known location (preferably, one that you can see), leaving behind you a screen of smoke (mostly for dramatic effect but some tricksters say that the smoke itself is quite a useful trick!). Cost: 30 mana. Cooldown: 1 minute. Range: 2 feet per Wisdom level (current range: 68 feet). Warning: if you teleport into something that is not air - you may die. Just saying.

Ben shook his head in wonder. When he had first joined the game, he thought that it was Raxlon who phrased the wording of his prompts. Now, after his meeting with the DM and the man’s admission that he wasn’t in total control of the AI, Ben wasn’t so sure. And if it was indeed the system that was communicating with him on its own, then Ben had to marvel at its snarky tone and cynical remarks. Not that he minded so much. He just wondered if there was some hidden agenda behind those clever jabs.

His class choice done, Ben turned his attention to his actual level-up prompts. He had gained three levels since the last time he levelled up, which meant he had now a whopping 12 points to allocate. This time, the trickster scout of Sonadin didn’t have to think too long on his choices. He had decided what his allocation strategy would be even before he logged in. He wanted more powers and for that - he had to invest mainly in his skills.

His first point went to Perception, bringing it to level 26 and crossing the 4th threshold. He was not surprised to receive the Far Vision Power which he had to give up the last time he crossed the skill’s threshold. What did take him by surprise - and bummed the hell out of him - was the prompt that followed right after.

Wow! You have crossed the 4th threshold of your Perception skill! You receive the following boons: XP reward: 400. Current XP: 29,250. Point to next level: 6,750. 30% more likely to discover hidden people and objects. Regular restrictions apply. Perception Power 3: Far Vision. With this power, you will be able to see further and sharper than ever before. As a result, your ranged attacks will improve, granting you a higher critical chance with ranged weapons. This is an active power, though its use is unlimited. Note: you have reached the maximum threshold of this skill. Crossing to the 5th threshold requires a personal level of 10.

Ben cursed, but his ire didn’t last long. It was only to be expected, after all; if a player didn’t have a cap on his skills, then, in theory, one could invest all of his points in just one skill and become a true master when he was still a beginner.

Ben shrugged and moved on. His next skill that was on the verge of a new threshold was Leadership and that’s where his second level-up point went.

Lo and behold! You have crossed the 2nd threshold of your skill Leadership. You receive the following boons: XP reward: 100. Current XP: 29,350. Point to next level: 6,650. Leadership Power 2: Passive Persuasion. Your suggestions were always valid (well, most of the time) but now your words will carry much more weight with them: you get 2 percent better chance to persuade for every Leadership level (current persuasion power: 32%).

Ben grinned. His arsenal of special abilities kept growing and he wasn’t yet done. Surveying his character sheet, he chose the next skill that was relatively easy to level up: Perseverance. Here he had to allocate two points to cross the skill’s first threshold, but it was worth it.

Well done! You have crossed the first threshold of your skill Perseverance. You receive the following boons: XP reward: 50. Current XP: 29,400. Point to next level: 6,600. Perseverance Power 1: Mind Lock Many may try to probe into your mind and once they do this Power can be your last resort: activate it to block all access to your mind for a short period of time. Word of advice: you’d better terminate the threat to your mind before the time of Mind Lock elapses - for when it does, you will be much more vulnerable to mind attacks. Cost: 30 mana. Cooldown: 1 hour. Duration: 5 seconds for every Perseverance level (current duration: 55 seconds) Note: for the first 55 seconds after the duration elapses, your mind resistance will be reduced to 1%.

Ben had 8 more points to allocate. There were a few skills that could grant him additional powers - Bluff, Stealth and Identify were all interesting - but Ben’s eyes went to another skill, one that he was truly curious to explore. Before he could regret it, the newly made Trickster put no less than 3 points into the skill, holding his breath in anticipation of his new power. When he read the prompt, his grin nearly split his face in half:

Well done! You have crossed the first threshold of your skill Acrobatics. You receive the following boons: XP reward: 50. Current XP: 29,450. Point to next level: 6,550. Acrobatics Power 1: Air Steps. Remember that time you nearly fell to your death from a narrow ledge? Fear no longer! Air Steps let you turn the air beneath your feet into a solid substance for a brief moment - enough to let you step on it and jump to a safer location. Jump away, master acrobat! Cost: 5 mana and 5 stamina for every step. Step duration: 1 second. Maximum steps before cooldown: 5 Cooldown: 1 minute

Boom. Ben felt an itch in his toes. Teleportation and the ability to step on air? He couldn’t wait to try all of that.

A timer suddenly appeared before his eyes, counting down from 100 - Raxlon’s gentle way of informing Ben that his time in his interface bubble was coming to an end. Ben didn’t mind. He couldn’t erase the grin from his face, and he was still grinning when he allocated his last 5 level-up points, this time adding to his least invested attributes: 2 point to Strength, 1 to Constitution and 2 to Dexterity.

Finally finished, Ben took a look at his new and improved character sheet:

Name: Ben Level: 8 Race: human Class: Trickster Scout Path: Hero (Tier 1) Titles: The Naked Noob (hidden) The Scout Of Sonadin (self-proclaimed) Scholar Ratkin Nemesis Vindicator of the Depths Beacon Achievements: My First Kill First Level Up Once Upon A Time My First Spell There Can Be Only One Epic Title Active Statuses: Honorless (hidden) Party Leader Dungeon Menace Beacon Fame: 6 Notoriety: 1 Hit Points: 39 (rgn 0.2) Stamina: 34 (rgn 2.4) Mana: 38 (rgn 5) Defense: 35 Initiative: 43 Ability Points: Strength: 14 Dexterity: 25 Constitution: 21 Intelligence: 23 Wisdom: 34 Charisma: 22 Powers: Perception 1: Passive Focus

Perception 2: Dark-vision

Perception 3: Far Vision

Scout 1: Hawk Eye Tactics 1: Pause The Game!

Tactics 2: Sense Intent

Leadership 1: Battle Psychic Communication

Leadership 2: Passive Persuasion

Beacon 1: Godlike

Crossbows 1: Quick Load

Trickster 1: Teleportation

Perseverance 1: Mind Lock

Acrobatic 1: Air Steps

Skills: Perception: 26 Identify: 7 Bluff: 14 Daggers: 8 Backstabbing: 2 Dagger Throwing: 2 Tracking: 12 Perseverance: 11 Crossbows: 11 Tactics: 16 Stealth: 8 Politics: 9 Leadership: 16 Stealth: 10 Winged Riding: 1

Riding: 1

Acrobatics: 11

Death Magic: 3


Mind Resistance: 27%

Spell Resistance: 10%

The sheet went on to list all of his weapons, armor, gold, potions and the rest of his inventory - quite a respectable one after his last adventure in the dungeon - but Ben didn’t linger to read it all: the countdown on Raxlon’s friendly counter clicked down to zero and the interface started to dissolve around him.

Ben’s last thought before he popped back in the treasure room was that things were going to get oh so much more interesting from now on. He just couldn’t shake the grin off his too-beautiful-to-be-real face and his laughter - not unlike that of the Trickster’s prompt - echoed in the empty interface bubble long after he disappeared.

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