《Splintered Soul》Chapter 66 Btom! Part 28: ludonarrative dissonance


We finally touch down and the first thing they do is remove the chip from my hand then they separate me and the other girl to different living quarters. Apparently, the others have already left the building I’ll have to look for Kaguya later to make sure she’s okay, also to see if Haru’s mother and Saeko are still around me. I hope she forgives me… I’d have helped her guardian live if given the chance but… Regardless I’ll check in with Himiko as well. I never really thought to get her phone number but I’m sure Miho still has it.

Two men lead me to a bedroom it’s quite nicely decorated. They have a set of fresh clothes in my size laid out on a bed for me. “You will have a meeting tomorrow with the company CEO and the runner of the game. We ask that you please make yourself presentable for the meeting and please avoid contacting the outside world for now. You are free to do so after you’re meeting but until then it would be preferable if you could please make due with the television.” I give him a dismissive wave as I walk inside and flop onto the bed. God that feels nice. It’s been so long since I’ve laid on a proper bed. I almost fall asleep right there but then I remember I still have a bunch of sand in my clothes, and I’d rather sleep nicely.

I notice that even as I go to the restroom to freshen up I still feel two pairs of eyes on me from somewhere downstairs freaking perves oh well they’ve had plenty of chances to watch me wipe my ass in the jungle if they were going to do anything with the footage there is nothing I can do about it. Everything here is also way too fancy needlessly decorated with gold and silver. It’s such a waste, why not use that money for something useful. Why not use the material for circuitry and function instead of looking pretty.

Finishing up I let out a long sigh, turning on the tv while jumping into the bed finally fully unwinding. It’s some news channel muttering some nonsense about a rise in criminal activity in parts of Japan and the workings of a the Tyranos company in its new shows. Then they say something that draws my attention.

“This just in the now the new widely stigmatized show Btoooom! Has made a comment that their final survivors have left the island. Concluding the first ever airing of such controversial footage on their network. Tomorrow at noon they will have an interview with the last two to escape. We can only speculate at this point who has left but many fans have their favorites and I suppose we will all see if they escaped tomorrow. Now the weather…” Huh so they really did broadcast it all. I wonder if they released my name too. That may be bothersome, but it shouldn’t be that bad.

The comfy bed slowly lures me to sleep.

The next morning

I wake up with a start, feeling the eyes still on me. Well, probably different eyes, but the same location. Damn, they really have someone watching me at all times. I look at the scar on my hand from the chip. It looks a bit odd and is very distinctive. I guess I can just get rid of it once treatment gets to level 75, but that will be a pain in the ass skinning my hand to remove the scar will hurts like hell. I know Haru stopped bothering with removing his scars soon after he first tried it only using the method to slowly recover more debilitating wounds.


Getting up I look at the time and put on the fresh set of clothes. It’s a nice ice blue and black button up. I just stare into my own eyes for a while in the mirror… I look tired still. I start feeling a bit self-conscious when I hear a knock at my door.

“It’s open!” No point locking the place when everyone has keys to my room.

“Breakfast is served. At 11:30 someone will be here to direct you to the meeting room.” I nod and take the breakfast. I spend the next several hours going through all of the choices available for my last skill slot. There are so many spiritual skills… I don’t know what one Kaguya has and any one of these could be fake. There are skills like spiritual medium, spiritual seer, spiritual sense, spiritual connection. The list goes on and on but many that are close don’t seem quite right. I could also get emotional sense or lie detection… Alternatively, if I see spirits, I’d have to see the other people that have died too… the people I have killed. Perhaps I’ll pass up the chance this time, maybe in another life.

Lie detection, emotional sense and stealth seem like the best options… I’ll just take stealth again it seemed to even work on the god of this planet and if it gets to a high enough level with the unseen eye, I should be able to go unseen by just about everyone.

I start to walk down to the meeting room as I select stealth again. It seems to start over at level 1 again. I turn into a large gathering area where a person with a camera is getting ready and a Bald man is sitting next to the real fat man from the game presentation. Right as I’m about to walk in further I’m stopped by a few bodyguards. “We are going to need to check you for weapons sir.” They look at me sternly. I nod and put my arms out they begin to frisk me heavily double then triple checking everything. They obviously don’t trust me.

“Clean… open your mouth.” They check my mouth as well. “Hmm that’s as much as we can reasonably check…” He starts to slowly pull out a rubber glove. I give him an annoyed look for even considering a cavity check.

