《Splintered Soul》Chapter 31 HSOTD Part 30: Hirano's Confrontation


After our meeting everyone went their separate ways. Me and Saeko were discussing where to locate some of the supplies we wanted for the trip using a map of the area. That’s when we were interrupted by someone crashing through the door to the room.

Saya bursts in gasping for breath still not used to running “Haru -ha- come quick -ha- some of the men are -ha- picking on Hirano -ha gulp- trying to get his guns! They are out front of the house.” She seemed to have gotten all she needed out.

Saeko and I look at each other I give her the motion to stay here then I just hop out the window that had been left open. It might have been the second story but that’s not much of a problem for me anymore. Doing a quick run around the building I see Hirano hunched over holding as many of the guns as he can out of the reach of a small gathering of guards and men from the group.

“Hey fat boy! Just give us the guns already. Little kids shouldn’t have these let the adults have them.” One of the guys starts chuckling with his friends. Holding a pipe likely the only weapon hes trusted with here.

“NO! I’M BORROWING THEM! THEY ARE MINE!” I’m surprised he didn’t just shoot them. He probably doesn’t want to screw things up here.

“Ha that’s where your wrong kid, there only yours until they are ours. Now hand’m over you little shit.” He starts kicking at Hirano to let go.


“haha you here that guys? He’s nothing without them, poor little him. You know what to do guys.” The men start to encroach on Hirano. Hearing all I need to I start to move in.

“Hey! Stop it those guns are his!” I call out to them but they all look over at me and laugh except for one that gets a long look at me.

“Oh, look another kid! Look you little shit don’t bother trying to keep them. We will take much better care of them.” He gives a sneer at Hirano then me. One of the men seems to recognize me from when he was a guard for Mrs. Tokagi and starts too slowly back off slowly trying to act like he was never part of the group to begin with.

“Well don’t feel bad If I have to be rough with you to understand.” I start walking towards them faster.

“HA get a load of him. He thinks hes a grown up and able to handle all six of us. Hey, Tadori why are you running off?” He seems to notice one of the men that was with him trying to hide as he walks away very quickly.


“Uhh nothing um sorry to hassle your friend Mr.Ikami sir um I… I’m just going to go.” The man backing off breaks into a run. The rest of the men laugh at him before getting ready to attack me and Hirano. I jump forward and hit their leader in the face before he can react sending him sprawling to the ground faster then any of them can react.

“Um I think we fucked up…” One of them manages to say before I’m already onto the next one kicking into their chest sending them flying behind their leader that has a broken nose.

By this point I really do have superhuman strength I’m about twice as strong as I should be for my build and resilient enough that I could probably take punches from a normal person without feeling much. These five couldn’t dream to hurt me without a gun.

“Ge-GET HIM!” Their leader calls from the ground still groaning to himself. The men are hesitant to be the first to move towards me then I take down a third one. With only two left they turn around and run after their friend that wised up and ran away first.

Looking down at Hirano who is looking around in amazement “Hmm Hirano are you okay?” I reach out a hand to him.

“Yeah… Thanks for sticking up for me Haru.. No one else really has before…” Ah shit, he probably didn’t really have any friends before this. School can be rough for people that are different.

“Don’t worry, I’ve always got your back. You saved Saya when this all started that’s like a life debt, I’ve got for you. Besides, we are friends now haha.” He seems a bit embarrassed about the idea of being friends and sort of moves his hands around a bit checking the guns awkwardly. Neither of us are exactly outgoing nor know much about each other so we are left in silence. Well except for the groaning of two of the people that still havn’t gotten up to leave yet.

“Hmm so you are my daughter’s boyfriend.” Behind me I hear a gruff man. Turning around it’s Says’s father with a sword on his hip and a glare as he looks around at the crumpled forms laying around Hirano and I.

“I heard you have been friends with her since you were children but never been here before… I must talk with you in my office. Bring Busujima.” He turns around and walks away.

“Okay… sorry Hirano but I’ve gotta go talk to the father of the girl that I am in a three-person relationship with… with my other girlfriend…” Hirano looks both jealous and solemn as he just puts his hand on my shoulder and looks me in the eye.

