《Splintered Soul》Chapter 37 HSOTD Part 36: Like Father like...


???? POV

Growing up in the old ruins of Tokonosu City it really seems that the life here before the great turn was blissful. Mom always talked about how her biggest problem day to day was what boy to tease. As the years went by mom told me more and more about her past as we survived out in the streets. There were very few functional survivor camps. Most of them fall quickly due to some person in power becoming greedy or someone on the lower end hiding a bite when they return.

Rumors go around passed along by word of mouth of a safe heaven to the east. Personally, I think its bullshit, but mom said she knows the person that’s supposedly running it. Said that if she had her way, he would have been my dad instead. Not sure how I feel about that really, but mom doesn’t really talk about dad all that much just that he was some sort of bandit that she use to know well. She passed away recently on her death bed she told me to go seek the safe heaven to survive without her… I hope that this long journey isn’t all for naught.

Several months later.

I’ve been walking forever. It seems like people don’t seem to agree on where exactly this safe haven is. Some say that a bandit lord is out that way slaughtering all that come to fight him. Some say its where all are welcome, but the land is surrounded by hordes of undead. I’ve been making my way slowly towards the mountains. Growing up here I learned how to get around while taking the least amount of risk of running into one of the undead. The red skinned ones are getting more and more common if your caught by one they might keep you frozen where you are for minutes before walking away sometimes it feels like hours but as long as you don’t move your relatively fine to move safely. They have started grouping up together in hurds of reds so its even more important to get to somewhere safe. It only takes one mistake though and it won’t matter how little you move.

Walking the final stretch of the road theres a large wall of old rusted cars piled up with one entrance and a guard posted. This is the moment of truth lets see if its safe or not…

Walking up the guard is a women about my age short green hair around my age. That’s good! I’ve always been better with woman then men so maybe even if they are a bit hostile I can talk my way out of this.

“HO stranger approach slowly or I will be forced to hurt you!” The women calls out. She seems to have a piece of jagged metal in the shape of a sword that looks heavy and like it would hurt like hell.

“UH I DON’T WANT ANY TROUBLE!” I call out raising my hands and slowly walking towards her.

“Whats your business coming to New Hope? Passing through, trading, citizenship or death?” She asks casually sending a shiver down my spine.

“Um my uh my mom told me that she once knew the people that ran this place! That the rumors were false and that I should come here to be safe. Maybe start a new more normal life?” At that the girl drops her more aggressive stance. Quirking a smile at the mention of maybe knowing the leader.

“Oh? That’s rare just to confirm what are the names of the leaders of the town that your mother supposedly knew?” Shit she probably knows them personally. Alright mom pleeease don’t let this be the moment I learn those were all just stories.


“Uh she said it was ran by a Haru? Saeko, Saya and something about an otaku pig? She never really clarified what his name was. She likely never learned it.” A look of surprise comes over the womens face. There are a few traders that come up here but many never bother to learn the names of the people. I heard stories of Haruto and Saeko but nothing about Saya or an otaku.

She bursts out laughing after a moment of tension. “OH GOD HAHA Auntie Tanada is going to love this. Him being an otaku being one of the only things someone knew about him! Alright alright yeah come on in. I’ll let some people know you’re here. My names Hoshiko welcome to New Hope!” She puts out a hand to me while sporting this smiling face the cold demeaner from before all but forgotten.

I’m stunned for a moment seeing her smile that I awkwardly scramble a bit realizing I’m just staring. Taking her hand, I shake back wincing a bit as she shakes my hand slightly too hard. “Nice to meet you! My name is Takashi, but my friends call me Taka” I don’t really have any friend’s mom just called me that saying something about my name bringing up bad memories.

“Hmm interesting name better keep your full name to yourself while you’re here. The name Takashi might bring the wrong kind of attention from some of the higher ups if they hear it.” That’s interesting. Did someone come through that had the same name as me.

“Well, I’ll be seeing you around!” I start walking in for a bit before realizing I don’t know where I’m going, so I return to her.

“Uh where do I go for housing and maybe to look for a job? Also, what currency do you guys use?” she lets out another giggle at that.