Finally, the bald man intervenes “That’s enough! He’s clearly unarmed come come sit with us and let’s discuss several details of how this will go.” I nod smiling back at the man and sit near the other two. The camera man also comes up, but the camera is obviously not rolling.

The bald man speaks up. “First, we are going to discuss a few things such as how you felt at certain parts of your time there, then we will give you the reward money on the camera. We would like to talk to discuss something else important off camera when we are done here too.”

I nod politely and wait for the camera man to get ready.

A man in a white suit starts to speak as the camera turns green. “This is Furutani Jun with an in-person interview with the most infamous of the people of Japan Shimada Hitomi. Now Hitomi you have done a lot of questionable things in your persuit of love on that island. What exactly do you have to say to those that have seen your true side out there on the island?” The interviewer seems to be a bit excited while asking these things.


I clear my throat a bit. “Well, I did what I did in order to survive. I needed to collect the chips needed to leave and I also wanted to help my friends friend from home as well.”

“Now that’s another point of contention. Why do all of this for someone that is just a friend? You killed so many for such a small reason?”

The question makes me pause for a moment. I guess it’s better to be honest than try to make something up. “I… I don’t have many friends so those that I have I hold close. Regardless what’s done is done.” They sure are being ruthless… they wouldn’t understand just like Haru they don’t realize what it means to be in a fight to the death.

“But what about your two friends on the island? Togo and Higiuchi? You killed Togo with such ease then Higiuchi in such a brutal fashion. What lead to this when they were your friends too?” The smile on his face starts to look a bit more blood thirsty.

“Look I did what I had to in order to survive. Higiuchi would have tried to kill me for some betrayal she kept expecting but never came. Togo died because he tried to protect Higiuchi. At that point he knew he was dead he had given his spot up to leave for Kaguya. Now if you’d please, I’d rather not discuss them further.” No matter how many times I have to say it my answer won’t be different…

“Hmmm alright. How about this then, what about all the loved ones of those you’ve killed? Do you have anything to say to those now smaller families?” I hadn’t really thought about what I’d tell them… I want to pay my respects but…

“I would like to apologize and say that it was necessary for my own survival. I’m sure you can understand that I couldn’t pull punches when it was a matter of survival. I am to understand that I’ll be awarded a prize for surviving so I will happily share a portion of that for the families of the ones that I killed.” Not the best response but the best I could come up with.

“That’s not entirely true, is it? Near the end we witnessed your fight against Oda and Sakamoto. You didn’t need to turn back and fight. You chose to go back and fight them. There was no survival in that was there?” tch they wouldn’t understand that there is an overlording presence like a ‘system’ that gave me a quest to save one more person. I’d come off as crazy.

“I couldn’t help but feel an amount of pity for the girl that would have died. At the time they had also attempted to kill me until it was revealed that the BIM were turned off due to the proximity to the helicopter, so I assure you it was purely pre-emptive self-defense.” It’s a load of bullshit but plausible enough.

“Then what about those that claim that you should be tried for each case of murder on that island? They say that you could have just taken the chips out of their hands with those knives you so dearly loved.” I could have… Haru said the same thing. There is a problem with that though.

I act as if I’m scratching my head then flick a throwing knife that was recovered from Sakamoto out. Instantly the guards raise weapons, and the newscaster looks much more nervous. “Then I would have left a potential enemy on the island that wants me dead for taking their lifeline away. They would backstab me the second they could in order to survive themselves. Why risk it?” I toss the knife into the air catching it and sending it back to the bracelet. It’s cold and I feel guilty over how I did it, but it was necessary.

“Al-alright, well one final q-question. Do you have anything left to say for your parents and loved ones?” I hadn’t planned for this either I kind of wanted them to never hear of this.

I turn towards the camera and put on the brightest smile I can. “Sure, I’m coming home mom and dad.” I’ll explain it all to them in person. The reporter chuckles at that.

The interviewer seems more nervous from that. “Sounds uh ominous, let’s move on to the award ceremony!”

We go through some fairly dry ceremony where the girl from the island also arrives. We are both awarded a choice of stock in the company or a much smaller cash prize. I take the stock since it’s obviously doing well to have this much money to throw around. Seeing my choice, the girl chooses the same.

“That’s all folks! Now be safe out there and let’s do our part to rid this world of criminals!” Huh sounds like they are already nominating for the next contestants for their island show.

As everyone is starting to leave it’s just me, the guards, the CEO and the fat guy left.

I start us off. “You wanted me to wait here to discuss something?” They look between each other slightly nervous.

“Well first we would like you to please remove the weapons from your person.” Hmm they are nervous I may react poorly?

