《Splintered Soul》Chapter 13 HSOTD Part 12: ....Weasel


As the weasel keeps smiling at me expecting me to either hand over leadership of all these students or cause a big scene I can’t help but just groan at how stupid this situation is.

“Hmm how about no. Your free to leave though if you’d like. Though everyone should be aware Saeko and I are likely the strongest fighters here. So, if you want safety, it would be much better around us.”

“Why do you assume Saeko will stay with you? After all she must recognize that you may be a little out of your dep-“The weasel stops his words as a Damascus steel blade with the engraving “To my love Saeko happy 4th anniversary love Haru!” written along the side of the guard.

“Ah, well. Um” Mr. Weasel doesn’t have much of a response to that swallowing and slowly backing away as the bumpy road could lead to an ‘unfortunate’ accident.

The weasel sits in the back for a while as we watch the roads go by.

“HEY WHATS THE BIG IDEA!” a larger teenager with muscles spray on tan and blond dyed hair in the back starts stirring a ruckus.

“YO I’M Tsunoda, but seriously why are we headed into the city? It’s stupid we should have like waited at the school and holed up for a while or something not whatever this shit is.” he moves up the isle trying to get up near Shizuka until me and Takashi get in the way.

“Uh I agree I thin we should have been barricaded up for a while the city seems dangerous” says another guy from weasels’ group that’s short with spiky hair and glasses.

“IT just seems like a STUPID PLAN to go there like what the hell are you dumb or something HARU?” Mr. Blondjob Tsunoda seems to be wanting to cause a scene. -sigh-

“Oh, and whats your plan? Tsunoda right? What do you propose we do other then head towards where the supplies are and potentially leave this zombie infested area of Japan. The news had a bridge separating the zombie infested area from a none infested area if we can cross it we can get to safety.” Saeko says while quietly cleaning her new blade never looking up to meet his gaze.

“I mean I uh I just…” Obviously not having put much thought into his case. Until his eyes light up in frustration. “I JUST HATE THIS GUY YOU KNOW!” He wildly points his finger at me.

“Why? I don’t even go to your school?” I cant honestly say I’ve probably never met him before in my life. I mostly just hung around the Kendo club room whenever I was at this school.

“Oh, you know, you uppity piece of shit you think your better than us all? Better then me? Huh?” he begins poking towards me accusingly. With a mocking smile now asking for me to retaliate to prove himself right or something? Either that or he doesn’t think I actually will retaliate…dumbass.

“Better then everyone here? No. Better then you? Most definitely.” I grab his poking finger and bend if backwards. He immediately begins to fold to the ground.

“OWOWOWWOW STOOOP STOP YOU BITCH FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!” I have a firm grip on his finger and a lot of the other people on the bus are looking on in surprise from the violence.

“So, are you going to give up and leave now? Because we don’t need pieces of trash like you in our group. IF you’re going to start a conflict, be prepared to deal with the consequences.” I ease up on twisting his finger but I still maintain my hold.


“You son of a bitch, I’ll I’ll kill YOU” He begins trying to move up and forms a fist with his other hand, but I raise my foot up and press down on his face knocking him back dislocating his finger. He starts rolling on the ground in pain as his finger is very obviously bent in the wrong direction.

“Bravo bravo, solving every little problem with violence. See everyone! This is why you need a proper adult as a leader.” Mr. weasel comes up from the back with a shit eating grin. Oh, okay so this was his aim. Auntie still hasn’t stood up for herself but seems to be deferring to me on this.

“I mean I don’t solve everything with violence I didn’t even break his finger it’s just dislocated. I can easily reset it. But hes out of the group, that’s just a given. If you’d like Mr.Weasel you can take him with you to start your own?” I offer him enjoying the flare of anger on his face when I call him Mr.Weasel again.

I point at the man on the floor “I’m sure people will just love to be in a group with a man that’s first reaction to someone is random hate. I know nothing about them, nor have I ever met them, but they still came at me like I insulted their parents. I should know I remember faces well.” Hinting at it being a ploy I see a few gears turning in peoples’ heads.

“Besides, I offered to let him leave before he became aggressive. What would you have done differently?” I challenge him he backs up slightly at my accusations before steeling himself.

“First of all, my name is Shido or Teacher not ‘weasel’. Secondly, obviously I would listen to what woes him and do my best to perform better! We need a leader that will listen and help with love~ and fairness not hatred and violence.” He dramatically spins and gestures to everyone to draw their attention to him as he says all of this a few of the people he brought with him from his track team are nodding with him.

“Just like you did with kid that sprained his ankle on his way to the bus? You kicked his face in for mildly inconveniencing you, I was already drawing all the zombies away. Yeah, great leader material.” He scowls for a moment at me for pointing out how he was willing to leave behind one of them. At this point I see some confliction on the faces of the girls that were part of Weasels group.

“Hmm how about we put it to a vote then hmm? That sounds like the fairest thing to do right? Afterall, you lead your group to success and I lead mine to salvation. However, I have the maturity of experience on my hands so I’m sure these students will choose whats best for them~” he turns to look at the students in the back of the bus.

