《Jack and Jill Conquer the Shattered World》90: Party Hearty


It’s been a few weeks since Jack and I had our little tete-a-tete with the Director of the Division of Cosmic Artifice(the DCA). Since then we’ve had some additional back and forth between the DCA and ourselves. Thus far things were looking promising. The two Directors Kaylan looked like they'd be okay bosses. The terms and benefits offered with our contracts, both the contract that covered our Empty-Dream’s partnership with the DCA, and the contract covering our employment with the DCA, were beyond generous.

On top of all this, our friends from the Shattered World had finally finished adjusting to life as immortals. They’d already called us up, and/or crossed the not-so-long distance between our residences to say howdy. This made for two sets of extremely good news in a short span of time, which Jack and I felt was enough justification to throw a little party.

We actually threw two parties. There was one big party that our friends and allies could use to introduce themselves to the Shattered Heavens’ community of powerhouses. Then Jack and I threw a smaller, private, party made up of our friends and closest allies. Being as asocial as I am, I don’t think it’d be a hard guess for most to figure out which party I enjoyed more.


“Wait, wait, wait...Let me get this straight. While we were all sick as dogshit you went and got into bed with the most powerful group in our slice of the cosmos?” said Trefor.

“Yup!... That’s what they said, man. These freaking guys went and joined up with the Division and by extension the House of Antipodes,” said Alina. Smiling as she took a sip of the tea in her cup.

“And well, if you guys want I guess that means that the Empty-Marketplace and the Forest of Life and Death can become affiliated with the Division as well…” said Jack. Running her finger along the tip of one of her horns.


“Tch, this brat...Dangling a deal like that in front of us...Are you sure your surname is Calloway and not something more sinister?” laughed Yang Shichao, the sect’s former sect-master, and current senior-most ancestor in terms of influence.

“So? Is that a yes or a no?” said Jack. Just smiling. One brow arched.

“I think it’s safe to say the answer is yes...If its a choice between our sect being swallowed up and used and abused by one of the myriad established factions of the Shattered Heavens, or our sect getting to keep its dignity in service of ‘the’ most powerful faction of this region of the cosmos...then the answer was always going to be yes,” said Fang Wei. Tossing a fresh and fragrant shrimp roll into his mouth. Looking a lot less high-strung after not only attaining immortality but seeing nearly the entire sect attain immortality.

“Pigeons and chickens can’t survive in this sky, so if we’re going to end up amidst the tailfeathers of some grand bird, we best choose one with the largest wings and the best grooming habits,” said Hong Mirae. Speaking sagaciously while looking just a bit tipsy from all the wine she’d drank.

“Well said, junior,” said Yang Shichao. Pouring some wine for himself from the many offerings on the table that sat between the ground.


Elsewhere in the Shattered Heavens, another group of “young” immortals was meeting up for drinks and conversation. Veselko of the Coweb-Labyrinthe set down brought some herbs that he’d grown himself and had been looking forward to making tea with. Yuval of the Endless Banquet thanked her staff as they brought the table snacks and wine, of a more normal sort because she knew from experience that Veselko’s homegrown party-favors could be “temperamental” at the best, and catastrophic at the worst.


“So...Did you hear the big news?” said Dilshad of the Drowning Euphoria. The green-haired, purple-eyed, goddess of delirium and intoxication was probably the only one of their group present who was looking forward to trying Veselko’s tea. Everyone else at the table had quickly learned to avoid letting the fae-prince turn them into his guinea pigs.

“Oh, you mean about the bloody DCA stepping in and sweeping up that Empty-Dream and our two new friends? Yeah, it’s been all that anyone’s been talking about for the last couple of months…” said Xia Jianjun, Devil-King of the Broken Blades. A transcendental mortal turned devil, who'd joined their group recently.

“Well, I guess that makes sense, I know a lot of the old-timers in the Shattered-Star pantheon were mighty disappointed at having that potential ‘opportunity’ swept out of their grasp,” said Garvan of the Northern-Flame. The muscular, orange-skinned, fire god licked a spoonful of half-melted moon-peach sherbet off a gleaming silver spoon.

“Heh, the old cranks in the Lost-Moon pantheon weren’t exactly pleased either…” chuckled Dilshad. Her purple eyes dilated a little after she took a sip of Veselko’s tea.

“Why was the DCA so quick to snap those newcomers up anyway...It almost feels a little unfair,” said Xia Jianjun. Brow furrowed, as he considered filling his cup with Veselko’s tea and then wisely chose to pour some tea from the normal pot that Yuval’s people had set on the table.

“Well, this is the heavenly realm...and we’re not mortals...There’s basically none of the rules, regulations, myriad cosmic barriers, prices, and entanglements that we immortals would have to worry about if we were considering directly meddling around with events and people in the mortal world...In which case, if we’re all supposed to be as powerful and knowledgeable as we claim to be...and they’re supposed to be even more powerful and knowledgeable than us...why the hell wouldn’t they jump on that shit if it’s as big and potentially dangerous, as it initially seemed to be,” said Dilshad.

“Huh...True enough, I guess,” said Xia Jianjun.

“Hm, anyway, look on the bright side…” said Yuval. Taking a bite out of a fried sea-monster fritter.

“Bright side? What bright side?” said Garvan. Giving Yuval a curious look.

“The Immortals Calloway sent a little letter the other day that more or less implies that the DCA hasn’t stopped them from keeping their other associations. Apparently, they’d like to know when the next time we’ll be meeting is,” said Yuval.

That brought silence to the table. Garvan’s scowl grew several levels lighter. Dilshad cackled as she poured herself another cup full of Veselko’s stomach-turning, mind-bending, tea.

“Fuck!...Now that right there is some very interesting news! Way to bury the lead, girl,” laughed Dilshad.

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