“Just go to the green building for job postings the red one down the block on the right is the only sort of inn here. We accept trade in parts, or we have a chip system with pieces of metal with an imprint no one else here but da- ahem Haru and maybe Sayana one day can reproduce.” Ah okay that’s good I have a few things I’ve picked up on the way here I might be able to trade in for a place to stay.

Saying my goodbyes, I promise myself to try to talk to her again later. Heading towards where she told me. Its so surreal walking down the street people walking out in the open. I actually see a gathering of kids leaving a building laughing and enjoying the outdoors. A few of them racing each other before one kid seems to appear out of nowhere ahead of them causing me to blink my eyes in confusion. Blond pigtails with green and pink tips she definitely looks distinct. Another older women with short green hair comes out to the girl.

“Come on Sayana what did I say about racing the other kids?” giving a stern talking to.

“But they were talking about who was the fastest! How am I supposed to not show them that its ME!” She harrumphs a bit which looks a bit cute. Putting it out of my mind I go to the appropriate building and get myself some lodgings for the night.

The next day

Walking to the job posting area I’m pleasantly surprised when I’m greeted by the same girl from the guard gate.

“Hoshiko! Nice running into you again!” I smile at her she seems a bit surprised that I was approaching her but smiles back a bit.


“Yeah! Takas- Taka nice to see you again too. Settled in well?” She seems to look around to see if anyone heard her nearly say my full name. I wonder why it’s so taboo?

Looking at the various jobs it doesn’t seem like there are any subjugation jobs to get rid of undead which is odd.

“Do people not work to clear the undead?” She looks at me like I’m crazy.

“No just the guard and leaders take them all on. There is no real reason to put normal people against the undead. If you want to fight you can try your luck at the pits. I’ll let you know now Nodachi likes to hang out around there sometimes and if hes there you won’t win anything.” Hmm well there goes that possibility. Learning to fight and survive all my life I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do for half these jobs.

“Uh any recommendations for someone that just knows how to fight and sneak around?” Looking through the postings theres some openings for lumber but not for moving it. There are openings for cooks and other such but the best I know how to make is a stew.

“If you’re just getting your feet under you I’d suggest working at an inn or something. Considering you're asking these questions you can read and write?” Mom taught me when I was younger saying she would not allow a child of hers to not be able to read a ‘text’.

“Yeah, my mom taught me. I guess I can work a desk or something?” My cheeks burning as she smiles again.

“Well then, theres an opening working at the desk for the inn you’re staying at. How about that? You just have to make drinks for some people wait some tables when you’re not checking people in which is pretty infrequent. It’ll cut down on the cost of your night’s stay too.” The local population seems to use a sort of metal chip. It has the indentation of a fingerprint in the metal depending on the finger used it has a different value. Five thumbs to a point and five points to a small which is the pinky. I wonder if they have some sort of metal press here with molds?

“That sounds great really! If I ever see you there I’ll be sure to give you a drink on me.” This gets a charming laugh out of her again.

“You sure about that? Well, I can’t blame you for not knowing any better but I’ll hold you to that.” Smiling back at me she takes out a form to read over and I head back to the inn. The innkeeper is nice enough he says I’ve got the job after I show that I can read and write and clean a table well enough. The only real training I needed was making drinks.

My life has been so jarring the last couple of days. Everything is so different. One moment I had to sneak through a city or risk being killed by bandits or undead now I’m in a town where my only concern is the girl liking the drink I mixed.

Several weeks pass.

I’ve been hitting on Hoshiko lately. I think she likes it back. I noticed a lot of other people avoid her and a few others around the town like that little girl I noticed on the first day. I heard someone mention that they were the chosen or something not sure if it’s a title or something. Every time I try to ask someone, they get really antsy and avoid the subject saying they were perfectly normal, and no one would ever mistreat them.

I checked out the fighting pits. Man am I glad I took her advice to not go. I’m alright with a spear but the people here seem to all be very skilled with swords. One guy with purple hair hardly ever fights but if someone wins a few too many times he moves in and floors them. He seems to handicap himself for the matches too so I doubt I could make much of a living off this.

Another couple of weeks pass.

Hoshiko and I have been getting closer. We spend a lot of time together talking about our strange parents. I guess hers are super serious except when they are just the two of them then they make some very raunchy jokes back and forth.

