《Fall of a Civilization - Modern Apocalypse》Chapter 21.5: Exams again. (I know.... I'm sorry)


So... I know I said ill be back in 15 days, but the exam department just decided to extend the exam for 10 more days for no reason other than maybe due to the dangers of covid in our state which continues rising for some reason. (Get your shit together people!)

and I know that I promised a chapter in hand on the 7th of October but please bear for a few more days as this exam might decide my entire life and its path.

a lot of money, tuition, and time is riding on this but I'll understand if you decide to not follow this story anymore, but I will be extremely thankful if you do.

Again thank you for reading my story.

And now for the obligatory word spam for this to be counted as a chapter. (Might also just wanna take a peek as it may have a clue inside *Wink*)

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Rick Rolled

Will never give you up

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