“Goodluck… Don’t die. But if you do, I’ll look after Saya for you!” He gives me a thumbs up with his other hand.


“Gah idiot!” I smile and walk off chuckling to myself. Like he could land her if I wasn’t in the picture.

I go trying find Saeko but it turns out she is already in the meeting with Sayas father.

“Ah there you are… You took your time.” Saeko is sitting across from Sayas father in with two swords infront of her. The one I got her and another one.

“Sorry I was looking for Saeko but didn’t realize she was already here.” I sit next to Saeko. Its an interesting dojo styled room. Very similar to the one at Saekos house when I visit, we would frequently spar there.

Snapping me from looking around Saya’s father speaks up. “Busujima has explained your situation. She also says you have been training alongside her for many years. I wished to pass this blade on to her. However, she denied it claiming to have already been given a sword. Are you worthy?” He lifts up a blade which I take from him. Getting a feel for the weight I unsheathe it to examine it better.

“Interesting curve” I stand up and give a few practice swings.

“Good weight and balance too.” I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing. I’ve studied how to wield a sword but it’s not like I studied what makes a sword good or bad. I’m just copying what I’ve seen in the last samurai and hoping that it works.

“Hmm she was right. You have a impeccable form. She also told me an interesting story about my daughter and you two…” He stares at me with a deep glare making me sheath the sword and turn my attention back to him. Being distinctly aware of the dueling mat and the fact that hes also wearing a sword at the moment.

“Haa yeah… sorry about that. I didn’t know of her feelings until recently. But I didn’t wish to deny them, we were planning on taking things slowly since even though we have known each other for years we have no prior experience in this sort of relationship. But believe me sir I will treat her with as much love and respect as possible.” I meet his gaze. He looks towards Saeko who is still sitting with our anniversary blade in her lap smiling at him with a vicious smile as if to challenge my word. I’m sure the two of us can take him if need be. She could fight her father to a standstill and I could keep up with her much more easily now.

“Hmm surprising, I would have expected Busujima to have a much more negative reaction to your relationship with my daughter…” Looking between the two of us.

“I will admit, part of my problems with your relationship was also due to the fact that I studied under your father Busujima he is a great man. I have no doubt he will survive these trying times I just do not wish for his daughter to be made a mockery of alongside my own.” Turning his glance towards me again.

“Ahem sir… She was the one that suggested it.” This brought a look of surprise on his usually stoic face. Looking back at Saeko with a ‘really?’ face to which she just nods in response.

“Well… I ahem I do not know how to react to your relationship with Saya. However, since she is old enough to make her own decisions, I will respect them. I was expecting to meet some hormonal teenager when my wife mentioned your relationship status. I am glad that my impression was wrong.” He nods towards me. I mean hes not totally wrong, but I don’t want to correct him.

“I am as well sir, now onto another topic of concern. We will be leaving tomorrow morning.” He looks up at me with a matter of confusion before seriousness sets in.

“Why?” He maintains the gaze. Likely seeing it as a challenge and that if I leave Saya will likely leave as well.

“We want to make it out for ourselves to start up a community in a distant farm away from most of this. Survivability should be significantly easier out there than here.” He nods in agreement but has a pained look.

“I agree, if possible, I would move everyone out to a small village but the logistics of travelling and supplies for this large of a group is… Unlikely to work especially considering how unruley they have been lately.” He shakes his head.

“No no, you’re probably right to do this. I will miss my daughter and perhaps one day when things are less chaotic, we can join you out there. Where were you considering?” A slight bit of hope at the end sounding like he may never see us again but wanting to believe.

“Near mount Tate it’s the closest mountain side only being 5 hours at full speed. We estimate it to take a couple of days though because of the number of cars abandoned on the major roads though.” He nods again. Hes a man of very little tells.

“Hmm bring me a list of the things you need. We will give as much as we can before you depart.” He gets up and leaves. Saeko and I look at each other before leaving as well to inform Saya. She takes the news with a conflicted look. We prepare our groups to leave. I go to inform Rei and Takashi that they won’t be coming with us.

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