“Why?” I look between them and the guard that searched me before who looks like he just lost his job.

“Well because we would rather you not make any rash choices when presented with an opportunity.” The fat man rubs some sweat away. I let out a long sigh before putting the broken throwing knife on the table. A guard comes up and takes it before they do a scan over me with a metal detector. The only thing that beeps is my bracelet which they can obviously see isn’t a knife or has any means of concealing or turning into one.

“Hmm he still seems clean boss. Did he somehow plant one under the table?” They start searching around.

“Regardless as you seem to be co-operating we would like to discuss the possibility of your future employment. We are to understand that you are a marvoulus student correct?”

“I do well yes, I’ve been training to be a doctor.” My last life had the same goal but never reached it.

“Well, we may not have that sort of opening here but you may find work as one of our field agents or R&D? You seemed interested in the BIM from the island right?” That does sound interesting.

“I’m interested, but why would I work for you guys? Why not just walk off with my winnings?”

They both get a chuckle out of that. “Well first of all, you’re famous now! Your name has become synonymous with Live Btooom! People have seen you kill lie and betray to get home. No one else would hire you. Second, we found your little warehouse and your supply of contraband. Where a 17-year-old can acquire firearms and that many medical supplies is beyond me. You even trapped some of the lockers and we lost some good men trying to search that warehouse.” Damn… I didn’t leave any tracks no cameras could follow me no paper trail since it was purchased with cash with a fake ID, how did they find it?

“Ah right, you cleaned up your tracks but while searching for any possible connection you had to other organizations, we searched your bedroom as thoroughly as possible tearing up the floorboards we found your stash and fake ID that the warehouse was purchased through. We now have as much proof as we need to send you to jail for the rest of your life.” The CEO has a shit eating grin as he says all of this.

I smile back at him. “Well then… sounds like you have me by the balls. If I have to work for you though it would be a shame if a few higher up positions suddenly became vacant.” I look between the two of them.

“You don’t scare us without your knife. The people in this room are all trained soldiers and you wouldn’t be fast enough to reach us before one of them puts a bullet in you.” Also, true.

This isn’t all bad if I can learn how to make some of those implosion grenades, I could make them on other worlds so long as the physics agrees. “Fine, I’ll work for you… for now. I’d prefer to work in the R&D department though. I’d also like to finish up my degree before starting.” They both smile and nod at that.

“Well, you best be off then. No reason to keep your parents waiting.” They look like they are both hiding something.

I’m handed my knife back by a guard at the exit of the building. As I walk out there are people staring at me in fear and a police cruiser just down the road with two cops giving me the stink eye. Right… Togo was an ex-police officer… Shit.

Sure, enough I don’t even get a block away before the two of them are up talking to me.

“Hello! Sorry but we received a suspicious report in this area. Would you kindly show us your ID?” This isn’t uncommon it happens a lot to forigners and even random Japanese citizens sometimes. Normally it’s not a big deal just a check to make sure you have the correct permit for the bike you’re riding since bike theft is a big thing or to know what you’re doing in the area.

“I’m sorry I do not currently have my ID on me. I must have left it at home.” The problem is right now I’m no longer in my school uniform and I lost my ID on the island.

“That’s a shame, you look like a foreigner to me. You’re not from here right?” They both get on either side of me.

“I’m a Japanese Resident sir. I simply do not currently have my ID.” If they claim I am not a Japanese Resident and claim I am potentially here illegally then they can detain me without call for up to 24 days or even deport me or have me sent to prison…

“Well, without your ID I’m afraid we cannot confirm that. Would you kindly come with us please?” both officers move to grab my arms. Looking around I see a few phones up recording. I let them grab me and handcuff me. I’m handled a little roughly but not that bad considering what they probably could get away with as I’m forced to come back with them to their station.

As they walk me in the person at the front desk looks up at me with a cold glare. “Huh looks like you guys found a foreigner without their ID. I’ll make sure to make a mark on their arrival time.” They fill out a document. The place where the time I came in however is left blank on the document.

“It’s a shame our old friend Heitaro Togo is no longer on the force. He was great at this sort of paperwork before he lost his squad. I can’t blame him though he always had their backs and felt like he was responsible for their deaths when he left.” I’m roughly pulled into one of the cells and tossed onto the floor.

Later that day

“Got a meal for you, make sure to eat up.” I look over at where the tray was slid in. -sigh- it’s empty. “Man you sure must have been hungry ate up the whole tray so fast I’d blink and it’s gone.” He takes the tray back out walking away.