I’ve asked who they are, but she keeps getting shy about it saying she doesn’t want me to treat her differently. I told her about how my dad was a bandit that took my mom and that my mom had many different boyfriends when I grew up so it can’t be that bad.

“It’s a bit different, I… I don’t want you to treat me like I’m something special once you knew okay?” She has a bit of a sad look in her eyes.

“It’s fine they are just people! It sounds like you get along with them so it should be fine! I care about you for who you are not for who your parents are.” She smiles at that.

“Well my parents are Haru and Saeko the leaders of the town. Growing up here… Everyone has treated me and my siblings a bit differently. We get people that come in and try to pick a fight with us because we are special or others that treat us reverently and its all just so annoying! I just want to be a normal girl I just want to make bad choices and… And just have a boyfriend or something!” She blushes at the last part. I slowly reach over and grab her hand much to her emberessment. “Well uh want to date then?” Oh god what am I doing? Why am I doing this? Her face freezes but it doesn’t look like anger. HOW IS THIS WORKING!

“Um uh suuure? I mean uh sure! We can try it out I guess… Um I uh just don’t take this the wrong way I thought of you as a friend sort of I mean I don’t know!” The fairly calm girl that threatened me with a sword when we first met all but crumbled into awkwardness.

I lean over and give her a light kiss on the forehead like my mom use to do. She freezes in shock again.

“Well, I’d like to give it a try. I don’t care who your parents are your you. They can beat me, and it won’t make a difference.” Looking at her she lets out a snort.

“HA Oh no dad and mom wouldn’t beat you they would just kill you and throw your body out the gate. None of his daughters have really dated yet?” I pale slightly at the implications.

“I mean he can’t be that bad right? I’m pretty decent with the spear I can defend myself.” She gives me a long look.


“You don’t even know do you? OH GOD YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW! You realize my dad can literally rip apart a car with his hands right? All his children are progressively stronger until Sayana? Did anyone tell you anything since you’ve been here!” I look at her with utter confusion.

“Oh no… you… you just don’t know. You think I really am normal…”

“Of course, you’re normal though, right? Just a normal girl that thinks her dad can take on the world. It’s fine if hes a bit strong but at worst I can just run away if he doesn’t like me, right?” I can be pretty fast learning to outrun the reds as a kid really helped.

She shakes her head. “You don’t get it, he can’t be beaten. The reason that this place is this good is that hes the guardian of it. Bandits have come and died hordes have come and died. Just… just make sure to make a good impression on him, okay? I really don’t want my first boyfriend to die because he said something stupid to my dad…” She seems to be really concerned about this. So I guess I should take it seriously.

“I’ll try everything in my power not to make your dad kill me then.” I give her a hug and we say our goodbyes.

A couple of days pass we go on a few dates here and there. I started listening to rumors about her dad and siblings doing superhuman things. Honestly its good publicity people won’t rise up if they think you can’t do anything to begin with.

Walking back to the inn there is a small crowd around it which is a bit odd. As I get closer I hear some music being played in the main lobby.

“Imagine theres no heaven, its easy if you try.

No hell below us

Above us only a sky”

Its an interesting song and the singing is decent enough. I don’t see why it warrants this sort of crowd though.

Slowly making my way in I see a younger kid singing it with green hair. In the front there is a man with dark green hair and a woman with purple hair on his arm listening to the music with smiles on their face. There is a clear bubble around them where people aren’t entering.

These must be Hoshiko’s parents… the person on stage must be one of her brothers too. I should make a good impression. I shoulder my way over to the bar and start helping with the orders. When the music ends, I make a drink and make my way towards him.

“Ah here, you deserve this for your performance!” I try to force a smile onto my face. I have to make a good impression with her family.

“Hmm oh yes thanks I gues.” He casually takes the drink looking it over and frowning at it after giving a sniff but drinking it anyways. He looks to be about 16 so I didn’t put any alcohol in it.

“So, I’ve gotten your drink and your thanks. You can buzz off now.” Giving the cup back and turning back to give attention to some girls. I just awkwardly stand there for a moment before realizing what just happened. I robotically start walking away when I feel a hand land on my shoulder. Well, I say hand loosely because it stopped me dead in my tracks without any give.

