《Splintered Soul》Chapter 38 HSOTD Part 37: ...Daughter?


1 year later

Hirano was infected a lot of our people died too. One of our hunters went out and caught a deer they claimed to have shot it themselves but the undead had taken bites of it and he just cut those parts off. The meat was cooked but that wasn’t enough. Everyone that ate from it died. The hunter was put on trial and executed by Tanada as she cried with her children. Things are changing they are targeting animals now and although they don’t seem to turn like us they still carry what ever kills us with them.

3 years later

I’m still a lot stronger than a normal person but I’m starting to get a few aches and pains nothing serious yet though. Other villages are starting to open trade with us. One group attempted a raid since they noticed how much food we have. Saeko and I defended the town alongside our children. They didn’t stand a chance. There were a lot of injured on our side but no deaths. We celebrated that night for our good fortune. I kept an eye on that punk Takashi jr and he seems to be doing everything okay. Hoshiko stopped talking to me after she learned what happened. I’m sure its just a phase and she will learn that it’s the right thing to do to get rid of him.

2 years later

The other bandits have started to see us as a challenge to be conquered to show who owned the area. We have had to fight off many raids on our borders. I may recover quickly but Saeko has become scarred over time. She may dodge arrows and blades 99% of the time but when 1000 arrows have been shot it only takes 1% to hurt you permanently. I treat her wounds all the same. Shes able to recover to her peak but age is still not something I can treat. Her wounds may heal but shes been growing tired of the fight. Not that I can convince her to hang up her sword with all my strength I still can’t do that. Especially with Hoshiko still on the outs with me. They got married for some reason. I haven’t seen my daughter in over a year now. I’ll admit I had favorites with my kids. She was the only one that the power didn’t go to her head. Likely because she was only slightly stronger than an average person.

2 years later

I laughed my ass off for a good while after reading a report from a medical examiner. I guess one of my daughters got a boyfriend and were getting intimate. At first, I didn’t want to hear about it but then I guess their super strength applies to everything. Poor kid broke his fingers in there. Ha shows him for getting handsy with one of my kids. Shame Hoshiko isn’t strong enough for that to happen it would make my year to get a report that he had to see the doctor for a broken penis. Haven’t seen her in 3 years… I hope shes doing well.

4 years later.

One of the ‘kingdoms’ to our west fell to an outbreak. Zombies have been pouring towards our borders for weeks now. They are pretty much only reds our frontlines can’t handle it. We…we won’t make it. I’ve sent my children to the east Saeko and I have chosen to stay and fight together. Over the years Saeko has become immune to the infection from using the other cures I had besides one I used on our one of our daughters. We know that us fighting won’t make much of a difference the undead have changed over the years. They can see now perfectly well and smell from a distance. Just the two of us can’t hope to combat them by ourselves just because of the sheer number of them. My stamina may be great but not infinite.


Since we can’t fight them directly, we decided to use the massive stores of blackpowder we have been making over the years. We kept making it in case of an emergency and I’d say this counts as one. We plan to blow up two large deposits to direct the flow of targets into a narrower space allowing for us to deal with as many as we can.

“I love you Saeko, I’ll always carry these times together.” Giving her a light hug and kiss on her forehead.

“I love you too Haru… Saya and I will save you a spot in heaven.” One final kiss and we look upon the incoming horde the red sea coming towards us. Many of them have twisted faces looking nothing like they once were. We begin killing in earnest. Over the years I’ve gotten quite a lot of points I’ve avoided spending much more since I started having issues with contact with Saeko but I spent them all for this fight. Waiting for the right time we light the black powder trail a few brave people stayed behind to light the kegs in a suicide with us. The explosions ring out putting a large dent in the red sea but not ending it. We lean in waiting on our defenses as they crash into us.

Killing left and right every swing of my hunk of metal that can hardly be called a blade taking out multiple reds. I can hardly see whats going on around me as I keep killing. All I see are bodies and claws raking over my body trying to find purchase as I continue to kill everything around me. For every three I kill 5 more take their place. For every 5 I kill 1 gets a solid scratch on me. Over time I stare to wear down.

“NO! NO! NOT YOU!” I hear Saeko’s scream over the sound of all the death around us.

Crashing through the reds to get to her I see why shes stopped. A red bulging with black veins bites into her neck ripping her apart. But the look on the face of the red is in anguish as I see our daughter. It’s been years since the last time I’d seen Hoshiko but I could never misplace that face no matter how morphed it is.

“NO! Saeko… Hoshiko if you’re in there… If… If your still in there I forgive you… But daddies going to end the pain, okay?” Her face seems to shift to a pained one. I can’t tell if its just my imagination or not though. I cut my way forward. The lull in the bodies around me as they run past without my constant culling. They will likely attack our people, but they set up traps to help contain them. I just hope it will be enough.

