《Splintered Soul》Chapter 20 HSOTD Part 19: Bang!


After breakfast we start planning for scavenging.

“We need two teams one that stays here and watches over the base while the other goes out for supplies and searches for our families.” Everyones looking up to me.

“I’ll be going on the away team, I’m one of the strongest fighters we have and I’m fast enough that I can get out of troublesome situations. I want Saeko and Yara to stay here and keep things under control. Who else would like to join the away team for supplies?” Saeko looks upset at the idea and I feel like she won’t hold anything back the next time we spar. She seems a bit annoyed about not going out too. While Saya looks proud that she was my go-to for second in command.

“Um I’d like to be useful!” Taniuchi the girl with long blue braided hair and glasses speaks up. Shes a bit shy so this kind of surprises me.

“Are you sure you may need to go into combat.” Her eyes harden at this.

“YES! I uh don’t want to depend on others all the time.” She has a fire in her eyes that’s good.

“ahh if shes doing it then I should probably help too. Can’t let her go out risking herself while I’m safe.” Yamada speaks up.

“I’d also like to go.” Takashi speaks up.

“If he’s going then I will too” Rei speaks up.

“Okay that’s nice and all but none of us really know how to drive. Auntie? Shizuka? can one of you come with us? I was planning on taking the car out front to gather supplies and the bus can be our group mobile base since it can carry a lot more.” When we got there theres a large military jeep parked in the driveway. We will need to move the bus to let it out of the gate but its probably faster and better at maneuvering.

“Hmm I can go, and if we find someone that’s hurt, I can help then too.” Shizuka speaks up.

“Great! It’s a plan then.” I smile looking around. Some of the people that joined the away team are looking a bit nervous though.

“So, we set out in two hours. Until then lets all relax a bit.” I sit down on the couch beside everyone and grab a bite to eat from the table.

A couple hours later. Rei upgraded her pole in for the makeshift spear I got last night. Yamada has a bat and Taniuchi also has a makeshift spear we made using Rei’s old weapon and a knife from the kitchen.

“let’s do this!” Taniuchi looks determined though which is kind of cute in that kid trying to be an adult kind of way.

“Alright everyone, pass this around and write down something we should keep and eye out for while scavenging. It’ll help if we have an idea of what people need. Try to be reasonable or stick to things we NEED rather then WANT.” I pass around a notepad and pen to let everyone have a go at it. Hopefully someone can think of something we would miss.

After it went around, I read through it a bit.

Tampons Alcohol Non-refrigerated foods Clothes of different sizes Weapons Medical supplies Hygiene supplies (toothpaste, soap, misc small supplies)

I was honestly surprised how many times Tampons and beer were written and underlined by people. -sigh- I guess everyone is a bunch of teenagers though and tampons are a necessity for any girl.


“Okay we have an idea of what to look for so let’s make our way towards Samadas family while searching for food then drop it off on our way back before traveling towards Kawanotos family. Do you want to come with us when we travel there or let us go without you?” I look to her. She looks a bit conflicted. I can understand why, if they are there then it would be great but if they arnt or if they became zombies it may tear her up inside.

“If it means anything I think you should come. You know the area better then us and they might have left a note somewhere only you will know to look if we find nothing.” I pat her shoulder. Most of the girls are in clothes that are a bit too big for them thanks to barrowing from Shizuka and her friends’ wardrobe. It looks like a bunch of kids wearing too large outfits but only in certain areas which says something about Shizukas friend probably has a very similar body shape to her.

“mmm fine I should see it through just in case.” Shes a bit teary eyed but seems determined to see it through.

“Alright we will see you on our way back then. Everyone let’s get ready!” We all round up and get into the car Shizuka looks tired still probably from everything she did last night. Auntie seems to be holding back a bit at Shizuka and they are discussing something before finally she lets go of Shizuka.

“Well let’s go already”

We drive around a bit the roads are mostly clear we stop at a couple of stores on the way grabbing clothes for all sizes. Shizuka tries get us to get the more expensive looking ones but gives up when I point out that a lot of it wont last long. She still gets a little bag of clothes for herself though.

We pull up to a pharmaceutical place as well and see a lot of bodies surrounding the place. They look old too and not all of them undead.

“Let’s be careful going in there. Shizuka stay out here but keep the doors locked.”

“Hmm okay! I’ll just rest here then” she cuddles up with her first aid bag but holds out a slip of paper.

“Look for these drugs though if you can. Many of these would be helpful in cases of emergencies.” I look over the list myself and see a lot for pain killers, antibiotics, birth control and some I don’t recognize.