“This is going to be a long couple of days…”

It takes a week before I’m finally released. They could have held me for a full 23 or more days but tyranos games or whatever company I agreed to join pulled some strings. Much to the annoyance of the officers on duty.

I leave the cells hungry, and half-starved as they only gave me one real meal a day and never bothered to take off my cuffs. I did kill one of their friends after gaining his trust though… Listening in on some of the conversations going on in the prison apparently I’m seen as some villain that isn’t persecuted because of technicalities. A lot of people are calling out for my blood and the police are only too happy to give it to them if not for the actual law preventing them from doing so.

As I’m led out to the street the officer unlocks my cuffs. “Next time bring your ID with you. Or you’ll be spending more time with us.” He smiles at me. I shrug him off and start heading back to my house. It takes a while since any time I try to get a taxi they get close until they see me then keep going. Public transportation is also a bust since the security guards almost look eager for me to go to the lightrail system.

I walk for a few hours finally making it to my old house… It’s covered in graffiti with broken windows and the front door looks busted in. It all looks old though so I’m not in a rush. Going inside I see the house is cleaned out. Nothing is really left behind checking my bedroom I see more graffiti calling me a devil a demon a criminal and such… Where did my parents go?

Walking nextdoor they freak out seeing me.

“DON’T DON’T KILL US WE DIDN’T DO ANY OF IT!” The sweet old lady that use to live next door is crying seeing me walk up to her.

I pull out my medical bag and sort through it for the satellite phone I purchased so long ago. I call up my mom. “H-hello you have the wrong number…” My mom answers…

“Hey mom it’s me. I’m back from the island. I was hung up at the police station for a while but-“ I hear weeping from the other end of the line.

“Mom are you okay?” A tinge of concern now since I don’t know if shes hurt or something.

“Why son… why? Why did you turn into such a monster? Why did you kill all those people in such gruesome ways?” Hearing her say that strikes a knife into my heart.

“M-mom I did what I needed to survive…”

“I… You say that but you had a smile on your face… I know you better than you think… Shimada, you were happy… Just… just don’t contact us again. You received prize money from winning right? Please use that to live on your own. We have already been driven away by our neighbers and friends… We can’t… we can’t see you right now.” She hangs up on the other end and I just stand there frozen for a while, unable to fully process what just happened.

“But… but I was supposed to have my happy ending…”

I call up Miho next. “Hello? Who is this? I don’t know this number.”

“Miho hey it’s me Shimada! I’m back from saving your friend!” There is silence on the other end of the line for a long while.

“Um r-right. Thank you for doing that… I uh I’m kind of busy at the moment. Can you call some other time?” She sounds nervous.

“That’s the thing… Do you mind if I stay at your place for a bit? My parents kind of…”

“NO! Uh I mean um no sorry. After the show started to air some of the other kids at school leaked that we were close and some people started to take it out on me…”


“WHO!?” I can’t help but yell hearing that someone would try to hurt her.

“No-No one important… Just… I need time to think about this whole situation okay? My mom… she said that you… she… Erg I haven’t heard from her in the last several days but she also told me to forgive you but I’m… I’m not sure if I can ever see you the same way again…”

“You knew I’d probably have to kill people…” I try to plead my case… I’m crying a bit now.

“Yes… but I didn’t think I’d have to see it… I thought… I thought I could just pretend I never had to think of it… I’m sorry Shimada… You dirtied your hands because of me… Because of that that menu you said you see…”

“You didn’t tell your mom about that did you?” I feel a bit nervous about that.

“No no… I… your secret is safe with me… Listen… I-I appreciate what you did for me… I just feel like trading you for Himiko wasn’t worth it… just… Maybe it would be best if…”

I feel a bit desperate at this point. “I…Please don’t go… You’re all I have left. My parents they disowned me telling me to use the money I won to survive on my own… I was arrested on the street for just not having my ID on me… I just… I need something I need someone! Please don’t…”

There is a long nervous pause before she starts up again. “I… oh god… Can… let’s just meet in person… We had to move again because of the connection I had with you… Here’s our address. Just… please just… just tell me everything is going to be okay? I… I miss my stupid white knight… I don’t want him to be gone forever… I don’t know if you’re even who I thought you were but… if there is a chance, I’d like to confirm it myself…” YES! She’s giving me a chance… I… I won’t let it go to waste.

“THANK YOU! I won’t disappoint you… I’ll head right over.” I begin to sprint out of the house and towards the address. I just hope that I can keep at least one thing normal in my life…

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