“You realize that even if you’re a teacher I would sooner listen to My Auntie Ikara first, right? She may have stayed silent through this but you havnt even acknowledged her existance yet. Why is that huh? Afraid that it invalidates your only real claim?” I gesture towards the other teacher in the bus that’s been ignored this whole time by Shida.

“I’ve stayed silent until now because I have no real say in this. I will stand by Haru and you are a vile man Mr.Shida I heard rumors about you in the teachers lounge and from some of the students. I feel if you were to lead us then perhaps most of the women here would be much safer elsewhere.” Auntie finishing what she needed to say sits and looks back out the window. Rei looks happy at aunties comment while Shida seems to snarl.


“Ah but she isnt a real teacher! This…This BITCH doesn’t even know what a proper leader is! She hasn’t worked with many students towards a proper goal in years! She teaches the younger students in the mornings and table tennis which isnt even a real sport. That doesn’t give her the ability to lead adults. Nor would it give her the ability to identify a good leader.” Shida over dramatically moves his arms around again while glaring at Auntie who doesn’t even turn to look at him. He crossed the line though he called Auntie a bitch and that just won’t stand.

Moving up to Shida I glare at him and put the Bokken to his neck. Not very threatening considering its not sharp but still a gesture of the threat it poses. Saeko also stops sharpening her blade and looks up. “Alright how about you get off the bus before I make you. I already know you’re a lying weasel and you should all know; he will toss you to the side in a second to save his own skin. I ran out there and lured the zombies away so that not only would my group make it to the bus but yours as well. Since you were making so much noise it would have drawn the hordes towards you. So, while he claims he saved you hes really just prettying up that he didn’t fail you completely thanks to our help. And no one I MEAN NO ONE will call anyone I care about that. Auntie raised me when she didn’t have to. If you’re going to disrespect her right in front of me? Be thankful that I’m not a violent leader or you would be kicked off with a whole lot less then you will be.” I turn to Shizuka who’s been driving this whole time and has been consistently more frustrated at everything.

“Shizuka stop the bus.” She looks at me briefly then starts to slowly brake.

The bus comes to a halt.

I look around to the other students in the bus. “All in favor of leaving the bus with Mr. Weasel here in the middle of the highway? Because he may claim leadership of his own group, but the bus was something we acquired. So, its only fair that as leader of his group he should find his own.” Noticing most people pretending like nothing is happening and just looking out the windows. I look back the weasel with a slight smile on my face.

“rrrrrrg don’t make fun of Mr.Shida!” Muscle jerk gets up off the floor and attempts to punch me but hes not exactly trained for much for all his muscles are impressive they don’t mean much when you’re not efficient. Thanks to my increased speed and mental speed I have plenty of time to move my bokken in the way of his face and jab with it. Shattering several of his teeth as his head whips back. He falls to the ground in a heap of blood oozing from his mouth and moaning.

“Ah looks like you have your first volunteer to go with you Mr.Weasel. Any other takers? I promise I won’t attack unless you attempt to attack me first~” the rest of the people on the bus watch in stunned silence as I lift the muscled man and toss him off the bus. Shido looks back at the girls in the back as if to encourage them to come along as well but when they don’t his face is filled with disappointment.

He turns back to me. “Uh y-you can be reasonable right Um Haru? You’re a uh man of taste after all” he looks at Saeko. “I’m sure you would agree that the powerful should have the benefit of sampling the different tastes when they want. Together we can lead this group into the next ERA you and me at the top!” He keeps staring at Saeko, Auntie and Shizuka each time he mentions something about sampling and taste. Disgusting pervert.

“Yeah, no get the hell off the bus now before I make you. Don’t make weird comments about taste and my girlfriend or my family or the teacher and insinuating we are in any ways alike.” I start slowly counting down from 30.

“But but but my father is a very important man. I’m sure that when he finds out that I am here he will send someone to come find me.” He reveals a shit eating grin.

“Mr. Shido your father is a member of the council my parents are head chairmen of. I assure you if they will send for anyone it will be me.” Saya responds coldly.

A further strained smile appears on his face as he continues to ignore my countdown probably not thinking I’d actually go through with it. Despite proving with the other guy that I’m willing to.

As my count down finally reaches 0, I smile and move up to him. “Alright I warned you.” I begin kicking him until he gets off. The only one that joined him besides the blond-haired guy was the one that wanted to hole up somewhere he got off after the talk of sampling and other such nonsense so hes probably not the greatest of people. The girls realized that their best chance of survival was with us so they stay here but they do have complicated expressions from the window seats.

I move up next to Shizuka “Alright let’s go.” She turns off the brake and we start to drive off. The weasel man starts cussing up a storm as we travel further away, calling the girls that left his group traitor little sluts, filth and not worthy of cleansing. As we watch his form shrink in the distance karma seemingly strikes. He is so engrossed in yelling at us he fails to realize that the zombies are attracted by sound. A herd of them are making their way towards their group, two of them are not fighters and the only one that could probably fight is knocked out cold from my hit before.

This probably wont end well for them. Oh well.

“Well, who else is glad you didn’t join him?” I speak allowed.

The rest of the people that we rescued raise their hands. Slowly as if looking for confirmation that it’s what I wanted. Sigh… not exactly how I wanted to lead but I’m sure they will turn around when they realize it was a good idea.

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