《Splintered Soul》Chapter 36 HSOTD Part 35: Children


Roughly 9 months later

Saeko had our first child! Saya is pregnant now as well! We were trying to be careful but well what can I say it only takes a bit and when you’re playing the odds a couple times a night its bound to happen eventually. She seems happy enough with it.

Our childs name is Hoshiko after my birth mother. Saeko wanted to name her Katana after the blade and both me and Saya vetoed it. Then she mentioned how that was also the name of her birth mother which explained a lot about her upbringing if her father married a woman partially because she was named after a blade. Haa oh well, I told her she can name our next child anything she wants. The town is going well! Winter was a bit harsh but we had plenty of food stores by then for our population size, so it wasn’t as bad. We also got a few of the heaters up and running again helping make it by. One of the hand crank generators got scrapped and hooked up to an old bicycle to help power up some of the town.

We havnt seen any undead for a while. Likely because the population has been cut down a lot and spreading out from a town only so many take the route to here. Even fewer make it all the way without getting stuck on something.

5 months later

Saya had a child! She named her after her mother Yuriko. Saeko got pregnant again in this time. On purpose and against my will. She said something about having the strongest swordsman child named after a proper blade? She already decided her next child will be named after a sword. Which is fine I guess as long as Little Hoshiko grows up normalish. She has little tuffs of green hair already. There was a bit of an unexpected surprise though it seems like my attribute points are inherited by my kids. We didn’t really notice when she was really young since 1.7x stronger for a baby is still not much but as shes walking around more and more shes showing some very disproportionate strength going on. It probably helps that Saeko has something going on too with how strong she is.

Sayas child has a sort of a dark blond probably because of the green plus red. That’s not really how genetics works but the world works how it wants, I guess. I wonder if her child will be even stronger. I’ve finished more side quests since Saeko was pregnant with her child before Yuriko was made so I wonder if this will keep being a thing.

Several months later.

Saeko’s second child is born it’s a boy! His name is Katana, we argued for a bit saying it was a dumb name and she ended up naming him Nodachi instead. After the horse chopper blade at least, it sounds a bit more like a name. Meanwhile Hoshiko is already running around! It’s so cute I wish I could just fill my camera with photos! It made me slightly depressed when I found out we couldn’t record every one of these moments!

2 years later.

A group was seen coming from the road. It has been a long time since we received any visitors. Even the zombies don’t come anymore. When I got a good look at them through the binoculars, I could hardly believe my eyes. It was Takashi and Rei alongside a gaggle of half-naked girls. Haaa Main character got his harem and is coming to visit us. Likely still upset with me for leaving considering he looks to be yelling and glaring our way. I tell the kids to go inside, and I draw my blade in preparation. Saeko takes position behind a tree nearby and Saya does as well with a gun. We wait for them to arrive.


“HAHA YOU COWARDS I HAVE FINALLY FOUND YOU!” Takashi dramatically thumps a spear into the ground. At the entrance to our village.

“We told you where we were heading?” A look of utter confusion goes across his face at being contradicted. Before it morphs back into a look of righteous anger.

“Did you? No no you all ran when the light took away the spark of life from all the electronics! You abandoned us to die!” Takashi apparently got dumber over the years. -sigh- not very surprising. Rei is just nodding alongside him with the other girls. Looking on but not really paying attention to anything happening.

“Okay so why are you here?” I ask feeling the grip in the blade of my sword. Honestly, I don’t think hes really worth the effort. I’m a little surprised I didn’t get a quest to kill him though. He seems offended when I asked though.

“Well to free the women you stole from me all those years ago of course! I recall it like it was yesterday my sweet Saeko in her kimono fawning over me. My luscious Saya calling out to me as you drove them away in your dastardly slave van!” His gaze out of focus as he stares off into the distance a few of the girls behind him wincing as he slams his spear into the dirt again.

“Yeah…. That’s not what happened.” I sheath my sword and slowly walk towards him.

“SHUT UP! I WILL NOT TOLLERATE YOUR TREACHERY IT ENDS NOW! BOW BEFORE THE SPEAR KING!” To his credit he does move his spear with an amount of skill. But….

I pull out a handgun and shoot him in the thigh. It may have been a waste of bullets but I’m not taking my chances hes a protagonist he probably actually learned how to use a spear somehow.

“GAH IMPOSSIBLE ALL THE LEAD THROWERS RAN OUT YEARS AGO!” Holding his leg desperately the other girls look worried and try to help him up, but he just pushes them away angrily.

“Dude it’s called a gun. Girls did he do some drugs or something? He doesn’t seem right in the head.” The girls seem to be taken aback from the attention being directed to them.


“THE PROPHET WALKED AMONG THE LEAD REAPING THE LANDS OF THE THEM AND THOSE THAT WORKED AGAINST THE RIGHTEOUS!” Another calls. Ah I see plot armor normally means bullets miss and he always wins. Hes never had a real fight before.

