《Splintered Soul》Chapter 45 Btom! Part 7: Titles


That weekend

“Come on come on! Theres a preview of the next major Btooom! patch going on over there! Let’s check it out!” she ends up dragging me around to look at the various stalls. I just follow along a bit out of my element. It’s pretty great seeing her smile.

“Hey, look a photo booth! We gotta go in there!” she drags me over to it. It’s one of the costume ones like the one she did with her friend Himiko.

“Um without the costume though…” her hand falls to her arms smoothing the fabric over where her scars are hidden. We start making our way inside. While we get situated in there sitting next to each other. I remember something.

“Oh right! About those um marks you have.” She gets a bit depressed when I mention them.

“Yeah? What about them…”

“I think with my last skill I can pick up the treatment skill. One of its last skill upgrades should remove even scars.” I forgot about that at the moment but it’s a point towards getting treatment. Early on to level it up to maybe help her out one day.

“Wait… you can… you can fix me?…. Get rid of the marks?” She looks to be on the brink of tears.

“I mean theres not much to fix you’re already great. But I can clear up a couple of marks eventually! So, I used my last skill slot last night.” Looking away a little bashfully.

“But what about reacting to danger where you’re going?! Wont you be in trouble?” She looks a little nervous now and a bit conflicted.

“I mean yeah a little bit, but treatment should also help me treat any injuries and recover in case something goes wrong. You made a very convincing argument before and this just means I’ll be even closer to being able to help you out once I’m back!” She looks at me with teary eyes and gives me a quick hug right as the camera flashes. Then we both embarrassingly look away from each other for the other pictures as they are taken.


I end up keeping a picture of it as the background for my phone. Much to Miho’s embarrassment.

Weeks later our little game stopped since the gains dropped off quickly. Instead, we just hung out after school each day. I met her little brother who didn’t trust me at first but I bought him off with ice cream and playing games. He also liked it when I got his sister to laugh. All the while I was prepared to be taken at any time, carrying supplies inside my bracelet. I still havn’t gotten any new quests. Looking at my first quest theres definitely a chance for me to rescue her, there wouldn’t be an impossible quest. At least I don’t think so… Hmm what would have happened if I hadn’t done the side quest for Miho?

One day I suddenly got the completion for my do well in school and sports. I think that means that no matter what happens now my grade will be the highest in the class and sports had already ended for the season.

The quest reward was a new title.


You have succeeded at everything you’ve done since the day you were born and are hailed a prodigy by many.

Discription: +100% skill growth progression.

Simple and sweet that’s a good bonus too. After a bit of experimentation with Miho it seems that when she looks at me, she gains the impression that I am a Prodigy. So perhaps its best if I unequip the title at the start of my next life until I earn the title a bit or it will seem suspect.

Miho and I spend a lot more time together as the days go on. My parents have started pestering me about asking her out officially but I don’t think either of us are really willing to commit to something like that quite yet.


We continue to practice my skills after every day of class. The new title helping with the progression nicely. Allowing for me to move past some of the bottlenecks I was at by a few levels in all of my skills.

Eventually it came the day I’d been expecting.

On my way home I notice a couple of men in suits following me. They are power walking behind me and I notice a few more ahead of me cutting off any direction for me to run. The ones behind me catches up and stop me.

“Shimada Hitomi?” A stern bald man with a gruff voice and scar says.

“Yes, I assume you are with the disappearing group?” He looks a little surprised at this. Likely not realizing I’m aware of the process.

“Tch look alive guys we have a live one.” They move to surround me, closing in on the distance from both sides. I just raise my hands and surrender to them but that doesn’t seem to placate them in the slightest. I feel one impact in my back knocking me to the ground as I’m wrestled into a hold. Rudely pressed hard into the pavement below me. I catch a glimpse of their face as they lean in behind me.

"Asshole" I wheeze out as my face gets pressed into the ground again.

“Whatever it is your planning it won’t work to escape. You’re going to have to play the game like the rest.” Thats when I feel something inject into my neck and lose consciousness. Honestly, I figured they would be a bit more lenient with me if I cooperated, but I guess not. I’ll just have to take it out on them after I’m done getting Himiko out of there.

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