“What are these used for?” I point at a few I don’t know.

“Oh those? They have several uses, but I want them in case of childbirth complications.”

I get a bit embarrassed the idea of childbirth at the moment when we are a group of young adults is kind of awkward. But I guess a few adults might join us as well and eventually someone will have a kid in the group just, I didn’t think of it as an immediate problem. But since production no longer happens those drugs are in a limited supply.

“Oh, uh okay lets um just go.”

We start filtering in from the front more and more bodies are apparent Taniuchi is holding an empty duffle bag. But keeps looking around nervously.

“Let’s keep a watch out, other people have likely raided this last night already.” The front of the store is stark white but there are blood stains from the slaughter that happened here. I start looking around the scene it looks like most of the undead are killed by gun shots. But if I look carefully one or two were taken out from some sort of blade. So, if anyone is inside or nearby, they may have firearms. I’m confident in a one-on-one fight but once guns get involved, I don’t have as much confidence. Since when are guns so common in Japan?


“Careful possible firearm.” I voice out to the group. This shocks Samada and Taniuchi. Takashi takes that as reason to take the shotgun off of his back and wield it.

“Only shoot if we have to. We don’t want to attract more attention than we need. I’d prefer if we can just clean this place out over the next couple of days. Instead of draw every zombie from a mile away here.” He looks at me and nods but still keeps the gun out.

“Give him a brake, its still a good idea just in case.” Rei defends him giving me a look.

“Hey, I just know he’s a bit of a hot head just be careful.” This gets a tsk from Takashi as he looks around the place keeping an eye out and holding back a comment.

We start slowly making our way through. We search around the corner its clear many of the shelves have been cleaned out. A lot of cabinets look like people attempted to bash them in but gave up or were interrupted. Theres still plenty here to take.

“Rei, Takashi take left me, Samada and Taniuchi will take the right. Circle around and clear. Call if you need help.” We start making our way around the pharmacy checking the different isles. Looking down each one I see a couple of undead around the corners. A quick hack from me with a machete we found in an old truck quickly puts them down. Its useful but it’s got a short range and I feel like I’m not getting the full swordsmanship skill bonus with it.

I hear a small scuffle from the other side of the store, but it dies down as well. Sounds like they are dealing with their own problems.

Finally circling around to the far side, I realize that Rei and Takashi still aren’t here. I signal the others to stay here and stay alert and I start making my way along the other side. I don’t have a full view down because of all the destroyed shelves clogging up the paths. I turn down an isle and I see Rei at gun point with another man while Takashi glares at the man. The shotgun on the floor. -sigh- just what I need another hostage situation. The guy has a grip on Rei with the gun pointed to her head.

“hehehe stay quite we don’t want to make my finger twitch aye at least not this one.” The man is large easily 6ft and overweight. Wearing a black sweater and a mask covering the lower half of his face. His attention is all on Takashi and Rei.

“mmm yeah you got here just in time my last toy just gave out on me and I needed a replacement.” Hes gripping Rei’s neck and yanking side to side, shes struggling not to yell at him. Takashi is so focused on the guy he doesn’t even notice me crouching at the end of the isle. Since they didn’t finish their full sweep theres still a few lingering zombies. I lure one nearby to act as a distraction by making a few taps away from it. Making it walk into clear view of them.

“Heh boy go handle that thing or I’ll blow her brains out then have my fun. Heheheh such a waste that would be.” Rei is furious but can’t fight back as the guy grabs her arm and starts twisting and seems to be having fun putting her through pain.

This draws the attention of the guy to face towards the end of the isle that Takashi heads towards without the gun. All he has is the spear Rei use to have. I start making my way to the other side to take the man from behind. Hes struggling a bit trying to grab at a belt or something then Trying to get Rei to ‘help him’ with it but shes refusing despite the gun. Fucking garbage is this what everyone resorts to the second the apocalypse happens? Two people already. I start my move when I see Takashi quickly sprint towards the man with the spear out.

“Aaaa let her go!”


The sound shocks me I didn’t think he would actually shoot.

“Gah FUCK” Takashi falls to the ground. I’m rushing behind the man now he might hear my footsteps since he starts to turn around just in time for me to cut his hand that’s outstretched off.

It takes a second for him to realize what happened before he falls to the ground screaming too. As he just stares at his cut off hand. Screaming at the top of his lungs about how it’s not fair. How he finally got to have a bit of fun in life. I pick up the gun out of the severed hand being careful not to set it off again.