“Yeah, he works us hard with the spear every night to insure we survive and are properly worshiping him to gain our food! Its our DUTY to ensure its pristine so that the world may be renewed in awe of his might!” Rei now seems to fervently be yelling.

Takashis smile grows wider and wider from each of their complements. Some weird power of love bullshit getting him back up to fight again.

Oh god he made a cult to make himself stronger.

“Well, that’s enough of that.” I shoot him once more this time in the head. The body falls to the ground and dead silence permeates the area. Each of the girls staring at the body in awe one or two even seem to want to gloat expecting him to get back up and kick my ass. Stopping their thoughts, I let out a satisfied sigh and put the gun away casually.


“Well girls your welcome to stay but you have to get a job and earn what you need. You can talk to Saya for more details to discuss what skills you have.” All the girls are shocked by the casual display of killing and nonchalant response to him dying.


Oh, I’m immune to plot armor? Nice to know.

“YOU! YOU KILLED GOD!” Some of the girls are crying even harder Rei picks up the spear and charges towards me.

I cut out with the sheath still on performing a smashing strike breaking through her spear and into her knocking her sprawling out on the ground.

I let out another sigh “Relax Rei hes dead, honestly, you're probably better off.”

“NO! NO! HE WAS MY EVERYTHING! ALL I HAD LEFT! ALL I WANTED SINCE I WAS A CHILD!” She just turns into a sobbing mess on the ground clutching a very broken arm.

I motion for Saeko and some of the others to come over and they start helping the girls out. Sheesh I’m glad we left them behind. This village would have been a mess if Takashi came with us.

Over the next couple of days we find out some info about the town. It took awhile because they spouted a lot of weird shit like lead throwers instead of guns. It’s literally been like 3 years since the apocalypse they are old enough to know what a gun is. Turns out that Sayas parents died the day of the EMP. This caused her to cry but it was a bit numb considering how long ago it was. We held a small memorial service in remembrance to those lost.

Otherwise, the city has devolved into a hellscape with undead and small empires popping up then ending from idiots getting bit. We are apparently the most successful village they have come through. They were surprised when we mentioned there are no zombies within a couple hundred kilometers of here and that we have plenty of food.

5 years later.

Auntie passed away there was nothing we could do about it. It wasn’t old age but appendicitis and infection we didn’t have the tools or the knowledge to remove it, on her deathbed I called her the greatest mom I could have ever had. She cried. I just wish I had called her that earlier on who cares if it was awkward. Shizuka for some reason still looks like her late 20’s despite being in her 50’s. Her friend Rika joined us a couple years ago. Riding into town with a military vehicle she had a bunch of electronics and guns which helped resupply some of our harder to fix materials. She ended up in a relationship with Auntie and Shizuka. This also made a lot of the guys in the village drool at them ha it was great seeing the teenagers all hide their blushes seeing them all together.

Those cultist girls ended up adapting to life here. Enjoying it much more then their time with Takashi, who I guess used to be a bandit lord? Anyways Rika mentions that people avoid our direction because they think hes ruling a settlement this way. Makes sense when up until me bullets seemed to always miss, and he managed to always get through literally any odds against him. After hearing some of those stories I went out and double checked on his body and yup still dead. The body was pretty much a skeleton by this point, but I separated the bones and crushed them a bit just in case. Coming back from the dead already happens I don’t need an undead protagonist problem. I’ll have to remember to be thorough in the future.

Hoshiko is learning swordsmenship and taking biology lessons from me. They feel pressured to be perfect because of their parents and their extraordinary physical ability but I can see that its stressful when most of the other kids don’t even bother with anything beyond learning to farm.

Our other kids are starting to also learn about everything. We try to teach them about the world before the zombies and its interesting hearing their thoughts on tv screens and social media when they have no perspective on it.

6 years later.

I can’t be intimate with the girls anymore. I uh I got too strong. I’ve been killing undead for years now and reds come by semi frequently. The rewards keep increasing so the points do as well. I wasn’t thinking about it only considered getting stronger to help protect the town but when you have the strength of 7 people it’s hard to control your strength… I don’t want to hurt anyone I care about… Increasing it that high was a mistake.

4 years later.

Saya died, we all mourned for several weeks. I felt like it was my fault since she died in childbirth. Her child when yet to be born destroyed her insides on the way out too resilient to move through the pelvis destroying the bone causing her to bleed out. We had been without intimacy for so long we just thought if we were extra careful it would be okay! It… it was for the act but neither of us expected this. The whole village became depressing for a while. Our kids helped cheer me up though. Seeing a bit of her in their eyes. It helped me get by and stop blaming myself. I made a promise with Saeko though no more kids. Since I didn’t want to lose her too.

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