“Sorry about that kid, he thinks hes too important for some things but I’m sure he appreciated the drink.” Turning around I see Haruto and Saeko there. After a moment Haruto’s eyes seem to light up while looking at me before narrowing.

“If I’m not mistaken your name is Taka correct? Our daughter has mentioned you a couple of times.” Saeko seems to be pulling off Harus arm from me as I felt a small twitch at the mention of Hoshiko mentioning me.

“Uh yeah I suppose. We’ve been dating for a bit. It’s nice to meet you!” This gets a wide eye look from both of them.

“Well, she certainly didn’t mention that part. Come with us lets walk and talk.” Saeko’s eyes are alight with curiosity while when I look over at Haru there is an intense look. Like if I wasn’t in a public space, I might disappear look.

“Uhh sure I need to stick around here in case they need the help at the bar though…” Looking over at the bar the guy just waves me away rapidly despite being busy.

“I’m sure they will be fine.” Slowly we walk out of the inn.

“So, what are your intentions with our Hoshiko?” I can’t help but feel a bit of pressure from that.

“Well, uh I really like her. She’s been nothing but kind to me since I’ve been here and I want to see more of her smile?” The last part came out more like a question because I wasn’t sure what he was looking for in an answer.

“Hmm you pass for now. You should know that if you make her cry or touch her before marriage, I will rip out your spine and mount your head on the wall.” A shiver goes down my spine as I feel like I’m in danger.

“Oh honey, relax we were together plenty of times before we were married and besides you’ve made me cry a couple of times too. So no double standards alright?” She smacks him on the chest with a big smile.

“Yes, but this is different this is our little girl! She needs someone better than me as a kid.” They get lost in a little discussion between each other. I wonder if it’s a bad idea to just sneak away while they are talking.

They turn back to me. “Regardless, you know us, I am Haruto Ikami This is Saeko Ikami take care not to mess with my kids.”

“My name is Takashi Yuuki! Nice to meet you. Most people just call me Taka though.” Smiling back at him. I see a look come over him.

“Your name is Takashi? And Yuuki you say? Is you mother by any chance Miku Yuuki?” I nod so it was true she really did know them. I’m glad her stories were true growing up.

“Are you sure its not Takashi Komuro after your father?” I look at him confused.

“I don’t know my father, my mom always said he was a bandit that left her behind when she got pregnant. She thought it would tie him down and make him care for her, but he just left her to die.” I can’t help but feel the anger creep into my voice.

“Interesting, very interesting.” I can’t even react before I feel something clamped down on my neck. I try to pry it off but can’t make it even shake. I scramble at the hand trying desperately to breath. I hear them talking but I am too focused on surviving. Feeling my consciousness fading I reach into my pocket and pull out a knife I attempt to stab the hand holding me just for it to barely go in barely cutting the skin. I feel like I’m about to pass out when I’m let go.

“Come on Saeko hes Takashi’s son! I have to kill him. That little shit was the protagonist now his son shows up and the first thing he does is woo my daughter? No, this kid needs to disappear I don’t care if he was Yuuki’s kid.” Great… thanks dad I guess your infamous no wonder Hoshiko said not to mention my name.

“Dear your being unreasonable hes just a kid. Its not his fault that his dad was scum.”

“YES! But this is how plots work. I don’t want to risk more happening here. This is a nice safe place. If hes related to Takashi hes going to spark change. Hes going to spark more challenges.” What the hell is he talking about? And why couldn’t I cut him with my knife? I know its not dull.

“How about we just leave him be for now if he becomes a problem then you can just kill him okay? Besides Hoshiko really likes him and I don’t want her to be upset with you again. We were just starting to talk again like a family!” Thanks Hoshiko’s mom for protecting me. I won’t forget it!

“I don’t like this but I’ll allow it for now.” I feel the whole world around me shift as I’m picked up.

“Listen to me you little shit Jr. Before? I was just being a protective dad but now if you step so much as a toe out of line, I will kill you faster then you can blink. So be on your best behavior.” He pats me off and sets me back on the ground as I hear them walk away. I slowly get up and walk back to the inn covered in bruises. Maybe I did make a mistake coming here…

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