I move in on Hoshiko hitting with a smashing strike into her leg. Its not enough… what ever she’s become she kept all of the multipliers. She barely gets knocked aside as I follow up with a smash into her chest, she moves into it grabbing for me. The face… the face is crying as that mouth opens to rip me apart. Shes aware but can’t stop. I… I have to end her suffering…

She clamps into me as I slice through her spine with a piercing stab. Its one of the newer subskills I’ve obtained. It severs the spine but I’m bleeding heavily. Feeling the blood pour out from my wound we both sag over to the ground. Her mouth keeps gnashing at my flesh biting into it like a dog biting tough leather. I have to… I have to make sure she dies… before I do.


I mechanically grab a small knife and ease it into her eye as her claws and mouth tear into me. They keep thrashing into me as it happens until it slowly stops. I feel myself going limp I feel myself going cold. I hold on to my life with all my strength. I drag her with myself over to Saeko’s ripped up form. The look frozen on her beautiful, aged face hurts as I close her eyes. Dragging Hoshiko with a final humph I hold them both close.

“Saeko… Saeko she came home to us… I… I told you that ass wouldn’t be good for her… but… but we will be together now… I love you both so much… I’m… I’m just so tired… Maybe… Maybe I’ll see you all in my next life? I… hope… so…” I hold onto Saeko with Hoshiko between us. A final embrace as I fade away.

I awake in a dark void once more. It’s been so long I hardly remember the last time. As I think that I instantly recall everything that has happened across both my lifetimes. The anger the lust the happiness the sadness everything. It hits me all at once. But in this form, I don’t really have much of a way to display these emotions, so I just sit there and stare at a screen. A screen that sums up everything that just happened.




I feel an intense pain strip me apart from the inside. Like a part of myself got ripped away.



A morph of white congeals into the shape of a spectral form of Takashi senior before me.

“YOU! ASSHOLE, who the hell do you think you are? You came to my world and just fucked up everything I had planned! You just kept on ruining my plot no matter what I did. Who the hell sent you here anyways?” He seems to tap at a couple of things in the air like a keyboard.

I try to scream to tell him to go screw himself. It feels like I can't do anything much to his own amusement.

He lets out a smile at my attempts. “Hmm I can’t just kill you. Whoever sent you has higher clearance then me. Ohhh hoho I can change one little detail though.”



“Enjoy your next life fucker without your memories your practically dead, a new person really. I mean seriously what the hell is this side note? It looks like some drunk high up smacked the keyboard a couple of times. I was about to have one last joy ride on this planet before throwing it into the garbage bin for a new one, but you just had to make a new hope for society. Those fucking kids of yours are going to be a pain in my ass. Your youngest and weakest could barely get turned and the rest are stronger than her! I’m going to be stuck watching this fucking planet until they are all dead so hopefully that’s sooner rather then later. ARG Just fucking fuck off already.” He angrily wipes away at the world around us I feel like the world itself snaps me away.

I can’t seem to talk back his verbal lashings seem to take a physical light in this realm. I can feel his anger with me from the existance around me.

The whole world around me snaps back as i'm in front of him again, much to his surprise.


I feel the vibrations in my being as part of his spectral form is ripped away and given to me. The long stream of white smoke moving to my grey form in the darkness around us. It feels fantastic like... like a part of me that i didn't know i was missing is now filled. His long silent screams also help my mood but those eventually come to an end. A fear stricken face on his now much smaller spectral form quickly taps something away on an invisible keyboard and he vanishes.


I feel a sort of completeness in my chest as the mists around me seem to settle down.

Soul has achieved satisfactory repairs, access to new options available.

Wait what new options are available? What are they what the hell is going to happen to my memories?

REMOVING PREVIOUS LIVES MEMORIES! ERROR integrated mental skill into soul detected cannot remove memories. Processessing… solution found!

I feel a Ding~ from my very soul as mindscape seems to achieve its final level.

I feel something deep within myself tearing into two. It feels like a part of myself is stripped away and split but not lost.

Lvl 100: Memories of each life are stored but viewed as if through a screen. Within your mindscape is a copy of the original life that experienced everything in those memories. Able to give insight and assist in the application of acquired skills in their lifetime.

So… So, I’m not Haru? Inside me I see myself well I See Haru. He is standing there grizzled and angry looking around confused.

“You look like a white specter… Like that Takashi shit… I’m going to meditate. Don’t disturb me. I’ve fought for long enough.” My mental me just bobs its nonexistent head. Unable to deny that he’s head a rough life. I can see it all I know it all. I still care for the same people I still feel like I have an attachment to many of the same things. But its like watching a movie and feeling for the characters. Something is lost in not having done it myself.


Wait Wait WAIT Uh what was it ah right. Query destination location?

9! DESTINATION! Japan 1994 Anamizu 8! 7!

Japan again? Interesting I wonder if the world will be similar or different from before.

6! .... 1! First Quest: Rescue ???? and ????? from ???? by collecting ?? ????

Great! Sure, like that clarifies things.

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