“OH, THANK GOD HARU, HELP TAKASHI HE WAS SHOT OH OH GOD” she runs towards him and starts putting pressure on the wound.

“You piece of shit, wheres your stuff?” I kick the guy on the ground. Looking at the guy he doesn’t even seem to hear me as his face just seems out of it. I slap him a bit getting his attention as hes slowly bleeding out.

“I I in the back I uh I have a key I use to work here as the manager…. Please please don’t kill me its not my fault its not my fault. She she liked it. She screamed at first bu-but she stopped! That means she was okay right? I I’m not going to die right? I’m I’m a good person…” Yeah no this guy’s gonna die. This isn’t the first time I’ve had to kill someone that wasn’t already going to die or in the heat of the moment. It causes me to pause for a second before I grit my teeth and cut down into his neck. Looking down at him I’m snapped out of it when I hear Rei yelling again.

“Fuck okay, uh how is Takashi? The damn idiot just had to wait a couple more seconds and I’d have had you free.” I move over to check in on them. Samada and Taniuchi come running around the side and see whats going on. A man laying on the ground without a hand and a large cut in his neck. And Takashi laying on the ground with a crying Rei.

“Oh, fuck um how how can we help?” Samada calls out. Taniuchi is shaking and just staring at the downed form of takashi.

I move over and check it out.

Gun wound to the leg its bleeding a lot might have hit the artery.

“Rei go get Shizuka, I’ll keep applying pressure. Samada rip up some cloth so we can put pressure on it to cut off blood flow. Taniuchi run out and get Sazuka She needs to get in here and treat the wound. Rei search for some alcohol and gauze to wrap his leg.” Everyone stares at me for a second.

“FUCKING GO NOW!” I urge them. I may not care that much for Takashi but hes been my neighbor since I was born. He helped me… okay he didn’t really help me all that much. Uhhhh he was my connection to Saya who helped me get a lot of food as a kid? Regardless I shouldn’t let him die for being an idiot.

They start running along to their tasks. I press on the leg wound while everyone else goes about searching for stuff. After Samada gets me some cloth I use it to tighten the pressure on the leg making a tourniquet to lesson blood flow. Checking the time on my phone to keep track of when I need to it off.

“Alright now search for some lighters and a piece of metal. If the bleeding is too bad, we may need to burn the wound shut. I don’t know what materials are here to help without that, but lighters are typically by the counters GO.” He nods and runs off. In comes Shizuka bouncing along.

“Haru how is his condition?” She sits next to me and looks at the leg.

“Not good, hes bleeding badly. No exit wound so the bullets still inside and likely blocking some of the blood flow from coming out. I’ve got the others searching for alcohol and gauze. I’ve also got Samada looking for lighters to maybe burn the wound shut.”

“Good, burning the wound should be a last resort it’s likely to cause infection. You go look for some tightening bandages I’ll handle this.” She shoos me off after she finishes applying the tourniquet and takes over the pressure.

I begin looking around the store I find a few bandages but not the kind for keeping wounds shut. I get back in time to see Takashi scream as a hot piece of metal is used on his thigh.

“Damn looks like he will need to be off that leg for a while.”

I arrive with some bandages and coagulants.

“Yes, though that would happen no matter how we handled this. Because of the burn though we are going to have to reopen the wound later to dig out the bullet, there is also a higher chance of infection.” Damn okay I guess we need to collect a lot more stuff here but at least hes not in critical condition.

Takashi screams again as Sazuka just casually pours alcohol on his thigh without warning.

“Sazuka please be a bit more careful with him!” Rei is on his side with tears in her eyes.

Samada is going through the pockets of the fat guy.

“Hey! I found some keys that probably go to the back room. Wanna see what hes got back there while they look over Takashi?” he gestures to the back door to the storage room. We found the door before but couldn’t get inside.

“Yeah, lets block the entrance up first though just in case of any other wannabe troubles. There was also the gun shot before so zombies might start making their way here.” Looking at the gun I got from the fat guy. It looks a lot like the gun from the police cruiser so it’s likely another officer’s weapon. I wonder if he was a cop or if he just got it off of one.

We close the front up dragging a shelf over to block the door.

“Um I want to come too” Taniuchi speaks up behind us.

“Hmm sure bring the duffle bag too just in case theres a lot of good stuff” I watch as she lugs it around. Theres already a good amount of stuff in there. We make our way to the back after checking in on the others again seeing that everything’s fine still we open the back door.

Inside… It’s a horror show.

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